

Samantha Marquez thought she had found true love in the person of Xander. They were in a relationship for years, and those years were filled with happiness and sweet moments. She was cherished and loved. But one day, everything changed when Xander began neglecting her and picking fights over small things. Until one night, she caught her boyfriend kissing another woman. Filled with pain and anger, she got drunk. But what if in that moment, she met a man who would become the reason why she did something she shouldn't have done? She tried to avoid him, but he sought her out! She tried to forget him, but he remembered her! Because of that one night, Samantha Marquez's life changed.

dyosagardo387 · perkotaan
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18 Chs



As the morning light crept in through the curtains, I tossed and turned in bed, unable to calm my restless mind. Nicole's words from last night echoed in my head, filling me with uncertainty and doubt.

I sighed heavily and grabbed my phone, the clock showing 5:37 a.m. Morning had arrived, but I still couldn't sleep, trapped by my emotions and unanswered questions.

I wanted to call Nicole and ask for clarity, but I felt guilty about disturbing her sleep. She needed rest without my restless thoughts bothering her.

My mind was racing, flooding me with countless questions, each more confusing than the last. "Why did she say that? How could she?" I wondered, feeling lost in my jumbled thoughts. Nicole wasn't someone to say things lightly. Yet, I had no memory of this supposed boyfriend. The frustration was intense, a constant feeling that wouldn't go away.

"Don't tell me," I muttered to myself, my voice filled with disbelief as I tried to understand Nicole's revelation. "She's talking about the guy I had a one-night stand with? Impossible!"

Just that thought made me shiver with disbelief, like a cold shock to my core. The thought that he might be looking for me left me overwhelmed with questions and uncertainties, making my head spin.

"Why would he be looking for me?" I pondered out loud, my brows furrowing in confusion as I tried to remember details from that night. "Does he even know my name? But I didn't tell him, did I? Did I?"

I couldn't recall if I had shared any personal details with him during our time together. The memory of that night was fuzzy, blurred by alcohol and desire.

"Argh! This is so frustrating!" I exclaimed, feeling more and more frustrated as I tugged at my hair in exasperation. It was like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces, and I couldn't shake the sense of unease that had come over me. I needed answers, clarity—anything to make sense of this mystery.

Taking a deep breath, I decided to set aside my racing thoughts and concentrate on the tasks ahead. Dawn was coming, and I had to get ready for my job search. I couldn't allow this unexpected twist to ruin my plans and occupy my mind completely.

With a pounding head, I left the room and went to the kitchen to make some coffee to wake myself up. I looked up and saw someone else come into the kitchen, but it was just my grandmother rubbing her eyes as she said hello.

"Oh dear, why did you wake up so early? Did you have trouble sleeping?" my grandmother asked, her voice filled with concern as she finally noticed that she wasn't alone in the room.

I gave her a weary smile, not wanting to bother her with my concerns. "I woke up early to make sure I wouldn't be late for my job search," I said, my voice tinged with tiredness. It wasn't completely true, but I didn't want to trouble her with the specifics of my sleepless night.

She tilted her head, her silver hair shining in the light like a halo. "Are you okay, dear? You seem... troubled."

I paused for a moment, uncertain about how much to share. "I... I just have a lot on my mind right now, that's all. But don't worry, I'll figure it out."

Her expression softened, a silent understanding passing between us. "Well, you know I'm always here if you need to talk."

"I know, Grandma. Thanks."

"Do you really need to look for a job, dear?" she asked, her voice gentle. "You could just help out at the pineapple farm since it's under your mom's name anyway."

I sighed, feeling both thankful and frustrated. "I'm grateful for your care, mamala," I said, using our local term of endearment for my grandmother. "But I have to handle this myself. I need to find my own path, make my own mark in the world. I have to show myself that I can succeed on my own terms. Besides, that farm was given to you by mom. It's yours to manage."

She reached out, her experience finding mine and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You've always been so independent, just like your mother. But remember, there's no shame in asking for help when you need it."

"I know, Grandma. And I promise, if things get too tough, I'll swallow my pride and ask for help."

"Alright, dear. I trust you."

I mustered a weak smile, grateful for her unwavering support. "Thanks, Grandma."

"Okay, it's up to you."

"Alright, Grandma, I'll go back to my room now to get ready to leave."

"Alright, my dear," she said, her voice gentle and reassuring. "Go ahead, and I'll get breakfast ready. Take care, and best of luck with your job search."

Leaving the cozy kitchen, I went back to my room to gather what I needed for the day. The gentle morning light peeked through the curtains, bathing the room in a warm golden hue, evoking memories of times past.

As I entered my room, I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already late, and I needed to hurry. I quickly rummaged through my closet, searching for the perfect outfit for the day. After selecting a comfortable pair of jeans and a cozy sweater, I grabbed a towel from the shelf and neatly folded it over my arm.

Carrying my clothes and towel, I left my room and shut the door. The hallway was silent, except for the gentle buzz of the air conditioning. I walked towards the bathroom, my steps echoing in the quiet corridor.

I took a fast shower, dried myself with the soft towel, enjoyed its fluffiness on my skin, looked at the mirror to fix my hair and make sure I looked good. Happy with how I looked, I grabbed my stuff and left.

"Grandma, I'll head out first," I called out, making my way towards the front door. "I need to catch the first trip of the jeep."

My grandma called after me, sounding worried and caring. "Don't you want breakfast before you go, sweetheart?" she asked, her voice soft and loving.

I stopped, thinking about what she said. I thought about getting a fast breakfast to eat while I go, but I knew I had to hurry if I wanted to catch the early ride. "No, grandma," I said firmly. "I'll grab something later if I'm hungry. Okay, I'm off now."

"Alright, be careful," my grandma said warmly, sounding worried.

Feeling sad, I walked into the busy street of the province, the loud noises making me feel small. The air smelled strongly of cooking food and fuel, reminding me of the vibrant energy of provincial life.

I headed to the closest jeepney stop, joining the crowd of people waiting on the busy sidewalk. While waiting for the first ride, my thoughts went back to what happened in the last few days.

The jeepney came, and I got on, finding a seat in the busy morning crowd. The usual province sights and sounds were all around me, making me feel at home. I looked out the window as we moved, lost in my thoughts, thinking about what was next.