
Oh no, their here

Chapter One

The scene is set inside a vehicle. A family like vehicle. The driver was banging their head against their chair while the two people in the back argued.

"Well he was the one who decided to move away and marry some weird looking reject!" Cameron exclaimed.

"Don't you dare call my mother a reject! Your mother's the reject, she is such a reject she couldn't even keep her first husband!"

"Your stupid side of the family is the worst, my mother learned at a young age that you should always give the dog the leftovers!"

"Ignoring what you just said. But I'm not ignoring what you said about my side of the family, it's the better side and you know it!"

"Your side of the family does the shadiest of stuff. Your side is weird!"

"Your side is weird Cameron and that's how it will always be!"

A white skinned girl sighed at the drivers seat as a vein bulged by her forehead.

➜ Mid dle ton [Tuesday]

"And then this weird thing attached itself onto my wrist and now the doctors are trying to help remove it."

"Whoa. Can I touch it?"

Cameron pulled his right arm back, "No!" He exclaimed. "I mean- no it's way too dangerous, the doctor said that something horrible might happen if someone fiddles with it."

"Now you tell me?" Ruby questioned.

"I forgot."

"Seems like a pretty important thing to just forget you know."

"I don't know what else to say."

Ruby broke into laughter, "I'm just pulling your leg Cammy, I know you would never keep such a big secret from me which is why you told me about this watch thing in the first place."

Cameron chuckled, "Of course." He said sounding a bit down. "I think it's time to leave."


➜ [Mid dle ton]

Middleton sounding like a big name was actually a name for a small town, the town was so small that ninety percent of the people that lived there knew each other. The town supported a train station that led to a bigger town across the boarder, the school Cameron and Ruby went to is part of a four course group of schools scattered around the small town, the four schools each had their own middle school and highschool.

"I'm gonna miss the Davenport family memorial service thing."

"The whole town is gonna be there, it's such a sad thing what happened to that family."

"Yeah. The richest family in Middleton, now the most dead family in Middleton. Not only did they die, but so did their son."

"They were such good people also."

"Kinda. I still remember the rumours of them hating and killing mutants and that stuff, it's weird."

"Rumours Cammy."

"They could be true."

"It's not gonna be the same without you."

"I know." Cameron chuckled, coursing Ruby to nudge him. "I'm gonna be back, the wedding is like a month away or something, so there will be plenty of time for us to hangout before and after then."

"I guess. But you're coming to the concert right?"

"Of course. I'll force my parents to take the long route through the city just for the concert."


The two continued their talk walk up until Cameron came to a stop. He looked ahead with squinched eyes and saw a silver Sienna parked by his home. Ruby noticing it as well turned to Cameron who shrugged to her.

They made their way too Cameron's home and neared the Sienna. The two tried to look in the window for clues of who it belonged to, but got nothing, but air. They both walked around the Sienna and spotted people standing near the door of Cameron's home.

One of them was a tall dark haired female wearing; a black tank top for upper body wear, blue jeans that ended up to her knees for lower body wear with laced boots for foot wear.

The other was a Cameron sized white skinned girl with brown hair wearing; a white long sleeved shirt that was folded up to her elbows for upper body wear, jean shorts that covered down to her knees for lower body wear and white flaps for foot wear.

The two girls including Cameron's mother who was standing by the open doorway turned too the two.

Cameron and the brunette locked eyes with one another.

"Katherine." Cameron named.

"Cameron." Katherine named.

Katherine, is a 13-year-old girl of average height with a striking, ethereal look. Her pale skin tone is beautifully toned, Her brunette type hair cascades down in loose waves over her shoulders, completing her otherworldly appearance. Her clear, light brown eyes give a glimpse of her untamed diva energy.

"Kathy!" Ruby exclaimed with joy as she ran to the brunette.

The two moved their arms out and embraced one another in a hug that turned into a jumping squealing show. Cameron groaned and turned to his mother who awkwardly smiles, he turns to the dark haired girl.

"What the hell is happening here Marcy?"

"Right." She lightly laughed. "We forgot to inform you yesterday. We're going on a little road trip!"

Marcy is an 18-year-old with a commanding presence, standing just a bit taller than most. With peach skin and short, chic hair that grazes the nape of her neck, she exudes confidence and poise. Her dark brown eyes reveal a warm and kind character.

"We're?! Firstly with Miss brunette over there I'm going nowhere and secondly what about the wedding?"

"That's why it's a little road trip, the wedding is like a month away we have a lot of time for sight seeing in that month."

"Oh. Too bad she's going, now I don't want to go anymore!" Cameron turned to Katherine. "Good job! You've killed my excitement dumpshit."

"Hey, I'm not happy about this unnecessary development of you being here either... But were gonna pit stop at Marcy's collage and I've always wanted to check the place out so... Yeah..."

"Smart a-"

"-Cameron. I personally think this is a great idea to help the two of you bond, I think this is the trip the lord has been waiting for you guys to take so you can repair your relationship. You guys cannot be arguing your whole life's, you are half siblings after all."

"Emphasis on half." Cameron pointed out.

"Whatever, whether the two of you like it or not you're coming with." Marcy uttered swinging her keys around her index finger. "I just got my license officialized and I am ready to do some road bonding with the 'Baddies'.

Katherine face palms herself, "Cringing right now."

Cameron sighs, "Can't believe that was the best group name we could think of."

"...I guess I'll be seeing you guys..." Ruby spoke.

Katherine nods, "At the concert and the wedding."

"You told her?! You still text with her?!"

"Of course Cammy. Girl power after all."

"Yes girl, girl power!"

The two high five while Cameron sighs.

"Now I remember why I'm barely around when the two of you hangout."



"Your side of the family is the worst, they've been to jail so many times now!"

"It's not like their angels on your side either, freaking thieves."

"Thieves?! Your family is filled with traitors, like your dad for one!"

"My dad? Oh you mean YOUR biological father? Yeah you heard me, he's your dad as well stop trying to run from the truth."

"You're an idiot Kathy!"


The Sienna came to an abrupt stop throwing Katherine forward almost into the window, but her seat belt held her back while Cameron who wasn't wearing a seat belt was thrown against the back of the drivers seat.

"Would you two just stop! I'm tired of our family being the only thing you guys ever argue about nowadays! I'm just sick and tired of it and I can't anymore!" Marcy shouted.

Marcy pushed the door open and stormed towards the bar. The two siblings gazed at her as she went... Somewhere in the bar two people gazed at her then at the beautiful expensive Sienna she came out of.

Part Two Begins : (Comments)

Aliens : 6/8







(Two unused aliens)