
A Girl Under The Rain


DaoistKENJ · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Ken, 17 years old, a typical high school student. He is not so smart and not that good looking guy, just average. He's also not famous but he has so many friends. He lived by himself because his parents died in an accident when he was still a kid, but ken is living he's life fine even if hes alone.

THAT'S WHAT HE THOUGHT. When he meet the girl under the rain.

Ken is walking 4km a day just to go to school. He don't want to commute cause he don't want to spend so much for riding a bus, it's just a waste of money for him because he's living alone. He want to save money to prepare for college, because he's a third year high school now. He do part time jobs like working on a construction or in a convenience store, just to make money. His uncle gives him allowance sometimes but its not enough to support him, but even though his having a hard time, he couldn't dare to steal and do bad things that can ruin his life, cause he don't want his parents to see him become a criminal just because they left him alone in the world early.

Friday in July 23, 2024.When its raining, ken is in his way home.

"ahh! The rain is so strong, I have to go home right away," Ken said.

While walking, he saw a girl in the street so wet from the rain and crying. Ken brought an umbrella so he approach her.

"ah-hey, are you okay?" he said.

The girl stopped crying and look in him, their eyes met and Ken saw the girl's beautiful face clearly, she has a face of an angel, a beautiful blue eyes, with a red lips, and a smooth skin that made Ken daze off for a bit.

"Hello? hey!" the girl said

Ken got back to his senses.

"Ahh sorry, here take it bye" ken said (while giving her the umbrella)

"hey are sure about this, don't you need it too?!", the girl said (while shouting)

"I'm okay!, but if you get too wet, you will get a cold, that's why you can have it!", Ken replied (while shouting as he sprints home)

The girl want to ask his name, but he's already to far to hear it and the girl walks away.

"I hope i can see him again, so that i can thank him", she said (while smiling)

A few days after he met the girl, early in the morning Ken is getting ready to go to school. When he arrived at the school he saw a lot of people gathering in the hallway

"What could be happening over there?"

When ken got closer, he saw a person surrounded by body guards, but he can't clearly see who it was that's why he just ignored it and go to his classroom.

Mechael:"hey ken did you hear? there is a girl who just transferred today and they said she is very beautiful"

Ken:"no why?"

Albert:"I hear that shes a daughter of an owner of a famous beauty product company called marina cosmetics"

Mechael:"Oh!, that's why she's so beautiful"

Albert:" Really?! you saw her"

Mechael: "Yes, in the hallway a while ago,she's so beautiful like an angel, she has a white and smooth skin and her beautiful blue eyes are like a clear blue sky"

Albert: "Wow! i'm jealous, i wish i could meet her too"

Walter:"Me too" (with a squeaky voice)


Albert:"don't worry i got a photo"

Mechael:"Where? let me see"


Mechael:"Wow! she's really beautiful

Albert:"hey the teacher is here go back to your seats"

Teacher:"okay class good morning."

after school is over ken and his friends are in their way home, when there is a girl standing in front of the gate with a bodyguards and call ken

"hey Ken over here"


"ken it's me"

"Oh! your the girl from before"

Mechael:"a beautiful girl with a white and smooth skin with a blue eyes as clear as the sky

Mechael:"hey ken how did you know her!?"

Ken:"ahh yeah we just met the other day and i happened to helped her a bit"

Mechael:"You really didn't know her are you?"

Ken:"Well i don't know her name yet, why?"

Mechel:"why your ass,she is the transfer student we were talking about earlier you idiot"

"Ken:"ehh!? really?"

the girl:"by the way i am Lisa,i just transferred here today and I came here to thank you for the other day,"

Mechael:"hey Ken introduce us too"

Ken:" ahh right, Lisa this is Mechael, Albert, and Walter"

Walter:"Hello" (with a squeaky voice)

Ken:"You don't need to thank me Lisa but your welcome"

Lisa:"it's okay,I really want to thank you,and since we your also going home why don't you come with me and I will treat you to dinner, and your friend's can come too"


Mechael:"she is not only beautiful but also kind"

Lisa:"what are we waiting for let's go"

everyone:"okay let's go"

Mechael:"Oho? you only help her because she's so beautiful"

Ken:"Shut up i'm not like you"

after Ken tell his friends what happened,Lisa take them to an expensive restaurant.


Albert:"Are we really going to eat here?"

Lisa:"Yes, and you can order whatever you want"

Mechael:"really?, then waiter"

Ken:"hey guys mind your manners it's so embarrassing"

Lisa:"don't worry ken, It's alright help yourself guys"

Mechael:"Thank you Lisa your really an angel"

Lisa:"you can sit in the table over there"

Ken:"okay let's go guys"

Lisa:" Ken wait, you can sit here with me"

Ken:"ahh okay"

Mechael:"hey it's unfair, i want to sit with her too"

Albert:"Leave them be"

Walter:"Yeah right, What are you" (with a squeaky voice)

Ken and Lisa eat together while the the other's are in the other table. Ken ask lisa about in the other day when they met

Ken:"then, why are you alone in the street that day without anything even an umbrella and because of that you got so wet from the rain? even though you are so rich that you can easily buy this whole restaurant.

Lisa:"I actually ran away from home that day"

Ken:"why though?

Lisa:"because they want me to marry a man I don't love and even more so I don't know"

Ken:"arrange marriage, that's really hard for you, but don't worry come to me when you need someone to talk to"


Ken:"yeah of course"

Lisa:"thank you ken, you are the only one i talk this with

Ken:"really?! then im honored hahahah"

while they are eating they talk some things, ken tell some jokes and after the dinner ken and his friends already went home

Lisa:"thank you again for the other day ken, thank you!"

Ken:"Your welcome!, and thank you for the dinner Lisa"

Lisa:"Your welcome" (while blushing")

Mechael:"look at them, ahem okay Ken let's go"

Ken:" oh! right let's go thank you again Lisa see you later"

Lisa:"yeah see you later" (while smiling)

Mechael:"thank you Lisa"

Walter:"Thank you Lisa, bye" (with a squeaky voice)

Lisa:"your welcome, are you sure you'll just walk, i'll take you home"

Ken:"were fine we will just walk"

Lisa:"okay, bye"

when they went home they did not notice that someone had been watching them earlier

"Boss Luca, Lisa was with someone else earlier and they ate at a restaurant"

Luca:"tsk, who is she with?"

subordinate:"i think he's name is Ken"

Luca:"Ken?, okay investigate him"

subordinate:"yes sir!"


This is the first novel i made hope you liked it, if you have some comment or advice you can say it. Thank you!

DaoistKENJcreators' thoughts