
A Gamer Into Trails

An avid Gamer who is also a Light Novel / Manga / Anime enthusiast finds himself reincarnated into the continent of Zemuria. And he might obtain a Gamer system along the way. To set expectations now, I got five girls planned to become mc's lovers at some point. Any more will likely be voted on. Tags: Harem, Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Science, Sci-Fi, Magic, Romance, Slice of Life *Cover is no longer Roselia for Vol 2 onward. It will update periodically. If you would like this cover pic taken down just feel free to leave me a comment.

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300 Chs

Chapter 43: Toll (I)

"Well now, isn't this an interesting gathering of people? And even the Septian Church arrived. Lord Father, it looks like that report we received from His Highness was right.", Rufus said, becoming interested.

"Which is why I will not have you do anything stupid, Rufus. The next Emperor will be recognized soon. Just follow my lead. Hmm...?", Duke Albarea started to say, only to shifted his toward eyes toward the division commanders who were gathered on the left side of the plaza, next to the Septian Church members.

As for me...I felt a pretty strong pressure head in my direction, specifically at me. I had a feeling this would happen eventually. My encounter with the Four Great Houses...

I do wonder though, how many of them know of House Phoenix? Seeing this pressure direct my way, it wasn't antagonistic, just a rather heavy pressure. Enough to where I wanted to retreat a few steps back, but I didn't back down.

Rufus saw Duke Albarea reveal a rare smile on his lips, which caused him blink for a moment.

'Lord Father rarely cracks a smile like that, even at home...Just who in the world?', Rufus asked himself, only to follow his gaze as Duke Albarea walked on to join the division commanders. However, his thought was only temporary as one of the guards tried to yell out to Duke Albarea.

"S-Sir Duke, please make your way to His Highness!", One of the guards tried to say, but Duke Albarea completely ignored him, and continued to walk my way. Prince Eugent saw this and immediately calmed the guards down.

"At ease, soldiers. Let Duke Albarea through.", Prince Eugent said to them. After hearing that, the guards no longer tried to persist, allowing Duke Albarea to arrive at me. Seeing a little kid no taller than a couple feet not back down as Duke Albarea stared right at him, Duke Albarea revealed another smile. He also quickly took note of the insignia I was wearing on my violet robes.

"Good. That is a firm look. So your blood managed to continue on, boy.", Duke Albarea said to me with a smile. He continued to exert more of his pressure.

"...Pardon?", I tried to ask. However, I was only met with another question.

"Do you know what your insignia represents?", Duke Albarea asked me seriously. Hearing that, I could only nod.

"Yes...I am well aware.", I nodded in confidence.

"Good. Then I expect great things from you, young noble. For that, I will give you my approval.", Duke Albarea responded to my resolution. He uttered it softly so the crowd wouldn't hear, but those beside us became surprised. However, he cut that talk short there, and joined up with the other Great Houses.

As for Rufus, he quickly followed behind him. As he did, he ended up looking my way, only for him to stop beside Duke Albarea.

"Lord Father, just who is that boy? I do not recognize his insignia, but he is wearing clothing very similar to our own.", Rufus wondered curiously.

"You will know soon enough. Expect there to be a change today.", Duke Albarea answered, only causing Rufus more confusion. Rufus became quiet, seeing his father not talk any longer.

As for me, that pressure I was feeling vanished, allowing me to regain my composure a bit. The current Duke of the Albarea House is a powerful man, that's for sure. I didn't think Rufus would come here either.

I know many people didn't like Rufus as a villian in the games, since he literally cucked Rean everywhere he went, either in person or in the shadows, but once a person experiences Reverie, they will come to learn he is actually quite an enjoyable character. Not in my top five or ten, but still pretty high up in the character books.

The crowd quieted down after seeing the Four Great Houses arrive and an eerie silence struck our ears. The Four Great Houses were indeed the last to arrive. I did not expect any Bracers to come, unfortunately. Their influence is pretty minimal here in Erebonia, as compared to Liberl or Crossbell.

Seeing this silence, Ein took this time to approach Prince Eugent, only to speak out to him.

"Your Highness, it is time. The stage has been set.", Ein said, giving a bow to Prince Eugent.

"Understood.", Prince Eugent responded with a nod.

There was even a stage for Prince Eugent step onto, slightly elevated from the rest of us so everyone can see. He approached the stand located in the center, which had an orbal mic on it.

"Look, His Highness is approaching the stand. It looks like something is about to happen after all!", One civilian said.

"I wonder could it be? It's not everyday you get to see everyone gathered like this.", A second civilian questioned. However, raising concerned from the crowds beyond the barricade caused Prince Eugent to chuckle.

"Now now, settle down everyone. I deeply thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedules to attend to today's conference. To begin with, there will be a few announcements to deliver to the citizens of not only Heimdallr, but to all of our proud nation, Erebonia.", Prince Eugent said, officially starting his address. The moment he began speaking, more camera flashes went his way.

"For me to stand before you all as the Crown Prince today, I bring you all some unfortunate news. As a result of a recent tragedy, my first wife will not be here with us. In her place, I bring to you my firstborn son. Prince Olivert Reise Arnor. Due to certain circumstances, he was living outside of the Palace, but he has returned home...".

Just like that, the Crown Prince's speech went off without a hitch.

Later, that same evening.

Valflame Palace, Guest Rooms.

A little violet short haired boy with golden eyes could be seen in one of the guest rooms deep inside Valflame Palace, which was owned by the Arnor family. He was currently wearing white-violet fancy robes which currently had an insignia of a phoenix on it. A tired look could be seen in his eyes, and he ended up letting out a sigh. Of course, this little boy was me.

"Hah...", I uttered, letting out a sigh as I reflected today's events. A lot sure happened today, didn't it?

"I didn't think Prince Eugent would have the guts to do that in front of everyone. I wonder if this will hinder my plan at all? To think he would abolish the Four Great Houses, and make it the Five Great Houses...", I said to myself.

That's right, not only did Prince Eugent declare himself the 87th Emperor like he did in the original story, he abolished the current houses, only to bring them more power as the Five Great Houses. This did not happen in the original story, and it was likely influenced by my presence of being here. House Phoenix was officially resurrected, as they would say.

Puns aside though, I even received Duke Albarea's approval, which I was not expecting at all. As a result, the other houses welcomed me, and were looking forward to my welcoming in the noble society. I do not know what age that happens here. Does it happen at five, fifteen? I would have to look further into that.

For now, we enjoyed a banquet the new emperor invited us to, and now, those who wanted to leave left, which were most of the nobles and the division commanders who returned to their duties. But of course, my father remained, and so did Aurelia, as she had a prior commitment with Roselia.

"Still...I wonder how they would react once they know I will be off the radar come two to three years? Should I still enter the DG Cult?", I couldn't help but question myself.

Unfortunately that worry came to an end sooner than later, as I heard a knock come from the door.

"It's open,", I spoke out. As I did, I shifted my body upward, as I was still on the bed.

I saw a sole figure enter, who had short golden hair and violet eyes, wearing his signature red robe. Seeing this boy entered, my tiredness went away and I became serious.

"Your Highness.", I said greeting the boy. He smiled back at me after he closed the door.

"You can stay like that, Naoto. Or should I address you as Young Duke now? Haha!", Prince Olivert retorted with a smile.

"Please don't.", I retorted back.

"I only jest. Today was a very full day, especially for someone as young as you are. To be honest, I can't wait to see your debut into high society.", Prince Olivert said with interest.

"It sure was. And with the events today out of the way, you decided to check up on me?", I asked Prince Olivert.

"I did. You are feeling fine now?", Prince Olivert asked me.

"I am. I am planning to retire the night soon. However, based on what you said...", I began to say to Prince Olivert. Since I am planning to stay by his side in the future, I decided to reveal some to him.

"Oh?", Prince Olivert responded with interest.

"I cannot say much now, but it is very likely you won't be able to find me in a couple years' time. I have a plan to go off-grid, so to say.", I explained to Prince Olivert.

"Off-grid, is it? It sounds like you know something. Is it possible this is related to that staff wielder?", Prince Olivert wondered.

"You could say that. That girl is my master. I'll be training under her for a period of time, but I have plans to not show myself for a while.", I continued to say.

"Is that so? That is rather unfortunate. You know the twins took a rather good liking to you, haha!", Prince Olivert responded with another chuckle.

"..You aren't opposed to this?", I questioned Prince Olivert.

"Nah. Things might get rather turbulent here in coming future. With you out of the picture, the nobles might suspect something but I'll ensure Lord Father to keep them in check.", Prince Olivert responded, reassuring me.

"Thank you. After tonight, I suspect Father will take me home in the morning.", I said.

"Then this will likely be our last day we will see each other for a while. You know, how about I give you something to look forward to for when you come back?", Prince Olivert asked me, which drew my interest.

"Oh? What would that be?", I decided to ask.

"Little Alfin wouldn't keep your eyes off you, despite having her big brother right next to her. I must admit, I feel defeated, but how about I set you two up together for when you have your triumphant return and debut into high society?", Prince Olivert asked me with a grin.

"You wouldn't...", I tried to retort.

"But of course I can. All I need to do is mention it to Lord Father. That is, unless a certain other Princess has already caught your eye.", Prince Olivert answered.

"...You aren't referring to Princess Klaudia, are you?", I retorted back at him.

"Hmm, I wonder? Only a select few know where you hail from, and I am grateful that I get to be included on that list.", Prince Olivert responded with a smile.

"Haha, it is true. I could very well end up with either one. But what if I didn't want to choose?", I asked, revealing a grin myself. Seeing this caused Prince Olivert to let out another laugh.

"Haha! Your ambition will have a high hurdle to jump if that's the case.", Prince Olivert responded with a laugh.

After we both laughed for a bit, we heard another sound of footsteps approach the door. It was closed but it slowly opened, only to reveal Roselia with Aurelia behind her.

"Oya, I didn't think you would already have someone visiting you, Naoto.", Roselia said, looking at Prince Olivert with interest.

"We were just about wrapping it up, Master.", I answered Roselia.

"Master...So this girl is the one then?", Prince Olivert asked with interest. "And I didn't think you'd be tagging along with her, Miss Aurelia.", Prince Olivert continued to say.

"Nor did I expect you to be here, Your Highness. I guess you and Naoto are acquainted after all.", Aurelia said, greeting us as well.

"Well we were just wrapping it up. I can take my leave now.", Prince Olivert said.

"Hmm...", Roselia began to say, only to walk up to Prince Olivert to observe him.

"You know what, why don't you stay? That is, if you're up to watching interesting.", Roselia asked with a smile.

"Master?", I said, blinking for a moment.

"Oh? Since that is the case, then I will be in your care.", Prince Olivert agreed. "I do not know when I will meet with Naoto again, so I can spend a bit more time here.", Prince Olivert continued to say.

Well, the guests room of Valflame Palace were quite luxurious as they were with the spacing, so it was plenty to fit several people inside. Prince Olivert didn't have to worry about watching this from the side, even though I found it a surprise for Roselia to let him watch.

"Umu.", Roselia said, only to close the door behind us. "This process may take a while and may cause pain, so I hope you two are ready, Naoto, Aurelia.", Roselia said.

"Yes.", I nodded.

"As am I.", Aurelia also confirmed.

"Good. Now let us begin.", Roselia acknowledged.


Question for you all, if Naoto enters the Jaegers next volume, do you guys want him to grow his hair out similar to Randy? Let me know!

I haven't commissioned any art for MC yet because Vol 1 is early childhood. Once he becomes an adult, I likely will.

Don't forget to drop those power stones!

Don't forget to drop those power stones!

Ahtcreators' thoughts