


The first thing I realize when I wake up is the fact that I feel asleep. 

I open my heavy eyes, a blurry view greeting me. I realize I'm in my room. When did I get here? And how?

I look back on my last memories before fading out to sleep. I remember I was at the office, I was….

My sword. My sword is missing. Someone took it.

I suddenly remember all that happened last night. The card, my empty case, my sword. 

It's gone. The image of an empty case burns through my mind. It's gone, my sword is gone. 

The realization falls upon me like a literal weight over my shoulder, making me stumble forward, like a hand clutching my heart, squeezing the breath out of me, like a thousand knives piercing me all over. The very knowledge that my sword is missing makes the world physically unbearable.

I fall from my bead, clutching my chest, catching my breath.