
The Dead Governor

Our van skids to a stop against the gravelly road. We get off quickly, fully aware of how time is of the essence here. An important public figure has died. It's no everyday mission.

We're in front of the state hall, a large, three-storey building that houses the city's government offices. But today, it's a crime scene. 

As soon as we get off, we're greeted by a view of media vans parked nearby and a bunch of people with cameras flashing. 

Ah great, the media people are already at the scene. 

Seriously, the media people are like bloodhounds when it comes to sniffing out scoops. They even managed to get here earlier than us. Do they have a trouble radar or something? How can they so quickly find these newsworthy situations?

Our group scrambles to get past the gathering crowd, towards the building. 

A group of policemen from the nearby station are at the doorway of the building, barring the doors and making sure no one enters.