

Samantha Marquez thought she had found true love in the person of Xander. They were in a relationship for years, and those years were filled with happiness and sweet moments. She was cherished and loved. But one day, everything changed when Xander began neglecting her and picking fights over small things. Until one night, she caught her boyfriend kissing another woman. Filled with pain and anger, she got drunk. But what if in that moment, she met a man who would become the reason why she did something she shouldn't have done? She tried to avoid him, but he sought her out! She tried to forget him, but he remembered her! Because of that one night, Samantha Marquez's life changed.

dyosagardo387 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs



The wind blew through the jeepney's open windows, messing up my hair as we drove through the busy streets. I kept looking back, sure that the wind was messing with my hair. The guy next to me didn't seem bothered, his eyes closed calmly like he was used to it all.

With a tired sigh, I looked back out the jeepney window at the rushing world. The view outside became a mix of colors and shapes, making the landmarks from my childhood home fade away as we moved further.

When the jeepney stopped, we all got off and stood on the crowded sidewalk. The first thing I noticed was the strong smell of smoke from tricycles passing by, their engines starting up. It was early, and the streets weren't as busy as usual yet.

I walked through the crowd, moving around vendors and people effortlessly as I made my way to the familiar lugawan stall. The idea of hot rice porridge made my stomach growl with excitement, and I quickly sat on one of the old stools.

"Good morning, miss, what would you like?" the vendor greeted me with a big smile, already scooping hot porridge into bowls.

"I'll have champorado," I said, enticed by the sweetness of the chocolatey dish like a magnet.

As I enjoyed the champorado, I noticed the changes happening around me. The streets I knew well now showed signs of progress and growth. New buildings had appeared, shining in the sunlight. I could hear construction noise in the distance, showing how the province was growing.

I looked at the seat in front of me and saw someone already sitting there. A guy with unique features caught my eye. His bright blue hair stood out in a crowd of normal styles, and his sharp green eyes seemed mischievous. I stayed quiet, looking at his face, which reminded me of someone from my past. His features made me feel like I knew him, but I couldn't remember where from. He looked up, met my eyes, and smiled when he saw me staring at him.

"You can talk if you'd like," he said kindly. "But please don't stare at me like I owe you something." He chuckled softly, as if he found my curiosity amusing. Even his laughter felt familiar, bringing up memories from the past. Why did this stranger make me feel so much? Could we have met before?

Surprised by his reply, I finally spoke up. "I apologize," I said nervously, feeling my cheeks redden with embarrassment. "You just reminded me of someone I knew before. Your face... it feels so familiar."

He nodded, showing he understood. "That happens often," he said, with a mysterious tone. "Anyway, I'm Kent, and you must be Sam?" His last words caught me off guard. How did he know my name? It's strange! Wait, could he be the person Nicole mentioned? Did she find me? What does she want?

"How did you know my name?" I asked, sounding curious and cautious.

Kent chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with a mix of fond memories and affection. "Well, naturally, you're the friend I used to hang out with," he said, his words lingering in the air. "How could I ever forget you?.

I gasped, stunned by the revelation. Memories came rushing back, and I couldn't believe the person in front of me was my childhood friend. "Wow! Is it really you? Are you serious?" I blurted out, my voice full of surprise and joy.

Memories came back, reminding me of the fun times we had. The person in front of me was my childhood friend. We spent a lots of time together in the fields, making memories. "Oops, sorry!" I said, suddenly understanding. "I didn't know—it didn't click! How did I miss that?"

He smiled warmly. "Don't worry," he said softly. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

I agreed, feeling the weight of time passed. "Yes," I murmured, the word heavy with meaning. "It truly has."

We sit in silence for a while, feeling the reunion deeply. It felt like our souls met after a long time apart. His presence comforted me in the midst of uncertainty.

"I'm good," he said with a smile, breaking the silence. "Seeing you again after all this time makes everything better."

I blinked, trying to process his words. "You never change" I said, a smile forming despite the tears welling up. "Never changing, always there when I least expect it."

He laughed, a happy sound that erased the years apart. "Yep, some things stay the same," he said, his eyes sparkling. "But let's talk about you. How's life, Sam? What have you been doing?"

I sighed, feeling the burden of recent weeks. "Not a lot, just... tired from looking for work," I admitted, my voice weary.

Kent looked at me with concern. "Really?" he asked, sounding genuinely worried. "You're not just saying that to make me feel better, are you?"

I shook my head, giving a slight, comforting smile. "I'm telling the truth. It's been hard, but I'm handling it." I reassured him. "By the way, why don't you tell me what happened to you and why you suddenly disappeared before? Where did you go?"

"It's because we had to go to another country for my grandfather's funeral," He said, sounding a bit sad. "I meant to tell you, but everything happened so fast."

I felt guilty. While I was dealing with my own problems, I hadn't realized my friend was going through a hard time. "I'm really sorry," I said sincerely, putting a hand on their shoulder. "I didn't know. My condolences."

Kent shook his head, smiling softly. "Forget about it," he said, sounding accepting. "It's in the past. What's important is we're together again." His sad eyes turned happy, and I couldn't help but smile back. Meeting my childhood friend again filled me with a joy and comfort I hadn't known I needed.

"Hey," Kent said, sounding curious, "you said you're job hunting, right?" I nodded, glad for the shift in conversation. "Yep, but I'm feeling tired because I didn't sleep well last night," I confessed, yawning.

"Really?" I responded, surprised by his offer. "Would you be okay if I recommend you to my father's company? Coincidentally, he needs a temporary secretary because his usual one is on maternity leave."

I was surprised and grateful for his offer. "Oh, no, it's fine," I said, feeling a bit embarrassed. "It's kind of embarrassing, actually. We just met, and I'm already asking for your help. That's a lot! Plus, we've only just seen each other, so it's fine to let it go."

Kent shook his head, looking sincere. "Come on, Sam ," he said, his voice gentle but determined. "It's alright. As they say, friends help each other, right? Think of it as me making up for leaving without saying goodbye all those years ago. I really want to help, and I think you'd be perfect for the job."

I paused, unsure whether to let my pride or practicality guide me. It seemed odd to depend on someone I had only just reconnected with, but I sensed Kent offer was sincere and came from a place of true friendship.

"Alright, sure," I gave in, a slight smile forming. "I'll take your offer. I don't even know where to start looking for a job, so having a recommendation would be really helpful. Thanks, Kent."

Kent smiled, looking excited. "You won't regret, Sam ," he said confidently. "I think this job will be great for you. And don't worry, I'll make sure to speak highly of you."

"But let's eat before the porridge cools down," I proposed, changing the topic. "It would be a shame, and I'm really hungry."

Kent agreed, picking up his spoon eagerly. "Yeah, it'd be a shame to waste it."