

Samantha Marquez thought she had found true love in the person of Xander. They were in a relationship for years, and those years were filled with happiness and sweet moments. She was cherished and loved. But one day, everything changed when Xander began neglecting her and picking fights over small things. Until one night, she caught her boyfriend kissing another woman. Filled with pain and anger, she got drunk. But what if in that moment, she met a man who would become the reason why she did something she shouldn't have done? She tried to avoid him, but he sought her out! She tried to forget him, but he remembered her! Because of that one night, Samantha Marquez's life changed.

dyosagardo387 · perkotaan
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18 Chs



Late at night, I couldn't sleep and felt restless. I called my mom because I knew she'd be awake to listen and comfort me, like she always does.

When she answered, I felt better hearing her voice. We chatted briefly before she asked how I was doing, as she always does.

"How are you, dear?" she asked, sounding genuinely caring. "Are you doing okay? Is everything fine?"

I told her, like I always do, that I was okay, that I was handling things fine by myself. But she kept asking, gently checking until she was sure I was managing well being away from home.

Once she knew I was okay, we talked about the family. We chatted about how they're doing, their latest updates, and the usual details of home life. But soon, we started talking about grandpa.

"How's Dad doing, dear?" Mom asked, sounding worried. "Is he working too hard? If he is, you should tell him because it's not good for him."

I paused for a moment, thinking about how to tell her what I noticed without making her too anxious. Grandpa had always been strong for us, never wavering in his dedication to taking care of our family. But recently, I felt like he was working too much, like his duties were becoming too heavy for him.

"That's what I wanted to tell you," I started, my words coming out quickly. "We nearly argued earlier because I learned that Grandpa is still working at the pineapple farm."

My mom exclaimed in surprise, "What?!" she said, sounding shocked. "Oh dear, that stubborn old man! He just won't quit his work, will he? And what did you tell him? Did you say he shouldn't be working so much at his age?"

There was a sudden gasp on the other end of the line, followed by a series of curses whispered by Mom. It was obvious that she felt the same frustration about Grandpa's stubbornness, his unwillingness to listen to our worries about his health.

"I knew it. " she sighed, her voice filled with both worry and frustration. "Your Grandpa can be really stubborn. But he has to look after himself, especially as he's getting older."

I sighed, feeling the burden of responsibility on me once more. "I said today's his last day harvesting at the pineapple farm," I confessed, my voice full of resignation. "Next time, he'll just have to oversee things. He has to take it easy, Mom. He's not as young as before."

There was a pause on the other end as Mom thought about what I said, realizing the seriousness of the situation. I could almost imagine her frowning as she thought about what it meant for Grandpa to keep working as he got older.

"He's fine, Mom," I continued, picking my words carefully. "But I think he might be doing too much. He's been working long hours, and I can see how tired he looks."

"That's good, dear," Mom said, her voice easing with relief. "It's time someone made him understand. We can't let him tire himself out like this."

I agreed, even though she couldn't see me. Grandpa had always been very independent, not wanting to admit when he needed help or when he was overdoing it. It was something that both annoyed and warmed us, a stubbornness that came from love and a sense of responsibility.

"I'll speak with him, Mom," I assured her, determined. "I'll let him know we're all here for him, and he doesn't have to handle everything alone."

"That's good to hear, dear," my mother replied, her voice filled with a mix of relief and concern. "That man, your grandfather, he really is something. Always causing us to worry. But now, your father and I need to get some sleep. We have an early day tomorrow. You should also get some rest, dear, and take care of yourself. And don't forget to keep an eye on those two old folks."

"Yes, Mom, I will," I promised, my voice was soft with sincerity.

"Oh, and another thing," my mother chimed in, her tone changing a bit. "Have you begun hunting for a job there yet?"

I paused briefly, feeling the burden of not having a job weighing me down. "I guess I'll begin my search tomorrow," I responded, attempting to sound more assured than I actually felt.

"That's good, it'll give you something to do," she said, offering her support in her usual gentle manner. "Okay, I'll let you go now. Get some sleep after this."

"Okay, Mom, good night, I love you both," I said, the words carrying the depth of my affection for them.

"We love you too, dear," she replied, her voice warm and comforting. "Take care of yourself."

After hanging up with Mom, a feeling of coziness enveloped me. It was comforting to talk to her, knowing she cared about me. Glancing at the clock, I realized it was getting late. Tomorrow would come early, and I needed to get some rest.

Lying on the bed, I let my mind wander while staring at the ceiling. The day's events were replayed in my head like a movie, especially the sight of Grandpa in the pineapple farm. He was quite the character, unstoppable in his own way. But keeping him safe mattered most, even if it meant tough choices.

Just as I was starting to doze off, my phone rang, startling me. I checked the screen and saw it was Nicole calling. Nicole, my lifelong friend, always seemed to call at just the right moment. I picked up, excited to chat and tell her about my day.

"Nicole, for the love of all that is holy, could you please lower your volume?" I winced, holding the phone away from my ear.

"Oh, oops! But I just had to tell you something," Nicole's replied, her voice still filled with excitement.

Taking a deep breath to calm my frayed nerves, I replied, "Okay, what is it? And please, no more shouting."

"Okay, okay, relax. So, remember that guy you were with last week? The really good-looking one?" Nicole's voice was practically buzzing with excitement.

I frowned, trying to remember the moment she was talking about. "You mean Xander?" I asked, sounding doubtful.

"No, not Xander! The other one. The one you kept secret from me!" Nicole's exclaimed, her tone accusatory.

My brow furrowed in confusion. "I haven't been dating anyone else, Nicole. Are you sure you're not mistaken?" I questioned, growing increasingly puzzled by her insistence.

Nicole huffed in frustration. "Well, he's here looking for you, so I replied and told him where you are now," she declared matter-of-factly.

My heart skipped a beat at her revelation, my mind racing to make sense of the situation. "What? Who's looking for me?" I asked, my voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and disbelief.

"Your boyfriend, obviously!" Nicole replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Nicole, what's going on? Who's this guy you claim is my boyfriend?" I asked, sounding frustrated.

Nicole paused for a moment before letting out a big sigh. "Okay, I might have assumed too quickly. He didn't actually say he was your boyfriend, but he was asking about you, so I just thought..." Her voice trailed off unsurely.

I sighed in frustration, rubbing my forehead. "Wait, you thought some random guy looking for me was my boyfriend?" I asked, amazed.

"Well, now that you say it that way, it does seem a bit ridiculous," Nicole admitted shyly.

"Nicole, thanks for caring, but I don't need you to set me up with someone. If this guy likes me, he can find me on his own," I said firmly, feeling determined.

"Okay, okay, I'll leave it alone. But I gotta say, he was really good-looking," Nicole teased, unable to resist getting in one last jab before hanging up.

Shaking my head at my best friend's antics, I couldn't help but laugh despite the silliness of it all. Even though the situation was crazy, it was nice to know that Nicole always supported me, even if her ways were a little strange.