
A hope in a dystopia

Communism and capitalism wage a seemingly endless battle for control. Beneath the facade of these opposing forces lies a hidden truth – an intricate web of power and manipulation, led by a secretive oligarchy clinging to feudalistic traditions. The world stands on the brink of collapse, haunted by the constant threat of a nuclear Armageddon. Will Lucian and his “twin brother” 虚字 save the world from the hands of a dystopian society? Or will the world be destroyed in a nuclear armageddon?

EIsForE · Seni bela diri
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11 Chs


7 weeks has passed,and there was William drinking water all smug. His real side has came out from it's deep slumber. A psychopathic side, that only he and Gerard Nehmer knew. The door opened and there came Gerard wearing all black.

"are you sure it was fine to let her go?"

"it's fine-" William shrugged it off as if the rape was nothing "No one knows her now. All her friends, families, and enemies are gone. Her information on the world wide web and dark web is also gone. Aaaah how powerful money really is huh?"

"Why even let her go? Why not just kill her?"

"what good would it do? Silence her already silenced voice? If she can bear my child, then it either will ally with my creations, or become its rival and fail pathetically while also giving my creations some challenge."

William sipped his cup of water peacefully again, until deciding it is time

"i'm going back see you around"

William turned around and left the abandoned warehouse while waving his hand to signal Gerard good bye

"YES! YES!!!!!"

On September 1, 2068, 18 years since the research was started. They have done it. They have made a superior being. One who has all information in the world, and one who has the best body. The first successful one. Made in facility H, and in the 4th capsule.

William began smashing the table with joy. He almost climaxed. Not wanting to waste any more time, he rushed through the floors and into facility H. One located in America. While walking, he contacted one of the researchers on facility H.

"Hello? Joseph speaking"


He hung up immediately and immediately began contacting his chairman on his phone. He waited until 3 seconds until the call was picked up"

"tell all of the facilities to terminate everything. And begin the cloning process. We have done it"

He hung up immediately and rushed for his car


He said immediately before his chauffeur could ask where he wanted to go. He arrived at the airport in less than an hour, and immediately went to one of the airport employees

"good day, how may I help you?"

A female employee greeted him. And as expected due to her training she greeted him with a smile

"I wish to speak with the manager"

He acted like a karen and showed his id to the employee. The female employee lost her composure and immediately walked away, presumably the airport manager's office. While waiting, he saw a vending machine near him. He walked towards it, scanned his id, inputted his password, and ordered a bag of chips from it. He opened the bag of potato chips and ate it silently while waiting for the manager to arrive.

It took 10 minutes for the manager to arrive

"how may I help?"


William muttered under his breath

"I would like to book the fastest plane currently. And I mean all of the plane. I'll buy all the tickets at a 10 times rate. Plus, I'll handle the refund problem"

The manager thought about what he should do. Should he accept the offer? Or should he deny it? His morals and greed conflict each other

"sir! you shouldn't. These people shouldn't have to wait a couple more hours just because of some rich guy demanding to fly peacefully"

"shut up"

William said with a hint of annoyance to his voice towards the female employee. But at the same time, he felt glad that someone who has no power spoke up against it. Regardless of that, he is still taking the plane.

" Then I'll bribe you. How does 120 quadrillion aureus sound?"

that broke the fight between his morals and greed


Both of them shake their hands in agreement. The manager showed William his card, and in return, William sent the amount he promised.

"Sir pls don't tell me you are going to do this! just take the money and ignore him!"

"I'm sorry kid, but i do have pride.-" The manager then faced William with a smile "The plane would be ready in 15 to twenty minutes."

Ironic, he has pride in completing the bargain that he was bribed in doing. But he has no pride in accepting that he took a bribe, and ot make it worse, right in front of his employee.

He arrived in America, Texas after 8 hours and 56 minutes later. Once there, he was immediately greeted by a chauffeur. And the chauffeur already knowing where he wants to go, just hit the pedals and drove to the facility.

They arrived 25 minutes later. And the moment he got there, he summoned the entire staff inside the facility. There, he began to order the staff to accelerate the aging of the fetus to become an infant already.

"Sir, wouldn't that be a waste of money? And it also risks the child from dying"

The manager of the facility argued against him. But the first sentence made William curious.

"Why do you even care about my money? And I don't care if it dies. We already have it's genes. Proceed"

He walked away and went to the room where the 4th capsule was being held, there he saw it. The only one in the room due to the fetus's that aren't him eliminated already. But for some reason, he was scared. William wasn't sure why he was scared at all. But, for some reason, it was as if he was staring at the beast., He was stored in a capsule filled with a tube connecting its belly button and surrounded by blue fluids meant to act as the liquid inside a woman's womb.

He was in a deep thought just curious on why he was feeling uncomfortable, but he went back to the real world once he was disturbed by the sounds of creaking metal. It was a wheel borrow carrying a huge capsule containing a hundred liters of brown liquid.

The workers quickly put the capsule containing nutrients to fully grow the fetus into a spot that connects it into the capsule that contains him. With a click of a button, glass descended from the ceiling and put the capsule containing him at the center.

Blue liquids that were the same as the capsule containing him quickly filled up. And in a couple of seconds, the glass panes surrounding him were removed, and as a result, the baby now has more space to grow.

The procedure has now started. The employees and William watched with awe as they see the original being formed. The fetus undergo in the stages of pregnancy that would take a couple months in seconds. And then it finished.

"1841891 step forward"

He entered the room that he was instructed to enter, there he was met with his clones that was sitting on a chair with a desk in front.

"sit here"

The instructor pointed at an empty chair, he complied easily without any complaints. They all waited until all the students in the same group had finally seated. It didn't take long.


All the students began answering the quiz almost immediately after the instructor said so. The questions ranged from science, mathematics, geopolitics, politics, philosophy, grammar, all known languages, warfare, and psychology. 450 questions, identification, and written in a single page of a long bond paper. All in a span of an hour and 30 minutes. And to make it worse, they have to write it with good handwriting and it should be ridiculously small.

'This is boring'

He thought to himself. He and the clones may have the same information and genes as him, but he is the only one to know how to fully use the information given to him. While the others, yes they may be geniuses, they can never match the original.

He suddenly heard a someone getting hit, he turned his head to his right and saw the instructor break a clone's neck due to his handwriting being "bad". It was not even that bad, just not "good enough". The clone was still alive and tried to stand up, but all it did was shake his body. But it felt nothing, it didn't feel despair, not anger, not disappointment. Just need to finish the test given to him.

He still kept trying to move, until he inevitably stopped moving.

"1841891 come to the main office"

He immediately stood up, and exited the door. Whilst walking towards the office, his eyes began scrolling everywhere to look for a weakness on the facility. It was not that he hated this facility, but rather it is because he has just learned this facility will not get him to reach his main goal, to arrive at the end.

He arrived at the door to the office, and the guard guarding the door immediately pressed the buttons for the password

'1, #, 9, 8, 0, 2, 8, 9, 9, 1, 9, 9, 6, 7, 2, 2, 9, 9, 9, 2, 3, 1, 2, 6, 7, 7, 0, 3'

He repeated the password on his mind, to help his memory in memorizing it. While he might have a photographic memory, he decided that his brain was still far too young for his photographic memory to be at its peak.

The door was opened, and he just casually went in, and there he entered the room filled with monitors everywhere. Monitors that are monitoring their every move.

"Tell me, is there a way to save this world from such a dark age? You already know what state this world is, so tell me. Is there a way to save it?"

He started at his 'father' in his eyes. They look almost the same, except that William is much older than him.

"Theoretically yes, there is a way to save it. But it really is risky. "Whoever controls the information controls the world". We just need to find a way together the masses on our side, to guarantee the generals and soldiers their safety, manipulating the market to increase inflation even more, and mass assassinations. And most importantly, we must neutralize the Soviet Union first without it causing much trouble"

"I see, you may go"

He turned around, opened the door and left the room. After he exited the room and the door was closed, William let out a smile.