
A Ghost for a Friend

Liwin stared at what seemed to be a boy his age. With a frail and delicate figure, short, inky, black hair and ghastly white skin, he looked like a ghost straight out of a horror film. He smiled, showing his perfect, pearly, white teeth as he moved his thin, rosy lips with words that scared Liwin. "Found you" A story in which Liwin, who hates interaction with any living being, gets haunted by a strange supernatural who wouldn't stop at just playing minor pranks. Once you see it, you won't forget it.

_Cherry · Seram
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2 Chs

Salty Cereal

"Who put salt in my cereal?" Liwin asked the group of people, which was his family, sitting with him.

Everyone looked at him with puzzled expressions before continuing with their breakfasts.

Liwin sighed. It wasn't the first time something like that had happened. He stood up from his chair and grabbed an apple before going back to his room to change.

Liwin believed he was cursed or something. There were many circumstances where abnormal things would happen to him. Things that science or physics couldn't explain. He even hired witches and sorcerers to see if they could find the problem, but it all turned out to be a huge waste of money.

After getting changed and eating his apple, he quickly said goodbyes and left the house. Knowing he has a curse or something, he didn't want his family to get hurt.

He walked slowly towards the school while browsing through the internet with his phone. As he went closer to the school he realised how everyone was looking at him strangely. He ignored it until he noticed how people were whispering among themselves.

"Do you think it's true?"

"I don't know but let's stay away from him for now."

"Is that him?"

Liwin was confused. He wasn't the type of person to interact with people unless it was absolutely necessary. He hated talking to any living thing that talked or made sounds. His family was an exception.

'What are these people talking about?' He thought.

He continued walking with his head down, trying to avoid the weird gazes from everyone staring. He didn't know what was going on but he knew it was something bad.

"Liwin! Come quick!" shouted a boy from across the street.

Liwin ignored the boy and continued walking. He tried not to show his face as he covered it with his hood. The boy kept shouting until Liwin turned the corner and bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're- Oh it's the scary bastard who's the new talk of the school. You think that's going to make people begin to like you? Huh! How pathetic."

Liwin didn't know who it was but ignored it as he walked past the tall person that he just bumped into. The person obviously didn't like it as he started cursing and screaming at him. Liwin just walked away.

After walking and bumping into many people while hearing many false things about him, he finally made it to school. He was already having a bad morning, starting off with salty cereal and then people pointing and whispering about him.

Honestly, Liwin blamed the curse he believed he had. He would have interacted more but whenever he tried to say something nice, he ended up saying something rude or offensive. That was one reason why people tried to avoid him.

He was near his class when his luck struck him again. He was about to go into his classroom when a piece of ceiling decided it was just the right moment to collapse and fall right on top of him. If it wasn't for his quick thinking, he would have been as flat as the floor, as he swiftly moved to avoid the disaster.

He looked at the now broken ceiling and debris on the floor before quickly walking to his classroom.

'Great, I'm late.' Liwin thought to himself. He hated coming late as everyone would stare at him.

Liwin reached his classroom as the teacher was just about to start the morning lecture. He wasn't in the class yet but he knew it was going to be draining. He took a deep breath before entering the classroom.

"You're late." Mr Leterim said as Liwin nodded his head and walked to his seat, putting his bag beside his table.

"Put your bag in your locker." Mr Leterim demanded.

"Why?" Liwin asked.

"I said put your bag in your locker!"

Liwin pretended to put his bag away as Mr Leterim continued on his lecture about the history of algebra.

"Alright everyone, please take out your math books and I'll pick someone to read page 285 since my throat hurts. Who wants to read for me?" Mr Leterim asked the class.

Not a single student put up their hands.

Liwin tried to find his math book before realizing he didn't bring it. Instead, he brought a strange book he had never seen before. He pulled it out and froze. It was as if something suddenly took control of his body as he threw the book right at Mr Leterim's face.

Mr Leterim looked at the cover of the book before blushing furiously. As he looked at Liwin with shock filled eyes.

The book was none other than the best selling adult book. Something a 17-year-old should not have with them.

Another story because why not?

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