

Samantha Marquez thought she had found true love in the person of Xander. They were in a relationship for years, and those years were filled with happiness and sweet moments. She was cherished and loved. But one day, everything changed when Xander began neglecting her and picking fights over small things. Until one night, she caught her boyfriend kissing another woman. Filled with pain and anger, she got drunk. But what if in that moment, she met a man who would become the reason why she did something she shouldn't have done? She tried to avoid him, but he sought her out! She tried to forget him, but he remembered her! Because of that one night, Samantha Marquez's life changed.

dyosagardo387 · perkotaan
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18 Chs



As we walked through the lovely streets of town, Kent showed me various places and reminisced about our past. It helped take my mind off job hunting and getting used to the new surroundings.

Eventually, we reached his car, and he said he wanted me to meet his dad. Despite his friendly smile, I felt a bit nervous in my stomach. Meeting parents was always a bit scary, especially meeting the father of a good friend.

And while on the journey, I prayed that I would be accepted so that I would have something to occupy myself with while staying here in the province.

"Hey, calm down," Kent's voice cut through the quiet tension in his car, his tone comforting. "I'm sure my dad will accept you as long as you show what you can do."

I agreed, thankful for his support, but the feeling of worry in my stomach didn't go away. Even though he was sure, I still felt nervous about meeting his father. What if I didn't impress him? What if I messed up or didn't meet his standards?

I looked at him, feeling both nervous and determined. "I got this," I murmured to myself, trying to calm my pounding heart.

Kent parked the car, and we both got out onto the sidewalk. The building in front of us was big and impressive, its shiny glass reflecting the busy city. It was his dad's company's main office, where I'd get to show what I can do.

"We're Here." Kent said, his voice steady but with a hint of excitement. I took a deep breath, feeling a rush of energy. This was the moment I'd been waiting for, my opportunity to show what I can do and leave a mark.

As we walked in, my heart, which had been calm, suddenly started racing. The reception area was stylish and modern, with shiny floors and fancy furniture.

"Your dad's company is so big, Kent. I didn't know you were this rich," I said in amazement as we entered his father's company headquarters.

Kent chuckled, looking humble. "It's not me who's rich, it's them," he said, pointing to the busy activity around us.

I couldn't help but admire the stylish, modern design of the building, with its tall glass walls and shiny marble floors. It was very different from the cozy vibe of the small town I was used to.

"Hey, soon it'll be yours too, so don't be afraid to be proud of your family's money," I encouraged, feeling his hesitation to recognize the advantage of his background.

Kent gave me a thankful smile, his eyes showing both pride and modesty. "Thanks, but let's not jump to conclusions," he said, sounding a bit unsure.

As we entered the fancy lobby of Kent dad's company headquarters, I noticed the woman at the tall desk right away. She looked very professional, standing up straight and smiling warmly as she welcomed us.

"Morning, sir. What can I do for you?" she said, looking at Kent and giving me a quick look, probably wondering why the boss's son was with me.

Kent nodded in response, staying calm. "Is my dad here?" he asked casually, but his question was important.

The receptionist smiled more, showing she knew who we were. "Your dad's still in a meeting, sir, but he'll be out soon. Can I help with anything?" she asked politely and professionally.

Kent shook his head, looking around the big lobby. "No, that's fine. Can we wait for him inside?" he asked.

Kent took me to the elevator, and we got in. The doors shut, and we were surrounded by silence, waiting. I took another deep breath, telling myself to stay calm and collected.

The receptionist agreed, giving kent a visitor's pass quickly. "Sure, sir. Please sit down and relax. I'll tell Mr. Gomez you're waiting," she said, then went back to her computer.

Kent led me to his father's office, walking with confidence. When we arrived at the door, he looked at me with encouragement. "You can do it," he whispered, his voice full of confidence.

With one last nod, I breathed in deeply and pushed the door open. The room was big and very tidy, with a big desk in the middle. Behind it sat a man who seemed very in charge, looking at us closely.

"Sit down," Kent said, his voice soft as he pointed to a comfortable couch. I agreed silently, easing onto the cozy cushions as I admired the classy room. The atmosphere exuded elegance, and I started to feel a bit nervous.

While looking around, I was interrupted by the door opening. An old man walked in, instantly catching everyone's attention with his confident demeanor. He was accompanied by a tall, attractive young man radiating charisma and confidence.

The young man seemed familiar, and I tried to remember where I'd seen him. Our eyes met briefly, and I saw a glimmer of recognition in his gaze. I was sure we'd met before, i just can't remember it.

"Oh, son, it's you!" the elderly man exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine joy and surprise. "What brings you here? It's a miracle to have you visit! And who is this beautiful girl beside you?" he continued, turning his attention towards me with a warm smile that eased away my tension.

I smiled back shyly, thankful to Kent for his warm introduction. Despite my inner doubts, his comforting presence encouraged me to confront this surprising meeting with confidence.

"Dad, she's Samantha Marquez," Kent said proudly. "She's here for a job, and I mentioned you needed a temporary secretary, so I brought her. Is that alright, dad?"

The man's eyes sparkled with comprehension as he listened to Kent, a grin appearing on his face. "Sure thing, son. I'm always glad to meet new people, especially someone as nice as

Samantha" he said, his voice friendly and inviting.

As I stood there, hearing Kent's dad happily agree to Kent's suggestion of hiring me as his secretary, a wave of nostalgia washed over me. The way he talked, the sparkle in his eye; reminisce the memories of my own father.

Kent's dad, with his friendly grin and lively aattitude, reminded me of my father in numerous ways. They shared this captivating charisma that put everyone at ease. It just made me miss my dad, particularly because I hadn't seen him in a while.

"Sure, son. I'd happily take her on as my secretary. If she's up for it, she can begin right away," he said, his words eliciting a genuine smile from me. It was comforting to witness his warm reception of Samantha.

"By the way, this is Tristan Buenaventura," Kent's dad continued, motioning to the young man next to him. "He's my business partner. Initially, his father was meant to be my partner, but as he's aging, he handed over the company's management to his son."

"And Mr. Buenaventura, this is my son Kent Jendry Gomez, and..." Kent's dad paused, turning towards me and prompting me to introduce myself. I did so promptly, extending my hand towards her in a friendly gesture.

"I'm Samantha Marquez, nice to meet you, Mr. Buenaventura," I said with a polite smile, my eyes briefly meeting his before returning to Kent's dad.

Tristan's eyes met mine as he shook my hand, and at that instant, something stirred inside me. There was a sense of recognition in his gaze, a hint of familiarity that sent a chill down my spine. It felt like we'd met before, but I couldn't pinpoint where or when. His smirk only added to the mystery, causing me to pause for a moment, unsure how to respond.

"Nice to meet you at last, Ms. Marquez," Tristan said with a mischievous tone, his smirk widening, and his eyes showing a hint of familiarity that made me uneasy. "Finally."

As the moment passed, I quickly composed myself, pushing aside my unease and focusing on the present. This meeting was an opportunity to showcase my skills and professionalism, and I couldn't let any distractions hinder my performance.

"The pleasure is mine, Mr. Buenaventura," I replied, staying professional. "I look forward to working with you and Kent in the company."