
Vincent's Dilemma


The tunnel grows smaller and smaller as I move farther and farther inside, making me more and more claustrophobic by each passing second. I have to crouch and duck here and there due to the protruding rocks and other formations. The tunnel assigned to me is a wee bit stuffy.

Tunnels and dark and enclose spaces…they remind me of…well, something, something I don't like to remember about. I always tell myself that it's alright, that I've nothing to fear. I'm a fully pledged Marelirian warrior, and we are not the type to have weaknesses. We are known in the world as the best fighters this rock can produce. I tell myself to quit being such a baby and just face my fears.

But you know, it's really difficult to deal with trauma of all kinds. And my trauma was…well, let's just say, it really left an impression on me. As much as I hate to admit, my fears still plague me day in and day out.