
You Have My Blessings


—The Next Morning—

Angus was up at dawn and walking through tie corridors calling out in a loud booming voice,

"Get up, ladies and Gentlemen. It's time to go!!!"

"Angus, stop yelling," Charles said with a deep frown as he walked out of his room, all dressed. 

"Agreed," Stefan said. He was dressed as well but was still rubbing the last vestiges of sleep from his eyes. 

"Come on," Angus said and led them while still calling out for the others to wake up. 

Triss stepped out. Henry did as well a few minutes later. He had swapped out the coat he wore yesterday for a jacket instead. He kept the rest of his clothes the same though. Including the black Hat with the steel buckle. 

"Morning," Triss told him with a smile. 

Henry returned her smile,

"Good morning," he said. 

They joined the others and followed Angus' lead as he called out for the last two.