
The Children of Marelirium


We're at the police station, where, as I'm told, the children will be processed before they head to the orphanage. They'll stay here for the night before getting picked up by the matrons tomorrow.

Until now, I still can't believe I didn't know of such a process. Oh, I'm one big blind fool!

The children hold Lt. Song's hand as we enter the office. I notice them instinctively flinch at the sight of the police officers, trying their best to hide behind the lieutenant.

Finally, we reach a room called "Child Care Area". The room is painted baby blue, with colorful drawings inside and a bunch of toys to play with. We lead the kids inside. 

"This is it, kids. We'll let you go here," Major Felix tells the kids.

The children look up to Lt. Song nervously, clutching her hand tighter.

Lt. Song crouches down to her knees to get eye-level with the kids.