
A Godslayer in a School

One of my stories from my Discord, it's time to bring some of them over to Webnovel! This one is a Teen Weeb and a History nerd who ends up killing a God-King and acquires his Authorities. What does he do with them? He abuses them! It's loosely Campione world (Supernatural) x with some slice-of-life animes like Oreigaru (regular world) ------- Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics

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71 Chs

Returning Home

From now on I will be posting one every two chapters on WN to make a bigger gap.


One would think being the Student Council President would be fun. But Hiratsuka-sensei broad entire pile of paperwork to him!

He finished setting up his weeb corner with consoles and Manga bookshelf, the couch included, but Raynor's homeroom teacher just brought over paperwork!

"I am certain that she is even giving me her work!" The Storm King complained to his girlfriends.

"Hmm, possibly. Let's check." Yukino and Yumiko started to check the papers.

"...Events, cross-school events, suggestion for events—"

The girls went one by one. The more he heard, the more he realised this was for him!

"Then there are suggestions for some changes too. In other words, this is all for you." Yukino said with a professional tone. She doesn't want to show him that internally. She was almost laughing as she saw THAT expression on her Lord!

He looked like he swallowed a lemon.

"I see. In that case, Yukino, you are my vice president, and Yumiko is my public speaker. Ena is responsible for public order. We should get a wooden sword for you. You carry that holy sword all cool, but you can't use it here." Raynor started to give roles to his girls.

"Erica is the secretary; Lily is the accountant."

Utaha, who was about to sneak out, was called out by the Storm King.

"And Utaha-senpai~ will help us with writing."

The mature beauty stopped in her tracks and turned around, and looked at him with a bright smile.

"As my Lord wishes, though I have no idea what I could possibly do." She tried to swindle herself out of this situation.

"This leaves only Ai. But we all know what she could possibly do in the Student Council."

"The mascot. We can always use her popularity for that conquest."


"I mean control of the public."

"...*Sigh* I don't even want to know." Yukino sighed. She resigned, but part of her hopes.

As Raynor was getting into his role, his girls followed him. Yukino was thinking about implementing things; Ena was instructed to gather 'troops' well, more like the 'police' of the school.

Yumiko will work with her. Raynor used the Lord of the Rings trope for this. Ena is his 'Tower' and Yumiko is his 'Mouth'. She will spread his 'will' while Ena will enforce that.

At the same time, Ena will watch Yumiko so she doesn't overdo this.

"Thankfully, there is a system already in place for the paperwork. The papers Hiratsuka-sensei brought over; we can reverse engineer it." Yukino said with a happy tone.

As the council started their work, Hiratsuka returned with two people.

"These two wanted to leave, but I caught them. They will be joining you."

The homeroom teacher brought over Yui and Hikigaya.

"...But sensei, we are not with the Student Council!" The fellow weeb complained about the injustice! He didn't sign up for free labour!

Club and council are two different things!

"For your information, Service Club has merged with Student Council; this means you transferred to Student Council alongside Yuigahama." The teacher said with a grin.

"That's good; I need any free labour I could get."

"Gah! You are not even hiding! Damn it, Valeron!" Hikigaya exclaimed.

"No need to hide the searing truth will find its way."

"...No need to overinflate." The fellow teen resigned to his fate, while Yui just nervously laughed herself into becoming part of the student council.


With student council stuff, the time flow for Raynor started to fly much faster. Before he even realised November was here.

"You should have done what Yumiko did and taken some time off this week." The Storm King said to Yukino, who was sitting next to him.

"Isn't this time of the year a special time for your family? Your Grandfather's death anniversary? I think, as your girlfriend, I should be there."

"Well, yeah, I guess. Everyone is coping with this in their own way." The Godslayer replied to her without even looking. Instead, he looked through the aeroplane window. He could see the land getting closer.

They are about to land.

"Besides! This place is your nation! I have never been this far from Japan! I mean, I was in America, but this is even further. I think." Yukino, for a second, thought about the distances.

"Around the same distance, give or take an extra thousand kilometres," Erica said softly. The Blonde knight acts according to the situation in less red and more black.

As any girlfriend should.

"Yes, well, anyway. But why a whole week off?" The girl asked him.

"That's because a couple of years later, my grandmother died two days later. They are just two days apart. So— it's natural to take some time off. Besides, November is an utterly crap month. I don't like it."

The girls realised that this distaste for the month was already saturated with him. So, they are not going to touch upon that subject. Instead, they decided to use their actions to make him change his opinion. After all, a whole month is too much to brood about.

As the plane landed, Raynor's instincts flared.

'A God just descended. From the taste, it's a Steel.'

Athena said with curious taste.

'Just great, I haven't been around for a couple of months, and I get a Heretic.'

'That's because this was where you killed King-Gods from other pantheons who have been paying attention. And the one who wants to challenge you will descend.'

He aimlessly nodded as he looked at the forest outside the airport.

The plane started to move towards its terminal.

"Ray?" Erica sensed the change in Raynor's mannerisms. He stopped being broody, and instead, he was on edge.

"One of THEM descended."

The girls' eyes widened as they got serious.

"Any idea who could be?" Yukiko asked in a nervous but curious tone.

"Athena said it tastes like steel."

"Steel? Aren't Steel Deities more like Heroes?"

"They are, but it's not absolute; they mix and interweave with other myths of deities," Erica said with a pondering look.

Regardless, the whole group, alongside Valerons, acted like nothing was wrong. They left the aeroplane and went through the border control.

" Well, I already noticed a change," Yukino said while inspecting the surroundings.

"What did you notice?" Raynor humoured her.

"Humidity, it's very dry here."

He looked around when she said that. The sky was moody grey; there were puddles everywhere. He didn't use any of his powers here yet!

"You know what I mean! This place has a continental climate, while Japan is an island!" She puffed, seeing that he was almost making fun of her!

"I know, I know!" He hugged her, making her puffed cheeks deflate.

His parents smiled, seeing their interactions. For now, they have a minivan which will take them to their home. They didn't sell the house. Of course not. With Raynor's father's salary, he can have a bunch of houses. Executives are getting paid crazy, and on top of that, they get bonuses.


Around forty minutes later, the van arrived at their house. The Black haired girl looked around. Same with Ena and Liliana, they looked around his place.

They all had their curiosities; for example, Liliana wondered how the best way to defend this place was as his knight.

Yukino went around to check the yard. She noticed fruit trees.

"Those are apples, right!? And those over there are cherries! Even my house, with all its size, doesn't have any of that!"

"Aren't you used to living in a flat?" Erica teased her.

"You know what I mean. Having a house in Tokyo is expensive, especially this size. Honestly, we should come back here in summer."

"That's the plan. I already have planned out summer." The blonde said while brushing her hair with her hand.

"You don't need to worry; we plan to visit Italy, Sardinia and Corsica. Since summer holidays are around a month and a half, we can do various things."

"...Raynor allowed you to plan summer?" Yukino looked surprised.

"Of course. You just need to charm him and request at specific times." The blonde knight almost bragged about her achievements.

"I see that does make sense. However, you need to target something he doesn't have an opinion about." The Black-haired 'Ice Queen' nodded in understanding. She was learning.

"Not bad, you are learning." Erica nodded at her; she was impressed. The crude Japanese is loosening up.

"Ena likes this place. Reminds me of Ena's hometown." Ena said with a nod. She smiled for a bit.

"Your hometown. Is it small like this town?"

"Even smaller, Ena's used to live in a community related to the supernatural. This was to make sure no regular people were exposed to it. So, the four families created their community, becoming a town over time.

It's where Ena's Miko school is."

"...There is a whole town dedicated to the supernatural?" Yukino was impressed by the scale.

"Of course there is. Ena doesn't know about other nations, but Japan takes Heretic Gods seriously."

"We do it too. But we hide behind big companies." Erica said with a casual tone. She looked around, looking for any signs of Heretic Gods.

"Ena, we should inspect the town. Lily will stay with Ray while we look for the signs of this Steel Heretic God."


"The town is split in two by the river. I check the north, and you check the south."

After saying that, the pair proceeded to leave.

"H-Hey, what about me!?"

"You stay with our Lord and keep him company alongside Lily."



Ena arrived at the forestry area. She wasn't expecting to find anything as they were some distance from where the Heretic God should have descended.

But since Raynor is like a beacon, the Steel Deity should be following him. The issue is why it has not attacked yet.

Unless there is someone else who wants the deity's attention.

"...Hmm, Ena, very certain that this place should have no big mountains." Ena softly spoke to herself as she noticed a single mountain poking from the forest.

After looking at it for a while, her sword hummed with power. It started whispering to her.

"...The mountain?"

That moment, she realised this mountain was related as no one else noticed it!

She swiftly dashed back to Raynor's home.


In the meantime, Raynor, with Liliana and Yukino, was cleaning his room. The place gathered dust over the months.

However, the cleaning was interrupted by Ena, who had some sweat on her forehead.

"My Lord! There is a mountain outside the town!"

The Storm King looked at her with confusion for a second.


"Yes! Towering mountain in the middle of the forest!"

Liliana got serious and looked at her Lord.

"That could only be a Heretic God."

"You don't say. The mountain appears in one of the flattest countries in Europe. That smells fishy, kilometres away."

The teen placed the cloth on the table and walked to get his shoes.

"You three make sure no one gets close to that place. I will try to send whatever it is away from the town."

"Right! Leave this to us." The Miko and Witch nodded at him.

"And notify Erica."


After telling them what to do, Raynor got his shoes on and flew. He didn't even ask Ena where this mountain was as the moment he started to fly, he could see it.

"Son of a bitch! That's next to my old school!"

"Now that is personal!"


The moody grey clouds turned pitch black as lightning started to crackle in the clouds. The Storm King flew over there and landed in front of the mountain.

The first thing he noticed was a big entrance on the mountainside.

This hole was a cavern! A home of some sort of creature.

'Earth Deity? A monster?'

" A Serpent, I sense greed," Athena whispered into his ear.

'Then that Steel God is a slayer.'

"The majority of Steel Gods are slayers of Monster and Serpents."

The moment Raynor got closer, a roar followed after.


"A dragon, just my luck."


For advanced chapters (+9 chapters) mypat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics


Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics


P.S.: I do weekly voting on Patreon if you want more chapters for this fic (or other fics ) vote there.