
A girl from school

There was a boy named Sue Holks . He was a boy belonged to a middle class family who used to live in a small yet a crowded city named okabara . A goofy boy with a wierd hairstyle who never took care of how he looks , he was a carefree boy who had some friends belongs to wealthy families , he usually wake up half hour before bus comes to pick him , he was a little bit of unhygienic as he never took care of him , he used to go to Sant Frizmo National Academy. where all wealthy family kids come , sue's father was a farmer who used to work at field and pays the fees after very hardwork . The boy was not sincere about his studies and always thinks to play with his friends at school. He was not good at studies neither at sports , the classmates think of him as a creep and a weird boy , the teacher always taunt and shouts at him for his mistakes .

As the NEW SESSION Begins the boy didn't change at all but one day a girl came in class , wearing white and red strip top and a blue jeans , her hair looked soft and she had a pony tail . The boy was seeing her as if time was stopped, his eyes widened and he was admiring the beauty of that girl , his inner thaughts was filled with many questions "what is her name ?" " where did she came from?" " is she really gonna be in the same class as me ?" the thoughts were flooding in him . She introduced herself to whole class standing next to the class teacher . she said " Hi everyone, my name is Ren Tsuga. I came from Yotsubara , nice to meet you all " The girl was beautiful with long hairs , & was tall and slim . The boy looked around the class and noticed other boys were seeing her as he was and negative thoughts started coming in his mind like he was not a good-looking & handsome boy , others boys were handsome and good-looking. he thought he could never make her his friend. The girl took a seat in girls row , the boy was happy that she will be his classmate but was sad at the same time . Day by day the attraction was becoming strong ... the boy begin to imagine things . He used to look in mirror everyday since she came and everyday he thaught that why will she be my friend when I'm goofy looking and creep ..... He thaught he had to change this and begin to take care of him more and learned properly how to behave and talk , The boy had staight up hairs and thaught that was cool until he tried a new hairstyle that changed his look . he begin to shower every day , use good body fragrances and stop acting weird and controlled his goofy laugh and the way of talking to others , he begins to change himself and became a better and better person , but when he sits in class he always looked at her instead of studying , he begin to ask others about her and eventually things became too public and everyone in his classroom knew about him . He can't gather the courage to ask her directly to become his "GF" . Sue was talented in some things as singing and dancing . He always dance or sing in the last period of Saturday, as the last period was LCA ( Life & cultural activities) all students can do whatever they want in this period, they can play game or any other things. Sue's dance was liked by everyone in his classroom and he tried to impress her by his dance . But sue attracted another girl who wasn't good-looking as her and Sue hated her . Unfortunately the teacher told everyone in classroom to sit accordingly to their roll no. and mixed genders so that a boy would sit with a girl . The girl who Sue hated was seated next to him and the girl Ren whom Sue liked was seated with Sue's bestfriend Frin . Now everyone knew that Sue liked Ren and his bestfriend used to tell Sue that she was flirting with him and wanted to be his friend to make Sue jealous. & it worked . Sue became jealous and his friend begin to tease him . The annual examination was beginning and Sue didn't studied at all . Now he became focused and started studying. On the last day of examination. Sue and his friends followed Ren as she was heading toward the basket ball court . Ren was aware that Sue was following her and that he liked her . Ren reached in basketball court with her 1 friend and called Sue to come near him as he was going near her Sue's friends hide and begin to listen their conversation. Ren holded Sue's hand and asked him " Do you like me ? " Sue's replied with yes Ren said " I was aware that you always looked at me in class & wanted me to be your friend" Sue was listening to her standing still flooding with questions " Is she gonna tell the teacher ? , Will she be my GF ? , Will she ask me to propose her ? Will she slap me ? " all these thoughts were coming in his mind and then Ren said

" I always noticed you and I liked you when you begin to change for me " Sue replied " really? , ooh my god ... i wanted to say these things but i couldn't gather any courage, I wanted to ask you for a date 🌹 " and then they both smiled at each other and a snap of fingers reached his ear . Ren said are you listening to me?

Ren shaked his.hand aggressively and

said " Sue , if you don't stop these things and won't stay away from me , I'll tell the teacher about you and she will call your parents, this is my last warning to you & stay away from me " Sue was too stunned to say something, he was standing there speechless, she left from the court but Sue stood there , the things was repeating in Sue's mind as he had some shock. Sue's friends came out . Said to him that it's okay and asked him to go to his bus , That was the last day of that session and summer holidays begin . Sue was madly in love with her but she rejected him . Sue became more and more silent , day by day remembering what she said . He decided not to talk to her as she said . After summer Holidays , New session begin , Sue became a cold and less talkative boy , now he focuses on his studies and rised his academic scores . Sue never talked to her for 1 year but the boys would still tease him reminding him of Ren . After few months circumstances formed and he talked to her but this time with no emotion and a normal talk of few sentence. shortly after Sue changed his school and he could never liked a girl after her as Sue was truly loved her and he can't get over her after years but yet he became a more better person