
A happy family all you need

mehedihasanniloy · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Old people new age

it's a tale of spring where two people never meant to be together

But destiny laugh at them and then it's all began to happen

" Mathews come upstairs i have something to say"

Dad u called me ?- Mathews

Dad- how should I put this ahhhh actually I remarried to a foreigner

Mathews- what the ! Are u serious ?

Dad - actually yes

Mathews- I don't have any problem with this but I don't know but Eric

Dad - he is coming this spring so i will tell about it then I'm sure he'll understand

❇️ It was a pretty house with only 3 people but suddenly it become so lively now they have new four members in total of seven people ❇️

It was suddenly raining and Eric is standing In front of their house and ringing the door bell but nobody's answering

A beautiful seventeen year old girl was standing before Eric with her dazzling silver hair it's been two year since he left home ' in meantime he only visited two times since then

Eric - aah pardon me I think I rang the wrong door bell sorry

It's house number 36 right

Hina : yes it is so what by the way who are you ? Seems to me you are some trouble guy

Eric : don't get it wrong I think it's my house Edward elric is my dad

So why a young girl in my house , let me guess you are my bro's girlfriend !

Hina : what did you say to me you idiot

'Who is it Hina' Mathews said walking straight to the main door

Your dear brother is home bro hugging and jumping to Mathew Eric says

It's you isn't it it's really you it's been two whole years you never even contacted me once

Eric : sorry about that

Hina : you have a another brother Mathews you never told us about that

Mathews : he is my twin brother my dad is really upset with him for some reason so I can't really say his name in house sorry about that

Aah Eric come inside you are really wet go take a shower let me inform dad you come home

Eric: yea that's right I really need a shower

Hina : are you people ignoring me !!!

Edward: so everyone is at table let me introduce to your second mom and his daughters Eric

It's very embarrassing to say but it is the truth

From the left meet your new mother

Marie and her three daughters the little one is Rena she is a middle schooler and the elder daughter is elma she is a teacher and middle sister is Hina she is a first year in college like you

Eric is suddenly in a shock . After taking shower he was gonna talk to his brother about who was the girl at the door then but his father suddenly calls him to hall room and then he finds out that his father is remarried it's all going too fast

Suddenly his new mom began to talk,

I know we should not be doing all this at this stage of our age but your father was so kind and helpful to me a before I know it it all came to like this I even forced my three daughters in our selfish decision

Elma : I already told you mom we all agree with you we just want you to be happy and my dad looks like a cheerful and handsome guy to me elma says with her beautiful smile

Rena : yeah mom new dad is good news says Rena

Marie : stop embarrassing to me you two

Marie : I will not tell you to accept us right away but I promise to be a good mother to you to brothers

I know you two have been without your mom for so long so I will.....

Suddenly Eric stood up and said

I sorry but I'm really tired from my journey can we talk about this tomorrow morning ?

Marie hesitates and says yeah of course

You are being ride Eric and you know that

Eric ok good night then I'm going upstairs for some sleep

Mathews : please don't mind my brother he always been weird as I remember

Hina : not only that I think he is bit of idiot too

Mathews: don't be so sure about that haha

Elma : you should not talk bad about people from the start Hina it's your bad habit you know

Hina : yeah yeah whatever

Edward: are you really worried about our relationship In this stage Marie ?

Dont be I know he is a bit strange but he is a good boy u know I know he will accept it

I hope so dear says Marie ' holding hand of Edward

Now now look who is so lovey dovey tonight everyone says elma with her funny voice

My my you two are all red

Stop this Elma says Marie

sorry for my rudeness says Edward with his embarrassed face

To be continued ..... Happy family