
A hope in a dystopia

Communism and capitalism wage a seemingly endless battle for control. Beneath the facade of these opposing forces lies a hidden truth – an intricate web of power and manipulation, led by a secretive oligarchy clinging to feudalistic traditions. The world stands on the brink of collapse, haunted by the constant threat of a nuclear Armageddon. Will Lucian and his “twin brother” 虚字 save the world from the hands of a dystopian society? Or will the world be destroyed in a nuclear armageddon?

EIsForE · Seni bela diri
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11 Chs

Cleaning up the mess

William took over all of the research facilities. And once he took control over them, he put them into overdrive. Scientists began quitting by the hundreds due to them being overworked. It was nonsense, they were just used to not doing anything. However, William didn't care about those lazy scientists. What he wanted were the ones willing to work.

In just 2 months, they were finally successful to clone a superior being. One with capacity to have all of the intellect in the world, one with the ability to learn all of information easily. And one who is the most physically blessed.

On Febuary 25, 2067, since 16 years and 5 months after the company has been founded. They have finally succeeded in making the superior life form. Most of the scientists who have worked on the project were expecting a reward, they weren't given a reward. They were just given an another more complex assignment. As a result, half of the employees resigned.

The first life form was immediately frozen, waiting to be immediately tested the moment the research's second step is completed. And that is by transforming every single information known to mankind into electric signals. Electric signals that the brain will be forced to remember.

Funding and activity for the project was at an all time high. They were not just trying to make a way to gather information, but also to turn it into electric signals, and by making a new technology to insert information into the brain. Would the person survive tho? Even Nassau is unsure.

An adult would be guaranteed to die from the procedure, so then they decided that a fetus would be the perfect specimen. But the question is, when should they do it?

Even tho it is a dystopian world, the experiment is extremely illegal, so the scientists and engineers were forced to sign a contract prohibiting them from telling to truth for a huge sum of money, whilst also threatening the families of the employees.

While reading a book about the human body, Nassau heard a notification from his phone that was on his desk. He took the phone from the desk while also putting the book down. He opened his phone and he got a message


there, the number sent a close to half a hundred corpses, each corpse differing from the last. Nassau just smiled and let out a sigh of relief. With some clicks on his phone screen, he gave the account 500 times the minimum wage for a year to the account. He put the phone away and began to slouch which was a rare thing for him to do. He felt relaxed, a rare phenomenon.

4 months later, they have succeeded on the second part. And that is by turning information into electric signals and by making a technology to insert those electric signals into the brain. Now, the third step, and the hardest part is next.

The number of facilities went to 16 to 26. All of it were to produce a much more superior life form than the already superior one that they produced. The tests were brutal, more than a thousand babies were killed due the experiment in just 4 months. The babies were killed, due to the research both needing the perfect time needed to insert the information to the brain, a brain sturdy enough to survive, both younger but also a developed brain, and a strong enough ability for the body to heal.

At first, they just used cloning to clone more babies from the first test subject. But they switched it up into just creating off springs, a much more expensive approach. That is because of natural selection. The first test subject that they produced was good, but not good enough to be eligible for the project to work. Sadly, a baby could've survived and even succeed if the research managed to pinpoint exactly when to insert the information.

The scientists, researchers, and engineers just kept killing babies in trying to find the perfect time on when to insert the information. It was not until July 3 2067 that they managed to find out when to do it. 59 days, and 6 hours. If it goes above or below 6 hours, the procedure won't succeed. However, that didn't deter Nassau, after all they have the technology needed.

Many of the researchers quitted because of guilt. It didn't matter, the research will keep going regardless if they quit or not.

'If all of the employees quit, then so be it! AI will help the research'

William Nassau thought to himself, thinking that the researchers were useless. Majority of those who was remained on the project quitted. However, William no longer cared about them, he already got what he needed. The time needed to insert all the information.

The researchers were no longer needed was because the research was only stalling for time. The time until a good specimen can finally take all of the information and survive. Time needed until natural selection occurs. If the 3rd step will be completed, then the final step will happen. Will he be able to know how to use the information?

While walking on facility C, William saw a really beautiful girl with hazel eyes and blonde hair. The girl was reading a book about history. Taking note on her face, William rushed to his office and immediately browsed the records of all employees, there he found her. Sophia Mallhurre was her name.

This was the first time he felt this feeling. The feeling of lust. He researched more about her, but he found out she was already married and 2 months pregnant. He made a plan to make her his. Or rather, make her his property for a while until he gets bored.

William opened his phone and contacted his trusty hitman. The hitman answered instantly

"I was not expecting you to contact me this recent. So, did someone piss you off?"

The hitman said the last sentence with a hint of sarcasm. But he definitely felt curious, considering he just recently killed all of his enemies. But knowing him, it wouldn't surprise him if William has already made enemies.

"Not quite, I just want something, or rather someone as a toy."

"a girl?"


there was silence, and it lasted for 15 seconds until he broke the silence.

"Send me the amount."

He hung up. After the call, he immediately sent the amount to the account, plus the information on the two couples and both of their friends and family. He will make it so that they have never existed.

He immediately began reading the results of all facilities. He let out a sigh of disappointment the moment he read that a fetus survived for a few seconds of getting his head drilled. But the brain quickly died out after a few seconds.

'almost there'

he thought to himself. If they just manage to find the perfect dna, then they can keep producing infants that can survive the procedure. But that was not just the only goal.

'they may survive the procedure. But, will they survive the real world? Will they be able to learn on how to use the information given to them as gifts? Will they change the world? Or will they destroy it. If they can manage to change the world, then I will be glad even if I am already dead at that point. But if they manage to destroy the world, then I'd say the world deserves it. The world deserves to be destroyed if they can't fix this shithole. That just means the world is already far too late to be saved'

'it is time for the world to change, or be destroyed'

After sleeping on his desk, he was woken up from his 6 hour sleep from a notification by his reliable hitman. He opened his phone, and there he saw a photo of all of the targets.

[kill all of them except for her and the husband]

he sent to him as a text. He waited for a few seconds as he expected him to reply back since the girl was pregnant. He responded

[Should I kick her stomach then?]


William sent a message almost immediately. He stood up, exited the facility, and drove to the place the hitman pinned the location to. Due to him using a car, he got to the place in 45 minutes. He exited the car and locked the door incase if someone were to steal it. The place was a warehouse, an old and abandoned one. That way, rescuing her would be extremely hard. And to make it worse, the property was purchased by him, and he definitely made some adjustments to the place. Perhaps a torture chamber?

William arrived at the entrance of the warehouse. He looked around for a while due to him not knowing hot to open the warehouse. The hitman didn't tell him how to open it, he just said that he has access to it. He looked around for a few minutes until he found a suspicious item, it was like a pad. He walked to it and placed his right palm on it.

the pad immediately lightened up like a tablet and showed his right thumb. It was a fingerprint scanner and not a hand scanner. The entrance of the warehouse began to open, while also making sounds due to how old it was.

He entered the warehouse and William immediately saw corpses on the ground, still fresh. He ignored it and kept walking, until he saw both of the couples tied up to the chair they were sitting on. And in the shadows, the hitman showed his face to him. He was of german and polish descent, he was wearing a black leather jacket, black cap, black leather gloves, and black pants.

"are you sure you want to get your hands dirty?"

The hitman asked William in a monotonous voice. In response, William also replied in a monotonous voice.

"I just feel like it. After all, I haven't felt this feeling in such a long time. A feeling called lust. What better way would it be to make her my property by me taking her beloved offspring from her?"

"Wake them up"

The hitman began slapping their faces with his hands to wake them up. They began to shake their heads due to them slowly waking up. The husband was the first one to panic.


The hitman immediately squeezed the edges of his spine on the back of his neck with his hands which paralyzed the poor man. The noises the husband made made the wife wake up and began shouting in fear. William shut her up by covering her mouth with his right hand. And to prevent her from opening her mouth, William put his left hand below the woman's jaw.

"careful Gerard, you may accidentally kill him"

Hearing about the warning, Gerard immediately reduced the pressure from his hands on the back of his neck. William kneeled behind the poor woman who was desperately trying to scream.

"you see that? that is all your fault"

William whispered to her ears while sniffing her hair creepily to gaslight her. That way, her brain would be confused more on what is happening and what she did. She never did anything wrong to him.

William stood up again, and released his hands from her. The moment he released his hands from her, she screamed immediately for help. Help would not come. William took the handgun from his right side, "cracked" the gun, turned the safety feature off, and aimed it at the man.

Sophia while screaming began shaking the chair to hopefully stop the monster from killing her husband. She can't stop him. The chair lost balance and she fell to the ground will the chair. It didn't matter for her that she fell, she still kept shaking to try and stop him.

William put his finger on the trigger, and pulled it. An explosion made by a gun was heard everywhere inside the warehouse. Sophia's screams began to turn higher after the first bullet due to shock, grief, and despair. Then an another explosion was heard in just a small moment, and it came from the same gun. William pulled the trigger twice, then thrice. All bullets aimed for his chest. One to the heart, one to the aorta, and one to the rib.

William turned on the safety feature again, and Gerard who was still holding the chair pulled the chair towards him, and let it go making the chair fall to the floor. Sophia's screams began to turn into cries, and it just fully turned into her crying for her loss.

With his foot, William turned the chair, so he can kick her stomach easily. With a kick on her stomach, Sophia immediately grunted


He kicked her again, and again to make it sure. He looked at Gerard straight to his face

"take care of her for me hm? I'll be back in 7 months. If you do not want to be troubled by her, just put her in sleep using anesthesia"

He turned around and left the warehouse quietly, not caring that he just ruined countless lives over his lust.