


'if Azael is really the one standing in front of me, that means God could be anywhere around too, I need to retreat.' Michael thought to himself as he wondered if the remaining three angels that where still in disguise was God himself and probably the Goddess of creation who God had also banned out of existence a few millenniums before he barnished Azrael.

Gabriel watched in delight as Michael and the angels that where on his side fled for their lives.

"Wow, the plan actually worked. Let's chase after them and slaughter all of them.." Gabriel said to Lucifer with joy in his heart. For once he had never thought that such a crazy plan as it sounded she Lucifer told him about it the day before would work. But here he was watching Michael run away from the throne that he had so greatly desired.

"No. If we go after them, he would have no other choice but to stand and Defend himself. And we know we are not quite ready to win this war yet. I don't have my sword and Azrael doesn't have his blade let them go." Lucifer replied.

"But you know that it will not take them too long to Discover that Dad did not return with Azrael, you know right?" Gabriel asked..

"Yes I know, infact he'd start to question himself as soon as he discovers that we are not chasing after him and that he had not yet been flung out of existence, but he would need sometime to restrategise and also digest all that have occured today. We would need that time to also retrieve our weapons from hell." Lucifer answered convincingly .

Gabriel sighed deeply nodding in agreement to what Lucifer had said. "Thank you very much for your brilliant Idea and assistance here today. I assure you that heaven will never forget what you all have done for us. And we would pay you back someday when you need our assistance. We give you our word."

"It's okay.  You should go and guard the throne, we'd me on our way back to earth now." Lucifer answered.

Gabriel nodded and waved as he watched the four of them fly out of the Golden City. 

"Who's that guy with all the ideas, I haven't really seen that face before, I think we'd need him around here more often." One of the angels that stood beside Gabriel muttered to him as Lucifer left.

"Oh! Shut up. You heard the man, go guard the throne. From today we are mounting 24hrs surveillance over the throne room until God returns.  Hopefully he'd return before Michael does something crazy to us the universe." Gabriel thundered comanding the rest of the angels that where still loyal to him.


As Michael fled to the northern part of the Golden City he stopped on his tracks and the angels that where behind him also stopped. He turned around expecting to see Azrael leading a whole lot of other angels to destroy him and his followers. But to his greatest surprise no single angel was running after him.

Michael looked around sharply wondering if the angels that where sent after them where hiding and trying to play tricks on him and his army or something, but there was no other angel around, except his faithfuls.

"Hàaaa!!!!" He shouted angrily, he felt very foolish but he dared not return to the capital city where the throne room was. He looked around and from his observation, one-third of the whole angel population had stood with him.

Atleast that gave him a form of consolation. He bent his head and mourned his embarrassment for a few minutes. The other angels with him just stood, staring at him blankly.

When Michael had wept enough, he stood up straightaway then he gathered some courage before talking tho his faithfuls.

"This is a huge embarrassment to all of us. I had thought... Well, it doesn't matter what I thought, let bygones be bygones. Henceforth, there will be no more disgrace, we would have our victory. I have a bigger plan, and as many as will stand with me till the end, they shall inherit the Golden City as a whole." Michael stated.

"As for me, I give you my word Michael, I will fight for you till the end." One of the Angels with him had stated,

"Me too.."

"Me too."  Echoed randomly throughout the entire place.

Micheal watched with tears of joy in his heart as every single angel in front of him announced their support for him.

"This is so flattering. I promise, none of you would regret this." Michael reaffirmed.

"So please, what is the way forward?" The angel who had first assured his stand with Michael asked.

Micheal sighed briefly. "For now, we stay here. If God is not yet back with them - which I know that he is not else we'd have been dead by now - they dear not come here in search of us. I'm going to get us an army from hell which will join us in getting our victowhich must be achieved wether Gabriel likes it or not ."


Sia got up from her bed feeling very weak, she looked at her alarm clock and the time was 8:00 am. She sighed briefly as she felt her fore head and it felt unusuallly hot. She had had this weak feeling before she slept, but then it did not seem as though she was really sick as she thought it was normal sleep weakness.

But here she was, by this time of the day feeling weak despite how early she had slept. She forced herself to get up from the bed concluding that she was definitely going to be late for work today. 

She strolled nonchalantly to the toilet and "gbuuurg" she found herself vomiting into the toilet sink. She tried to wash off the particles of the puke from her lips but it came out over and over again.. she sighed deeply as she looked into the mirror in front of her, wondering what was going on.


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