
A God at the Shinobi World

Young criminal dies murdered and ends up being sent to the Shinobi world with divine-level cheating. Let it be clear that this author who speaks to you does not have any of the characters from the anime/manga Naruto and only my OCs can be attributed to me. Please excuse me for not being able to create an original universe for the time being, but I hope you enjoy, read, comment and enjoy the top class fap material (in my opinion) that I wrote here.

KuroBastard69 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs

Still Academy

"How was it?" Haku asked curiously. Kimimaru looked at me supporting his friend's curiosity.

"It went well. My chakra has been unlocked and I'm enrolled in Class A like you and the other clan members." I spoke indifferently. The old man had already started talking and my tolerance limit was almost passed. Thank God (me), it was over in 30 even minutes.

"I thought it would never end." Haku spoke tiredly.

"He made it look longer than necessary, in fact." Kimimaru said to my surprise. I laughed at that for a few seconds before listening.

"Sorry if I've bored you." The old man's voice came from behind us. I turned around and smiled at the old man with amusement.

"Good morning Hokage-Sama. Don't call my friends. They're just annoying people by nature."

"Hey!" Haku yelled.

Kimimaru just stayed silent, his expression unchanging, just standing beside me, supporting and fiercely prepared for a fight that wasn't going to happen. He was the protective type, something I didn't hate.

"Do not worry about it. Are these two your relatives?"

"Yes, Hokage-Sama, these are Satoru Haku and Satoru Kimimaru, my distant cousins ​​and members of the Satoru clan branch of the land of iron. My nii brought them, as well as my cousins ​​Karin and Saya, years ago to live in the village."

"Yes, I remember...but they seem to have different abilities than the ironland samurai..."

"Well, their mother was kunoichi... and, well, it's not my place to tell their story after all." I spoke suggesting something tragic. Surprisingly not an unusual thing in this world and therefore it was not doubted.

"I get it. I see, I'm going back to my work now…see you young shinobi."

"Goodbye Hokage-Sama."

"Bye Hokage-Sama."

"See you, Sandaime-Sama."

After that we went to the classroom and found all my friends here. Shikamaru was in the last row along with Choji and Ino. He slept bravely without caring for opinions. I didn't think he was wrong as as someone from a ninja clan he already trained in clan jutsus so going to school to learn something he already knew was a waste of time better spent when he slept. Choji ate and ate like there was no tomorrow. Ino just looked at me with a hungry expression. I waved at them and headed to the center of the room, away from the protagonist's seat and close enough to the front of the classroom.

"Here is a good place." He said and we sat down. "Now just wait and wait…this is going to be tedious.

As I expected, the classes were a waste of time. To change that I started my chakra control training using sheet-sized pieces of parchment. It took me exactly 16 minutes to become proficient. Unfortunately we would still have a full hour of lessons.


"Does anyone here know how the village was formed?" Iruka asked the class expectantly. Nobody raised a hand. I just looked forward with just resolve not to get involved. "Naruto, do you know who created the village?"

The question caught the Uzumaki off guard. Although he was less of an idiot than his canonical counterpart that didn't mean he paid attention to boring things like village history. He knew that someone from the Senju clan created the village and that someone was called the Shodai Hokage of Konoha. But he didn't remember the name.

"Ah... Did the first hokage create?"

"Was that a question, Naruto?" Iruka got angry.


"Can anyone tell me how the village was created?" Iruka raised his voice a little. I felt somewhat irritated at the way he addressed Naruto. I knew at first Iruka didn't like the bumbling boy, but that was still too much hostility to have with kids. It seems that even good people can be mean.

"I can." I raised my hand lazily. I was going to put on a little show for this ignorant class.

"Please continue."

"Well, to talk about the creation of the village we need to remember the time before the village came into being. The so-called epoch of states of war, where only ninja clans existed, was the cause of great conflicts for many years. The ancient nobles used members of the ninja clans as mercenaries. Honestly speaking ninjas are useless in any area other than murder and espionage... however they still needed to eat, dress and other things, like the humans they are... Clan wars were fierce and many children died daily from it of this. The motivations behind the wars varied. Some fought for resources, others for dominance. Some for honor and many for revenge. That was the main motivation.

"Among these clans there were two very strong ones who basically dominated the others in size and influence. The Senju clan, where the first Hokage came from, and the Uchiha clan, famous for Uchiha Madara, the village's co-founder. They competed with each other for the jobs that the Daimyo of the time requested from time to time. Anyway, the war caused many, many deaths for allclans, but these two in particular were more than just common enemies. There was a lot of resentment between the two, resentment that began to heal when Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara became friends without knowing each other's origins.

"Many things happened, Madara's brother was killed by the 2nd Hokage at some point. Clan War and Hashirama Victory with his release of wood and there, Hashirama convinced Madara to support him in creating a village where the children of their clans could be protected and guided on the shinobi path. So the village was founded by the two friends and their respective clans.

"As two of the largest clans became the founders of the village, other ninja clans felt compelled to join this new emerging force. Madara and Hashirama were both powerful individually, so together they were unbeatable. Fighting the creation of the village would be impossible so joining was the only rational choice. Thus the village of Konohagakure No Sato came into being. The established laws gave some advantages to the ninja clans. Civilians who migrated to the village in search of security became the biggest users of shinobi services and when the shinobi village initiative worked, other countries began to imitate the process. It was then that the era of the states of war ended and the era of shinobi villages became the rule."

When I finished telling the story, many people were staring at me with absurd expressions. Emo Sasuke felt excited to learn that his ancestor was somewhat of the owner of the village. The clan children were stunned to learn that their families had joined the village initiative only out of fear of the power of both the strongest shinobi in the ninja world and Iruka felt suffocated from all the impartial story I told. There was no unnecessary embellishment and the thinly-veiled criticism of the Shodai Hokage was evident, if anything. I also didn't talk about the crude philosophy of the will to fire and the allusions to the village's tree, leaves, and roots. Honestly, I was skeptical about that.

"How do you know that?" Sakura from the marquise forehead asked in her usual shrill, irritating voice.

"I am a nobleman from the land of fire. If anything I can be proud of is knowing the history of my country. Konoha village is located in this country so I have access to historical documents from when the village started to be formed." I explained to the understanding of the ninja who stared at me openmouthed. "It's an obligation for a nobleman to know the history of the land of fire so it's no big deal."

That said, there weren't many nobles my age who cared to learn whatever was obligated to them. In fact, most always preferred to spend their time in lust and swindling. Things I really wanted to do in the near future... if only there weren't so many dangers lurking in this world.

"Well that's. Come back now and take the opportunity to research more about the village and the topics discussed in class today. Goodbye."

Iruka said goodbye. I just got up and went out with my friends.

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