
1 Prolouge

Darkness everywhere not even a speck of ligth, there is just Darkness everwhere you can look into all dicretion and the only thing you will find is Darkness //and you know what i don´t like that//.


All of sudden a strange sound appears in this seemingly Eternal Darkness.

[Starting Analyzation of Monster #D2Z6AA23]

After the sound appears, this Message appeared in front of me with a strange ligth behind it.I beginns to ask myself //What could be behind this Sound, thoes Letters and what could await me at the spot where the Light appeard//. I start to struggle to get to this ligth it feels like a great thing awaits me there and i somehow know that i want to have it, at all cost.

[Register Strong Will +0.75 Willpower]

[Register quite small Intellegence +0.25 Intellegence]

Again thoes letters appeard and i stop for a moment and beginn to read them and somehow i understand it on a superfical level, what it could mean but still i don´t understand it fully, but i have the feeling that i will understand it sooner or later, the meaning behind thoes letters but now i shouldn´t let my mind get distracted with thoes things before i forget what i wanted to do so let´s continue with what i just did... what did i wanted to do again? Oh right i was trying to get to the ligth and find out what awaits me there, but man that ligth is so far away, why can´t it be closer ?

[Register Low Endurance -1.50 Endurance]

[Register Slow Movments +0.25 Agility]

[Register Easy knitted but Strong Mind + 0.25 Willpower & 0.35 Intellegence]

A While later...

I Finally reached the Light after traveling to it so long, but now i am quite upset because it is smaller then i thought. It is just as big as a penaute."Why Light i worked so hard to reach you but now you are just so small. What are you and why are you the only ligth in this space" no answere... why did i even try talk with it. What should i do now ? Can it even do something, Let me think... so i looked at it and i talked with it that is everything i can do in the moment,rigth ?. Oh i still can try to touch it... here goes nothing. I wait a few Moments but nothing happens "Was that really everything rea-AAAAAAAHHHH". Suddenly all kinds of imperssions are attacking my mind and at the same time the Light is becoming brigther and the brigther it becomes, the more i feel. At the beginning it was just pain in my head but now it is at something is crushing me and my mind feels like it would burst every moment and then if this wasn´t enough i start to hear strange noises that sound like crying but not like a single cryining sound but a mass of crying sounds from all dircetions. It hurts so much but i have to persevere i have to pre-.....

In the Time i was... Born a lot of those Messages started to appear

[Register Controlled chaning emotions +0.25 Willpower]

[Register Creative Mind +0.55 Intelligence]

[Register Rescistance against psychological pain +0.50 Mental Resictance]

[Add these Informations to Monster #D2Z6AA23]

[Add Biological Informations to Monster #D2Z6AA23]

[Add Biolagical Skills to Monster #D2Z6AA23]

[Caulculating...Caulculating... Caulculating... Caulculating... ]

[ERROR...ERROR... Some Informations are Over the Biologial Race Limit]

[Creating Informations Sheet]

[Sending Infromation Sheet to Village Chief, First Floor Boss, Upper Floors Overseer, Dungeon Lord]

[Add hidden Feauture... Limit S. System to Monster #D2Z6AA23}

After a while i finaly woke up. The first thing i notice was that i was wrapped in a white blanket and was lying on a stone bed, as my mind slowly began to start to work again, did i began to feel pain. A headache and man, was that was the worst headache i ever had, okay that are the first headachs in my life, but let not think about that but find out where the hell i am rigth now. I tried to look around but could only move my head a bit and nothing else but still i found a littel bit out. I am in a room with 7 other ugly babies, but that is not the worst thing the worst thing is that i am one of them, how did i find out ? that is quite easy because they have green skin and i have green skin they have long finger nails i have long finger nails too and we are all in the same room got it ? And you wouldn´t put your babie in the same room as diffrent babies, rigth only if they are siblings ?. Now lets find a bit more out, i wanted to say but before i could i was distrubed by new Messages.

[Welcome to your new Life Monster #D2Z6AA23 in Lord Razor D. Void Dungeon the Bloody Mountain Cave ]

[Transmitting your Charachter Sheet say Status open to see it]

//Okay so I am Monster #D2Z6AA23 in Lord Razor D. Void Dungeon the Bloody Mountain Cave... what the f*** Monster #D2Z6AA23 isn´t even a name why do i have such a name // *cry*. //Okay i think i calmed down. So i´am a Monster in a Dungeon, but what kind of Monster am i and what is even a Dungeon ? Okay, i can find out the first thing with my status. Lets try it out// ... "Status open"

[BEEP... Opening Status]

[Titel:Weakest Race of The Dungeon, 8th in line Village Chief

[Name: None (Monster #D2Z6AA23)

[Race: Lesser Goblin

[Level: 1

[HP: 8/8


[Gender: Male

[Stat: Inital Race +/- System Boni = Stat]

Str: 0.50 + 0 = 0.50

End: 2.00 - 1.50 = 0.50

Agi: 0.50 + 0.25 = 0.75

Int: 0.02 + 1.15 = 1.17

Will: 0.01 + 1.25 = 1.26

P-Res:1.25 + 0 = 1.25

M-Res: 0.05 + 0.50 =0.55


[Hidden Features

[Hidden Titel: /

[Hidden Skill: Limit S. System

//Okay so that is my status.The Numbers in my Stats are quite low, but i think when i inrease my lvl the will rise too. Mhm but what are the meanings of thoes titels and how did i get them and how did i get thoes Hidden Features//. "Hey strange Voice can you explain that to me"

[Request acceptet


Weakest Race of The Dungeon:

Giftet to you because your Race is the weakest Race of the dungeon

Boni: When you are getting killed you will give the adventure only 10% exp of the normale Value

8nd in line Village Chief:

Giftet to you because you are the 8th Son of The Goblin Village Chief

Boni: if all the others die you will get the Titel Goblin Village Chief

Hidden Features:

Limit S. System:

Giftet to you because you have achievd a Higher Inteligence and Higher Willpower then your body could endruder

[BEEP... Starting Limit S.System]

[Analzing Host..... complet ]

[Lis]:"And so i gave you this chance so that you could surive it and grow stronger, but i have to say you something just that you know it will by a Struggel for you to achive Power over your limit. I will repeat it for you to understand it better okay in simpel words okay ? So you Suprassed the Biological Limit that you had got from your Parents understandable rigth?So and when you still didn´t unerstand it and need to talk with me just say in your mind Lis okay ?"

So that is the First Chapter and i hope you will like it and will support me and if you have any idea how i could make it even better fell free to write it in the comments

Huolongcreators' thoughts