
A High Functional Love

An online dating fanfic about Lexa Woods who has high functioning autism and Clarke Griffin who is a paramedic. The story about two different people, how they fall in love and everything in between. Happy ending for Clexa!

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Chat Conversations

Clarke0507: Hey, I know it is cliche but I saw your picture and you are just too cute to not write. I hope you are doing well and have a lovely day! Clarke

Lexa squints her eyes at her laptop, her head slightly tilted to the side. "She says I'm cute. Is that good? I mean is that flirting?"

Anya shakes her head with a fond look in her eyes. Her little sister was always completely oblivious to flirting and anything that has to do with someone expressing feelings. "That's great! You gonna write her back?"

Lexa hesitates for a moment before answering, "I don't know, I mean I'm not interested in a relationship, so would I not kinda lead her on? Besides look at her profile, we don't have anything in common."

"God Lex, don't make a science out of this. You can always tell her that you're not interested in having dates, she is a big girl and can handle this...well I hope. But don't tell me she is not cute, because I would go for her and I'm usually not into blondes."

"Okay fine but what do I say?" Lexa trusts her sister more than any person on this planet even more than her parents. Anya was always there for her, in kindergarten when the bullies wouldn't stop, in high school when the teachers couldn't understand why they needed to be careful with her and during college.

Anya lays a comforting hand on Lexas shoulder, "just be you kid. Write what comes first to your mind. She needs to like you for you."

"I don't need her to like like me, I just need not to be called a freak and have a nice conversation for once."

"Well go on then, try it."

LexaRexa: Hey, thank you I guess. First I feel kind of obligated to tell you that I'm not on this website to look for a relationship, I'm just doing it because my therapist said I need to be more outgoing and I randomly picked this option.

They waited a for minutes for the reply.

Clarke0507: Well that's fine. My job is not exactly the best for a relationship. So let's agree on talking? We could get to know each other. I know it is pretty well unorthodox but I just wanted to ask what for does a lovely woman like you need a therapist if you don't mind me asking? You can never be too careful on the internet.

Most people would be offended by the question as it is pretty straight forward but Lexa likes it. As Anya always says she has no filter and no sense of sensitivity. It is quite refreshing to talk to someone who is the same and not weirded out.

LexaRexa: Did you not read the information on my profile?

Across town Clarke looks at the message and draws her eyebrows together in confusion. What's that supposed to mean? She clicks on LexaRexas profile and reads it again. Suddenly it dawns on her what her chat partner meant. She has high functional autism.

Clarke is no stranger to autism, it was covered during her training to being a paramedic so she knows what to expect. Does it bother her? No, she knows that most people have heard about all the stereotypes that come with the diagnosis but fortunately she is aware that every person is different. You really have to get to know the person and not just judge her beforehand. With that thought she writes her next answer.

Clarke0507: I read it know and I just have to say that it does not change a thing. I don't form an opinion on someone without knowing them. May I ask you what your real name is? Calling you LexaRexa might get confusing with time.

Lexa and Anya stare at Clarkes reply dumbfounded. They were expecting about anything but this. Anya is the first one to find words. "Well that girl is certainly something different." Her little sister agrees.

LexaRexa: My name is Lexa. Thanks for being so understanding.

Clarke0507: It changes nothing about who you are and that's the only thing I want to know. Thank you for telling me your name. In case you couldn't tell my name is Clarke. Your profile says that your hobby is writing, what do you like to write about?

LexaRexa: I'd say that I write about anything that comes to my mind but my favourites are fantasy books. Your hobby is painting, any favourite motives?

Clarke0507: I'm a sucker for fantasy books! I loved Lord of the Rings, read all of the books in one weekend! Well I really enjoy to paint sceneries but with my job there is just no time.

LexaRexa: Where are you working?

Clarke0507: I'm a paramedic at the local hospital. And you? What do you do for a living?

LexaRexa: That's quite impressive. I'm writing for several newspapers so I can pretty much work from home. I tried to work in a office for a long time but it just didn't like it you know? Too much noise and too many people.

Clarke0507: Wow not bad? What about your fantasy stories? Yeah I get it, you have trouble with handling all the noise and things that you see right? People with autism have serious trouble with processing all those external stimuli if I remember my training correctly.

Again the sisters are quite stunned. Looks like Clarke really knows what she is talking about. If she is being honest Lexa is quite impressed and thinks that this online dating thing is not as bad as she thought.

Before Lexa can write the next message Anya stands. "Well kid I have to go. I have a very busy day tomorrow and want to get enough sleep."

"What are you talking about, we just had lunch?"

"Look at the clock kid, it's almost six. I want to go know to avoid the traffic on my way home."

Lexa stands up, gives Anya a quick hug - she still is not used to touching people even her own sister - and sits back down, "write me when you get back and thanks for your help."

"No problem kid! I hope you have fun with Clarke!" and with that Anya is out of the door.

Clarke0507: You still there?

LexaRexa: Yeah sorry, my sister was with me and I was saying goodbye.

Clarke0507: No problem, so tell me what do you like to do in your freetime?

Their conversations goes for another few hours. Clarke eventually leaves the the bathtub and goes to her room and Lexa lounges on her couch. Their first encounter leaving them both with a warm feeling in their chests.

Second chapter is up! I actually have no beta reader for this and I’m from Germany so please excuse any spelling mistakes!

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