
Kenko Has an Issue


Suddenly, I hear a beep from the computer. A new message. I click on the message icon to open it. 

Ah, it would seem that I have something to take care of.

"I will so have my plates full right now. I have a little something to take care of. Ugh, so annoying," I report, already starting to move.

I lift the unconscious man by the door, dragging him inside the room. I look around, finding an empty graduated cylinder nearby. I grab the cylinder. From my purse (yes, I have been carrying it the whole time, Yvonne should never be found without her purse), I take out a compact powder.

"What kind of things?" Lais asks.

I turn to look at the security camera feed on the computers nearby.

"Two somethings on the 49th floor, three on the 48th, two on the 47th, and three on the 46th. Like I said, a little somethings," I reply.

"You good on taking them on? How will you open the doors? Grab a hand?" Lais says.