
The Two


"But I want to hang out with you!" he says, still stomping.

"Unfortunately, I have no desire to induce a headache, and that often happens when I hang out with you."

"Hey! Is that something to say to your best friend of ten years?!" the major retorts.

"Eight years. The first two were your trial period."

"Hey! That's even meaner!"

Lt. Song shrugs.

"Truth hurts."

Major Felix can only continue pouting and stomping as Lt. Song goes on with her work.

Then suddenly, he turns, a determined smile on his face.

"Len," he starts to say.

Lt. Song raises an eyebrow, obviously suspicious.

"They just opened an eat-all-you-can spicy chicken wings place nearby. Wanna drop by?" he says, a conniving look on his face.

His words make the lieutenant sit against her chair, tilting her head and looking at our superior.

"Your treat?" she asks.