

"Why would you think such? There's nothing going on between us, we are just colleagues.." Tiffany replied giggling.

"Oh I see, just colleagues." Sia repeated rubbish her jaw.



"How many times do we have to tell you that we have no idea where magedon is, we haven't seen him for quite a while now, last we heard of him was when he went for a meeting with Max at the central city. And we have been taken orders directly from Max ever since then." One of the hierarchy demons stated when he saw Felix and Victoria return with some vampires with them.

Felix giggled. "Well we are not here for Magedon, and I am sure that Max did not give you orders to hide Lucifer's sword in you Secret room" he stated as he walked in towards the room of Demon secrets with the vampires following behind him.

"I'm sorry I do not understand what you are talking about. But we cannot let you go into our room of secrets. Our privacy is our power." The demon stated running behind them.

"Then try and stop me, Felix stated as he flung the door open, but was faced with 5 hefty looking demons that where holding dangerous weapons in defence of the room.

"Woa.. I see you guys are fully guarded to the teeth, so what am I suppose to do? Shiver in fear?, If I where you I'd just peacefully go out of the way to avoid being killed." Felix said charismatically. The demons in front of him did not say anything it was the hierachy demon that answered to him.

"Sir, we already sent word to Max about this your attack and reinforcement is also on the way, so I suggest that you surrender now and face the consequences before things gets worse." The hierarchy demons stated 

"Well that's great, but I think that what you meant is  the faster we go into the room of Demon secrets and get the sword, the better for us."  Felix replied as he brought out his canine teeth to it's full length and his eyes turned red. Every other vampire behind him did same except Victoria who just rolled her eyes.

"Show off." She said as she walked towards the demon guards without changing to her full vampire state. Felix and the rest of the vampires charged behind her and started to fight against the guard demons.

The 5 guard demons seemed to be perfectly trained for situations like this as the flight as much as they could to hold off the vampires from entering into room of secrets until the reinforcement arrived, but Felix and the rest of the vampires fought with determination. And before long, the demons where over powered by the vampires and soon enough, they penetrated into the room of Demon secrets.

Once they where in, the sped through the whole place as fast as they could with their vampire speed searching for Lucifer's sword. They could see the demon army reinforcement team running towards the door of the Room of Demon secrets. So the increased their search.

Felix was beginning to get pissed as he searched frustratingly. 

"I think I found something."  One of the vampires stating, drawing the attention of Felix and the rest of the vampires to where he was. And they dashed towards him, Felix hurried grabbed the substance that seemed to be wrapped in a clothe like material that the vampire was holding in his hand.

He sighed in relief as he unveiled the substance and saw that it was really Lucifer's sword.

"Haha!!" Felix laughed excitedly.

"We found it!! We found it." He echoed happily. Soon enough the demon reinforcement caught up with them inside the room and Felix raised Lucifer's sword causing them to stop the assault.

"We where right all along. You had Lucifer's sword in your room of secrets after all. If you harm us, the news would get to Max and he'd think that you hid the sword on purpose, but if you let us go, he'd know that you all are innocent of Magedon's betrayal and he might spare your whole clan."Felix stated.

"Indeed we do not know how this sword got here. We'd let you go but we need you to speak about our innocence before the king. " The leader of the Demon army Reinforcement stated.

Felix nodded. "fine we'd assume that you are unaware of how the sword got here, and my sister would go with you to the King." He stated giving the sword to Victoria. 

"Please bring it back to me." He whispered to Victoria. As she collected the sword. She nodded her acceptance.

"Let's go to the central city. " She said to the leader as they moved to the central city with some of the vampires that had fought alongside Felix and Victoria.

Felix was left alone with Linder and a 2 other vampires from hell. The sighed as they walked out of the room of Demon secrets.

"I must apologize to you for the way I treated you earlier, I was just trying to protect our...." The hierarchy Demon started to say, but was interrupted by Felix.

"Keep you apologies to yourself, I'm not pressing charges."  He replied as he walked away with the vampires with him.


"So what do we do, when Klaus returns the sword from Felix? You don't just expect to go into hell with it and scream that you are Lucifer and back to reclaim your throne with your powerful weapon and expect them to just hand it over to you do you?" Azrael asked.

Lucifer sighed deeply as he turned himself a glass of wine from the bar in Tiffany' s house.

"Care for a drink?" He asked Azrael. 

"Yeah. Human drink seems to have a good touch of sweetness" Azrael answered. 

Lucifer giggled as he gave the class that he had already turned to Azrael and turned another one for himself and sipped some contents from it.

"Ah!!. Yeah you are right." He stated


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