

Samantha Marquez thought she had found true love in the person of Xander. They were in a relationship for years, and those years were filled with happiness and sweet moments. She was cherished and loved. But one day, everything changed when Xander began neglecting her and picking fights over small things. Until one night, she caught her boyfriend kissing another woman. Filled with pain and anger, she got drunk. But what if in that moment, she met a man who would become the reason why she did something she shouldn't have done? She tried to avoid him, but he sought her out! She tried to forget him, but he remembered her! Because of that one night, Samantha Marquez's life changed.

dyosagardo387 · perkotaan
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18 Chs


Life had been pretty calm since my family and I moved to Manila due to my parents' transfer to the main factory they worked at in the province. It was a significant adjustment, leaving behind the familiarity of our old life, but we adapted quickly, and I even managed to reconnect with my high school best friend, Xander, who had also moved to the city.

Xander and I had been best friends since high school, and over the years, our friendship grew into something more. He became my boyfriend, and my parents trusted him completely, believing he would always have my best interests at heart.

But then, one day, everything changed.

Xander started showing odd behavior. He quickly became annoyed over little things and started yelling at me, something he had rarely done before. It was like a switch had been turned on, and the kind, caring boyfriend I knew and loved seemed to disappear before my eyes.

I couldn't understand what was happening to him. Was it stress from work? Or perhaps something deeper was bothering him? Whatever it was, it was tearing us apart, and I felt helpless to stop it.

I tried talking to Xander, asking him what was wrong and how I could help, but he brushed me off, claiming everything was fine. But it wasn't fine, and deep down, I knew it. The distance between us grew, and it felt like we were drifting further and further apart with each passing day.

One evening, My heart dropped as I read Joan's text, the words searing into my mind like hot coals. She had seen Xander in a popular bar, but what she described next was devastating. My thoughts raced, unwilling to accept what I was about to witness.

With shaky hands, I made my way to the bar, my steps burdened with fear. I pushed through the busy room, my heart racing in my chest as I looked for any trace of Xander.

And then I saw him.

There he was, in the corner of the bar, wrapped in a passionate embrace with another woman. My anger surged as I observed them, their lips locked in a fervent kiss, unaware of their surroundings.

Anger flooded through me like a tidal wave, overpowering any sense of reason. Without hesitation, I marched towards them, my sight blurred with rage.

I reached the woman first, my hands lashing out to grab her hair in a fit of anger. Eula, as I later found out her name to be, tried to step in, but I ignored her. All I could see was Jacob, the man I believed I knew, betraying me in the most painful way imaginable.

The next moment, I found myself on the floor, looking up at Xander in shock. His expression was distant and strange, a sharp difference from the warmth and love I had once seen in his eyes.

"Stop causing a scene and leave! I don't even recognize you!" His words pierced me like a blade, destroying the hopes I had once wished for both of us.

I felt a surge of anger rise within me, fueled by betrayal and hurt. How could he deny knowing me after everything we had been through? How could he stand there, defending his actions as if they meant nothing?

"You don't recognize me? Really!" I yelled, my voice filled with emotion. "How dare you! You've got some guts! If I were you, Girl I wouldn't lower myself to the standards of men like him! What a shame, you're still attractive but naive!"

My words echoed in the bar, catching the attention of the other customers. I didn't mind. All I could concentrate on was the intense pain in my chest, the sting of betrayal blazing like a fire inside me.

As Xander and Eula stood there, glaring at me, I understood that I had been foolish to the truth all along. Xander wasn't the man I believed him to be, and I deserved far better than this.

In my deep sadness, I turned to alcohol to numb my pain, hoping it would help me forget the heartbreak I was feeling. With each drink, I felt a growing desire to escape from the harsh reality that had destroyed me.

In the alcohol state, a voice cut through and brought me back. I looked at the stranger next to me, finding comfort and curiosity. We talked, swapping stories and laughter that briefly eased my grief. It was a short break from the pain, a momentary getaway from the inner turmoil.

Desire consumed us, and before we knew it, we were locked in a passionate hug, our bodies intertwined in a moment of intense longing. The lines between right and wrong blurred, and the results of our actions became less important. The night swept us along, and we ended up in bed, naked and caught up in the intensity of the moment.

The next morning, as sunlight streamed through the curtains, reality hit me like a wave. I woke up suddenly, my heart racing with regret and confusion. My eyes widened as I saw the stranger lying next to me, their face unfamiliar in the bright daylight.

Panic rushed over me as I understood the seriousness of the situation. Fear of being discovered, fear of dealing with the aftermath of my actions, gripped me tightly. I knew I had to go, to avoid the awkwardness and the embarrassment.

With shaking hands, I collected my things, being careful not to wake the sleeping stranger. I crept towards the door, my steps quiet as I tried to leave unnoticed.Guilt and disgust filled me as I carried the weight of my actions.

As I shut the door behind me, I breathed in deeply, the cold morning air sending shivers down my spine. I moved away, my heart burdened with remorse and a strong desire to forget the memory of that night. The unknown stranger would always be a haunting reminder of my vulnerabilities and the suffering I had tried to evade.