
Triggered Sub-Quest

It took very little to get Eloise started and she was off;

"Much as I hate what he stands for since he's a pillar in Alvareen's Slave Enterprise, so must admit that Ralph Gribbo is a powerful man. Physically, he has been said to be one of the strongest Fighters in the history of Verlarean's Northern region and has amassed a sizeable army of Mercenaries.

That's besides all the slaves he forces to fight for him. As would have been your fates had you all not gotten free. The slaves have no choice but to fight in his Army. From what I've seen, they'd welcome death as an alternative. But they're really all dead inside."

Henry understood what she meant. He had seen it while he was at the Estate. The lack of drive to even try to get away. Their drive to live independently had been completely fried out of their brains.