
Operation: Gamma Vs Cameron (2)

The building started shaking uncontrollably, the course of it was the footsteps of children running down the stairway to make it out of the building.

The NeRd Olympian Building was registered to all NeRd Olympic participants, even the people who organized the Olympics were located in the building. The workers who built the stage, and set up the camera lived in the building as well.

It is one of the most known buildings in the city and even when the Olympics aren't taking place tourist would still come to take pictures of themselves besides the building. The best of the best enter the Olympics and now the best of the best have to run for their lives.

After finding out from the news that the Cyber human was flying their way the students and all guests were ordered to immediately evacuate the premises. Since this was an urgent situation everyone was ordered to run.

After hours of screaming and screeching everyone finally made it out of the building clear and safe with most of their clothes with them. The FBI surrounded the building, and the students were all ordered to stand near their bus.

"Were like royalty." Trent commented.

"This feels nothing like royalty. Were standing behind police while they wait for a cyborg monster that wants to kill us." Jed added.

"Definitely royalty." Trent nodded.

"Hey, have any of you guys seen Cam anywhere it's been awhile." Style asked.

"Nah. I haven't seen him in a long time as well, and I didn't have the time to search for him last night since we were all practically tired."

"I'm sure his around here somewhere." Jed looked around. "There's Addie and his sister."

Jed waved at the two.

"Yo what's up!" Addie with his sister behind ran to his group. "Finally the group is back together!"

"Minus Cameron of course." Abbie added. "Where is he? I was told he was with Aiden."

"We don't know either." Style answered.

"There's Aiden though." Trent pointed out.

"Okay everyone just calm down, were not gonna die the FBI will handle this issue." A teacher said aloud.

"I'm fine honestly." Maddie spoke. "There's really no need to stress."

"That's the spirit young lady. We don't need to stress were all fine."

"No, I mean I'm fine. I don't know about everyone else though." Maddie clarified. Her group lightly laughed.

The teacher rolled her eyes and started walking. Maddie turned to stare at one of the FBI agents who was tying his shoe laces.

She weaseled his way coursing him to perk his head up and turn around, this made the girls turn away. The people who witnessed what she did started laughing while the girls inside giggled.

"Maddie you idiot." One of her friends joked.

"What can I say, he had a nice ass." She said aloud.

"Hey Maddie." Trent's voice sounded. The girl and her group turned around.

"Have you seen Cameron around?" Style asked.

"C-cameron? Um... No not really... Why? Did something happen to him?"

"Cameron's missing?" Ruby raised a question.


"We need to tell the teachers, he could still be in the building sleeping."

"Relax." Maddie calmed Ruby. "Maybe he's doing something else and just doesn't want to be found."

"Then we should still tell the teachers."

"What if he gets in trouble after the teachers find him."

"So. At least he is found."

"Then his gonna have to go to detention." Maddie argued.

"Can you two just chill out." Aiden came into view. "Cam just went across the street to the burger joint to buy him and I some burgers. He insisted."

"See! He was just doing something nice and if you had told on him he could have gotten in trouble."

"Oh. I guess you were right Maddie... Sorry."

"Of co-"

The policemen all started rapid firing, at the sky.

The cyber human came souring down with a red beam shooting out from his eye blowing the policemen back. Those who weren't blown back fired on and were soon taken down.

Gamma rose up as more policemen arrived onto the scene.

"We are not here to hurt you. Rather we are here too collect something that is ours, and if you stand in our way we will hurt you."

The chief stood on top of his vehicle with a microphone. "What is it you want?"

"A trophy. The Original NeRd Olympics trophy, we want it now."

"The original trophy. What's so special about it?"

"We rather not say."

"Then you picked your final straw. Fire!"

One of the FBI agents fired off a bazooka. The Cyberman released a red beam that blew the missile into nothing.

"You have picked your final straw-"

From out of nowhere the cyber human was kicked down on to the ground near the policemen. Everyone turned to the creature that kicked him and it was none other than Cameron as an alien. He was a green grasshopper looking alien.

"Dude do you have any idea on how long it took me to find you!"

"Another one." Gamma exclaimed, when noticing the Omnitrix symbol. "I'm tired of your interference!"

"As if I ever liked yours." The alien said back.

The cyberhuman jetted up, while alien watched with crossed arms.

"Last time I was hell bent on keeping you grounded. But now things changed, you can fly as much as you need to climax. Because as CrashSpring I can reach your height in seconds."


The cyber human fired a red beam at CrashSpring who with arms still crossed sprung up to the same height as Gamma. The Gamma fired another beam forward and missed when the alien landed.

Seconds after landing the alien launched itself up toward the cyber human kicking him in the face. The alien landed and again launched after the cyber human, kicking him in the face for a second time.

The cyber human failed on many occasions to land a perfect laser beam against the new resilient alien. And the alien succeeded on many occasions on hitting the cyber human.

"Damnit! Where did y-"

"-Up here!"

CrashSpring from above Gamma, came soaring down and crashed his foot into Gammas face rocketing Gamma all the way to the ground creating a cloud of dust.

"I see you crashed down ther- uh oh."

A red beam fired from out of the dust cloud and blasted into CrashSpring smoking him down, but before he could crash the alien did a small mid air flip and landed right side up on his two feet. Gamma came shooting from out of the dust cloud and speared the alien into the ground.

Gamma rolled off of CrashSpring and stood back on his two legs. The alien did the same.

Gamma thrusted his inner elbow forward and CrashSpring blocked it with his head, which he tried to use to ram into Gamma, but missed, after he missed the watch started flashing between green and white.

"Wait seriously?! I know it took a minute or two get here, but our fight just started!"

Gamma evaded to the right, and tripped the alien, but before Crash-Spring could hit the ground Gamma grabbed him by the leg and flew up. "Your symbol flashing reminded me of something. Lets go down memory lane." Gamma started twirling CrashSpring around four times before throwing him into the building. "Now for the finishing part."

Gammas eyes glowed a bright red, and two seconds later he fired off a powerful red energy beam at the crash spot. The beam collided with the area and it immediately engulfed into an explosion.

The cyber human smiled as he slowly landed onto the ground. He turned to the Chief. "Your hero is done."

"Our hero? We never sent that thing or those two things after you."

"There were three and if you didn't send the aliens who-"

Gamma was quickly punched in the face, he looked around and got punched in the face again. "Who! Who! Is doing that!... Someone's coming?"

Gamma went for a backhand, but whatever went to attack evaded by sliding under his arm. The creature stopped in Gammas path to the buildings entrance. "0verspeed."

"Fuck You!" Gamma exclaimed with sheer anger. The cyber human flew up and charged up his laser eye. "Over and over again you keep getting up! Just stay down!"

A powerful red beam exploded out of Gammas eyes and straight at 0verspeed who moved out of harms way. The beam continued and trailed after the fast alien with a row of explosions following behind slowly.

The alien ran to the left and the explosions continued following, it turned to the right and it was still there. Wherever it went the explosions followed.

The alien quickly went to the FBI machinery and vehicles and first pulled all the FBI one by one out of harms way. He placed them all near the students, with that complete he sped to their vehicles.

The exploding energy beams came into contact with one of the cars and instantaneously a massive explosion was generated, the dust in the air jumped up. 0verspeed ran passed another police car and gamma blew it up as well. The alien started moving from car to and the explosions followed suite.

All the cars exploding generated a strong stream of dust that made it hard for the 0verspeed to see. This plan was believed to effect both combatants, but with his extended robot vision the cyber human was able to see through the dust with ease.

"I didn't really think this plan through." 0verspeed thought. "...I'm fast I wonder if its possible for me to-"

The alien started running around in a circle making it a tad bit difficult for the cyber human to land his beam. The stream of dust started moving in and some of it started cycling around 0verspeed.

Soon all of it started cycling around him. The broken car parts started moving in toward him like a vortex sucking things in. Some of the people held on to something since they felt themselves being pulled in as well.

A tornado formed around 0verspeed. The tornado stretched up increasing in height to the point it was able to suck in Gamma, the alien with his enemy locked and captive started running around faster so Gamma would become dizzy.

After running around for a minute or more, the alien accelerated out of the tornado and straight into the building. He moved from stair to stair all the way to the rooftop, where he jumped off and let the tornadoes vortex energy suck him in.

0verspeed landed on one of the car parts that were sucked in and stared up at Gamma who was still being overtaken by the tornado. "This race is Over." He quipped as his visa covered his face.

The speed alien jumped from one car part to the other and with enough leverage punched Gamma in the face. After the punch the alien landed on another car part and from that part accelerated back and kicked Gamma in the face.

The cyclone pushed him away, but he quickly grabbed onto a car part and moved from it to Gamma and punched the cyber human. The alien continued with the effective strategy for awhile, since it helped with keeping him on a platform to move from so he could deliver attacks at any moment, the platform idea also helped with keeping him grounded from the tornadoes spins.

The alien jumped from car part A to car part B and when there launched forward with another punch, but was quickly caught in the action. Gamma started moving around with the tornado before throwing the speed alien to the ground.

The alien crashed hard onto the ground, he even went on to tumble into the building. The tornado moments after the throw disappeared, Gamma traced forward a red energy beam at 0verspeed who saw the attack coming and quickly jumped up then accelerated to the right resulting in the beam impacting with the building entrance.

"You keep distracting me! I'm tired!" Gamma charged up his energy beam, he turned to where Ruby and the rest stood, Maddie's friends screeched in horror while Aiden charged forward and stood in front of them. After three seconds of staring at the group hesitantly he turned to the bus and fired off his red energy beam.

Believing the attack would explode and take out the people near 0verspeed accelerated to the students near the bus and one by one he took them and placed them far from the bus.

The bus exploded two seconds after he finished. "That guy has some real anger management issues." Cameron as O

0verspeed commented. "I'm one hundred percent sure I heard him say the word Fuck."

"Whoa! I got that whole you saving me thing on video!" Caleb a boy with short hair said to 0verspeed. "My fans are not gonna believe this."

"A fan, I guess word spreads fast huh? If you need an autograph I'd be glad to give you one."


"Hey!" Ruby exclaimed. "There's a villain trying to steal the trophy in there, I think you should do something about it."

"He's already inside? Shit!" With that said, the alien accelerated off.

"My autograp-" Caleb looked at his shirt. "How did he? Whoa!"

0verspeed zoomed into the building.

"The trophy should be on the sixth floor, I was just there actually."

The alien accelerated up the stairs running into the first floor, he searched around and ran up to the second floor a dark room. He was about to run up again when he was punched in the face.

"You can't see anything, this room is my domain. There's no way you can beat me here."

"That's okay dude. My objective is to stop you from getting the trophy, not to beat you. In other words the trophy is my objective."

"You are right! The trophy is our objective you have been such a distraction that I forgot."

"You're not getting that t-" The Omnitrix started flashing from green to white, and instantly 0verspeed started panicking. "Race you!"

With those words the alien sped off. Moving from floor to floor trying to beat the Omnitrix's countdown seemed easy since he was fast, but some of the rooms were dark and finding the staircase was difficult.

0verspeed was only able to make it up to the stairs of the fifth floor that led up to the sixth floor before timing out, and reverting back into Cameron. The alien was still running when the Omnitrix released its red flash, because of that after he reverted back into Cameron the boy rocketed into the sixth floor.

"That hurt a lot." Cameron groaned, picking himself up. "This place really needs to invest in windows. Anyway seeing that this is the final battle, it's only fitting that I end it off with Bu-"

From out of nowhere Gamma grabbed Cameron's arm before he could squeeze the two buttons. The boy tried freeing himself, but the strong metallic grip of the cyber human made it difficult.

"Let go of me!"

"Wait a minute you're- you know this boy? He is the one that did this to you?" Gamma grinned. "Hah! So it is! I knew there was something funky about that watch of yours and now I know! Now I know! We want it!"


Cameron tried pulling away, but Gammas grip was superior. The cyber human ran its finger around the Omnitrix's dial, before gripping it. Cameron pulled his arm back trying to free his wrist, but was still inferior.

The cyber humans eye started glowing red, "Wait! don't kil- mine! He will get it!" The Omnitrix's silhouette started morphing from the diamond to the two squares on the side, the green points started flashing from dark green to light green. "Wh-" a strong electric surge surrounded the watch and right before the two the watch released a powerful green power surge that blew everything back including the two combatants. The roof and walls of the sixth floor were blown off making everything more revealing, before the two were blown off of the building everything stopped.

When everything resumed the cyber human was the only person blown out of the building. He crashed all the way in to the blown up bus, the FBI with the microphone ran to Gamma a moment later he raised a thumb. Everyone cheered in joy.


Cameron looked up and spotted Paradox standing besides him.