
Beginning Investigation


"So Samuel Pearson isn't the real killer?" Lais asks as soon as I finish my narrative.

I was just now telling him all that I found out while I was out investigating last night. And I was up all night last night, so it is safe to say that I found out a lot of holes in this case, and those plot holes are what will design our counter attack. 

Unfortunately, I found more questions than answers. Why Samuel Pearson, why kill the governor? And how do all of these connect to Lais' sword? Nothing is making any sense at all. Is this the work of someone from Intelligence? Involving us in a random assignment is…it should take at least a high ranking officer. Is the perpetrator someone in our ranks? And why would they know about the sword, about how important it is to him. What in the makers' name is going on?

Still, to answer Lais' question.

I gently pat Tripod's head, the kitten purring as I tell my story.