
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

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46 Chs

Powers and goals (Edited)

When I looked around there were trees everywhere. These trees were huge though as tall as a dinosaur. They were oddly humongous.

Looking into the sky i saw a huge bird-like creature flying in the air.

They looked similar to Pterodactyl which i had read about in a documentary.

wait. don't tell me god just sent me back in time. no-no-no.

don't freak out there's no way that I 've been sent back in time. heh that must be a huge joke no no-no-no no.

Being a doctor comes with its pros and cons I've been in many stressful situations but this has to be the most stressful thing I've ever going to go through and oh boy was I terribly wrong.

finally relieving myself from the regret I've been holding down in my heart and then suddenly dying and being reincarnated back to what I believe is the dino age is not nice. not nice at all.


<Damm it you just had to jinx yourself huh> I mentally screeched to myself

I ran back to the cave I was just in and looked outside.

what came running out of the jungle and slamming on to the ground was a giant dinosaur which kinda looked like a t-rex but had huge arms instead and tiny legs.

<WHAT IS THAT?!?!?!?> I mentally screamed in my brain

the dinosaur instead of using its legs to support itself. it stood 4 metres high and packed a huge punch when it landed. It's then stood there standing as if waiting for something.

I continued observing from the outside to see its habits its weaknesses. I had a feeling and I suppose this feeling was always right from the looks of it that I was going to have to face that dinosaurs well at least no yet.

It had a huge gash on its right arm it seem it got injured while fighting

Its seemed this dinosaur was pushed away from another dinosaur or something.

When Handy that was I decided to name the dinosaur with huge arms left I finally let out a sigh it seems that I've got to survive in this new world but with what.

It quite frightened me when it pushed itself with its own arms and started crazily charging at whatever it was fighting. I can't even land a scratch on that thing or even get to it.

When I started to decide killing myself I saw a bright light illuminated from the back of the cave.

when I turned to see what it was a letter layed there in its place.

I quickly ran to it and started reading.

{I am sorry to inform you but you have been accidentally reincarnated into a high threat world without your choice it seems that there was another glitch in our system and you've been gifted protection from being viewed by other gods and beings.

This means you do not have the benefit of death as the Death of this universe cannot collect your soul and view on you although that does not change the fact you can still technically die as your soul will just remain dormant in your body.

Usually when you die the god that you've been praying too sweeps your soul but since you cannot be veiwed by any and all gods/beings your souls stay dormant on earth. (Just clearing that up for anyone confused)

You have been compensated with two wishes of your choice although few wishes cannot be granted. Repeat the phrase 'I wish for ____' out loud and wish shall be granted}

I hope you enjoy our experiment. sincerely, The System Admin.

Readin into it I laughed so its all just an experiment in the end. If this was just an experiment, in the end, I might as well enjoy it.

Thinking about my wish I realized being a human had its limit. Being a docter I realized just how fragile the human body is.

If I could somehow break those limits I could be the best me ill ever be.

I won't ever have to worry about dying never in my life will I ever fear anything.

So I decided with my knowledge with the human body as well as engineering I would wish for Biological Manipulation and chi manipulation.

With this, I could transcend the limits of the human body and life.

Although there were many other wishes I could I felt this was the right choice. although atom manipulation was stronger I felt that it would take longer to control as well as not fully effect me entirely. It would not allow for immortality or self-strengthening.

although destructive is not self-efficient in the long run. It's also highly destructive and could backlash.

without looking back on my choice I decided that biological manipulation was the way to go.

"I wish for Biological manipulation and chi manipulation," I said aloud and with that, a voice in my head responded

<Veiwing Wish, Acceptable wish is granted> The voice replied back and with that my body felt light

when the feeling stopped my vision started to blur and my conscious started to fade. I collapsed.

When I awoke i felt fresh. brand new. it was a whole new experience. I felt powerful.

when I checked my body I first decided to check my DNA strand and decided to manipulate my body to get stronger when I suddenly felt as my body was going to collapse.

What I felt was so painful my body started convulsing as I tried to handle what my body was doing. I started to spasm around the cave nonstop as my body felt like millions of fire ants were digging into me as I lay there feeling every bit as my boy went through a sudden change. I was in absolute agony. After the pain, I layed there on the cold ground thinking about this new life of mine.

What am I going to achieve in this new life? Total domination of the world? No too much paperwork. Create a Huge harem of beautiful women? No too much stress. So what was I going to do? Live a life with no regrets and to the fullest. Now that sounds nice. I will do what my father and mother failed to achieve. Yeah, that's sound plausible.

when I got up I decided to look at my body to see any change and was surprised to see that my muscles had grown more compacted as when i tensed my arm it started to tighten and felt as hard as iron. That's when I decided to punch the wall of the cave.

A smart idea to i thought at the time to test my powers. I soon regretted that as soon as i punched the wall the whole cave started to rumble.


i dashed ran to the exit and saw that stalactites started pouring down onto the ground like rain.

when i turned around i saw that millions of those stone icicles falling endlessly just what kind cave was i in?

When one was about to hit me i quickly jumper through the exit just making it just in time before the stalactites blocked the entrance.

I gulped inwardly if one of those had hit my head it would have slipped easier than cutting butter with a 1000 degree knife. I also swore in my head i had just lost a place to sleep as well.

With nothing to do, i grabbed a rock from the debris and went over to a tree and climbing by sticking the rocks into the trees creating a semi ladder and climbing up via rock until i reached a branch which proceeded to chop off and acquire my newfound weapon the branch. I decided to use the leave stalks and wood along with rocks to create a spear.

"With this, i call this newfound weapon Bob the all-mighty spear!" I loudly proclaimed.

Now, this action may have garnered unwanted attention to me but with my newfound strength, I decided to test my limits and see where i am in this jungle. Looking down i saw a group of Velociraptors looking up at me screeching. Now I was no fighter but in this new life, i was going to need to be one to survive.

So i decided to jump down and aimed my spear vertically jumping straight down on one of them killing it directly. as i had luckily hit its head piercing through its skull snapping my spear in half.

I looked at the group of Velociraptor and directly climbed back up the tree i was, of course, bitten on the calves when getting up. i looked at my calves and decided to familiarize myself with my Biological manipulation powers as well as chi.

How stupid of me. I should have familiarized my self with my powers before jumping straight into action. I could've died. I'm never going to make that mistake ever again. i decided to heal myself by thinking of the strands of muscles in my legs by mending them back together.

which required my full concentration which took a while before being fully healed.

looking down i could still those pests squirming for me. knowing my mistake i tried to manipulate the bronchioles in one of their lungs to shutdown which worked as it all fell down onto the ground in seconds. I repeated the same action on the others and the same effect happened.

it seems it takes seconds for effects to happen on other targets but will take minutes for me to heal. Remembering my chi manipulation i decided to use that on a later time as i remember from a friend of mine that chi is heavily reliant on the body and soul. mostly the soul which my friend always said cultivation and meditation are key.

Looking at the dead body of the Velociraptors I decided that I needed clothes and food. I was feeling kinda hungry as well and looking at the goodies in front of i couldn't help myself. I manipulated my body to be able to eat raw meat as well as manipulation the skin of the dead Velociraptors into caveman clothing that looked semi-presentable.

When i looked at the meat i couldn't help but munch down quickly i knew that dinos had a good sense of smell and i do not want to get caught while trying to cook the meat. so as soon as i ate i ran as fast as I could to a new tree. looking at the new tree i did the same rock ladder trick and slept.

Looks like using my powers had consumed a lot of energy. Hopefully absorbing chi through sleep would allow me to get stronger in my sleep.

looking up at the stars i saw the stars twinkle the last time i took to just lookup was when i was with my mother. Memories of the past huh look like this new life will be filled with new and old.

I just hope the new ones are positive.

Hey, guys ive just edited a few things so they make sense i aint really going to be focusing on biological manipulation as he would be too op. Using Chi was for versatile means and also to protect his mind. No mind manipulation here boys.

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