

It's a lovely sunny afternoon in Encanto. Luna heard her grandmother and some of their house helpers cook lunch, despite having her door closed she can still vaguely smell some bratwursts being grilled. She gasped as she heard her Grandfather's deep voice barking orders on the kitchen. She held her pen tighter as she try to solve the math problem her Grandfather had given to her.

She's been sitting in front of her study table for hours now, God knows how she's bad at Arithmetic. She stretched a bit, her arms tired from writing. Luna bit her inner cheek as she massaged her temples. The same numbers she's been staring at for hours now are driving her insane

She sighed, she just want to finish her schedule so she can hang out with her friends later. She's best of friends with the Madrigal Kids, well, that's the only teens she's allowed to hang out with anyway since people in the town are so intimidated by her grandfather, Alejandro, that no one even dared to talk to her or walk the same path as her.

Her Grandfather, is the esteemed Alejandro Marco De Bourbon Wittlesbach. A 6'5in, 75yo man who held the position as second in command to Alma. The two heads of the family have a long history together, he's the first person to swore fealty to Alma after they got the Miracle. Alejandro also held the power as the Juez and Militia leader. Teaching young men and women how to fight, his innate fear of losing against another violent conflict heavily influenced how he heavily militarized the small community. The old man are also known for his harsh icy blue eyes that intimidates all other elders in the council.

That being said, he is also known for being a controlling man. He heavily monitors whatever Luna do all day. She is nothing but a political puppet meant to keep the miracle burning. Luna's eyes landed on the big board where her daily schedule are. She starts her morning with a jogging alongside her Abuelo, after all, she needs to maintain her figure. 36-24-36 are scribbled on the black board, that's the vital statistics she needed to maintain to be "desirable" for marraige.

After her strenous exercising, she'll shower, then help make breakfast, she's only allowed a very strict diet made by her grandfather too. But what if she's still hungry? Too bad she's can't eat more than a Salad, 2 Arepas and a poached egg. After that is her Violin lessons, and then her lunch which is just salad and some sausage. Finally, she can go out of the house to socialize with her friends. This has been her life for 24years. At this point she is seriously finding a man to marry, she felt so suffocated. But she knows deep inside how she'll just be a trophy wife for a rich man. Nothing more, nothing less.

Despite the standard set by her Abuelo, Agustín taught her that she is not just a Marraige pawn. Being her Violin and Piano teac her for 21 years, Luna spent 5hrs a day, 5 days a week, for 21 years with him. Luna's been Agustín's assistant on teaching his other students. Something her Abuelo deeply disapproves.

Luna's trance was broken after she heard someone knock on her door.

"Señorita, it's time for lunch." One of their house helpers said as she knocked on her door.

"Coming!" She responded as she fixed herself infront of the mirror. She grabbed her brush to fix the curls of her strawberry blonde hair that sits just above her shoulders. It's front part longer than the back, her side part fringes covering her forehead that she absolutely hates.

She pinche her pointed nose a bit, she doesn't know why but it has been her habit to lessen her stress. She looks at herself and thought how she starts to absolutely despise herself just because she looks a lot like her mother, what separates her are her lovely Amber eyes that she got from estranged father.

Because of her very strict upbringing, her grandfather required her to learn not only Spanish and English but as well as German, French and Russian because of her ancestry. They are locked out of the outside world, so it is up to her to keep their clan's ethnic traditions since they are predominantly 90% Spanish-Colombians. She's forced to take political and historical lessons since she's technically the heir of their family. She fixed the papers that she just finished, the math problems that had 4 vacant numbers as well as her French Language test. She's just preparing herself from her Abuelo's wrath.

Luna spritzed herself a vanilla perfume before she got out of her room and was greeted by a hallway that overlooks the courtyard. It is pretty much a copy of Casita's layout. The house of the Bourbons is on the complete opposite side of the town from the Casa madrigal, it is completely parallel to the Casa Madrigal that all you need to do is walk straight and you'll end up at the two houses. She looked down at the courtyard where she see Mirabel waving at her, she smiled sweetly and waved back before she runs down their grand stairs.

"Miraaa!" Luna greeted the young Madrigal.

Mirabel let out an oof sound as Luna hugged her tightly. They have been the closest friends even though Luna is 9years older. She became Mirabel's older sister figure after Isabela became distant from her. They became each other's safe space, after all, they are both pressured for not being good enough.

"I've been cooped up inside my room for the whole day because I failed a math test yesterday, ugh." Luna said as she rolled her eyes.

Mirabel giggled before responding. "I'm sorry about that, have you finished it?" Mirabel asked, Luna just showed her the blank questionnaire.

"Nope, I'll just prepare myself for another lecture." Luna said pouting.

"Luna, Mija? Can you help us set the table?" Corazon, Luna's grandmother said to her.

"Coming Abuela! Go sit there Mira I will just help grandma fix the table." Luna said as she run towards their kitchen to grab some plates to bring to their dining area.

The Madrigals and De Bourbons have a long history together, for 5 generations the Bourbons are the bodyguards and protectors of the Madrigals before the Encanto was even made. Alejandro was Pedro Madrigal's bodyguard ever since they are kids, Alejandro's father is also Senor Oscar's Bodyguard, who happens to be Pedro's father. It goes on 4 generations before Pedro. De Bourbons was very progressive for their time, they also train their daughters like their sons, which made them very prolific fighters too. Marisol became the protector of the triplets Bruno, Pepa, and Julieta.

Pepa definitely doesn't need protection. But Bruno? Marisol defended him from the village kids. Sometimes the spunky Marisol goes home coated with mud from all the fighting she does. That is what Alejandro ended with Luna. He never taught her how to fight or use swords, after all, they are safe now in Encanto, right? Her sole purpose is marry the right man and produce heirs.

Luna went on to the dining area where her Grandfather and Alma are talking. Luna looked out of the window and saw Julieta and Pepa along with their husbands talking about something so serious and at the corner of her eye she saw Isabela calling her in a corner. She put down the plates and utensils first before she walked towards Isabela who looks distressed.

"Luna! Have you heard? My Abuela and your Abuelo are planning your marriage already! Oh, wait no, OUR marriage!" Isabela panicked, her hands waving profusely as she 'sweat' flowers.

"Wait, what?" Luna asked confusedly, her head tilting a bit.

"So, remember how I and Mariano talked once. ONCE! During Camilo's birthday party 2 weeks ago?" Isabela asked Luna. Luna just nodded once. "Well, Abuela thought we held hands and were already in a relationship!" Isabela shrieked.

"Oh God, so... don't tell me she's planning to have you marry Mariano?" Luna asked with worriedness etched in her face.

"Yes! I... I don't want to get married yet!" She panicked. "And you're next! Your Abuelo wants you to marry Mariano's cousin Carlos!"

Luna frowned, Carlos? The same Carlos she and the Madrigal Girls despised because of how shit his personality is but the elders liked him because of how good he pretended on acting like he is a good person.

"Mierda, why him?" Luna muttered.

Isabela held her shoulders tightly and shook her hard. Slightly shouting at Luna, losing her typical perfect composure.

"I don't want to get married! I don't want tooooo! Waaahhhhh!" Isabela screams at her, Luna just stared at her dumbfoundedly. How can someone act so perfect and yet be this goofy whenever out of sight by the elders?

"What's that sound?" Pepa said as she entered near the door where Luna and Isabela is talking.

"Oh nothing Tia, just the old floorboards creaking." Isabela said going back so fast to her perfectly composed self. She smiled at her Aunt as Luna nervously laughed.

"Lunch is ready!" Abuela Corazon called out.

The Madrigals and Bourbons sat at a long grand table. The dishes are a mix of traditional Colombian and German foods that both the families like. The Bourbons wear a dark shade of Red, white and Black. Luna herself wore a white corseted dress that heavily restraints her movement and eating.

"Good Afternoon Señora Alma." Luna greeted, Alma responded with a smile at her.

Luna just took one Arepa and a few slices of Bratwurst that she slowly ate. The adults started talking about serious things in their town. The trading, number of livestock, etc. Mirabel and Luna are talking about their next sewing project everything is fine not until Luna and Isabela froze upon hearing Alma clear her throat.

This is bad news, she's going to talk about a serious topic.

"You know Alejandro, Luna just turned 24. You should think about her marriage." Alma said. Corazon looked at her Grandaughter with nervousness. "Maybe, she and my Isabela will get married this year!"

Isabela looks shocked, her shoulders getting stiff. Luna looked at her Grandfather with fear, which he reciprocated by glaring at her with his icy blue eyes.

"A-Abuela, Maybe Isabela is still not ready. She's still young, she just turned 21." Luna begged Alma, dismissing her own downfall.

"But Mija, that's already a marrying age." Alma said in a cold tone, side-eyeing Luna.

Isabela nervously smiled, trying to reassure Luna that she'll be fine and stop fighting with the elders. The two "perfect" Princesses of the two most powerful clans are both trapped within their own clan's expectations. Luna is expected to be the heir of their family, she's meant to handle all Alejandro's duties once he's gone. As well as giving birth to an heir and more than 3 children. God knows how many times Luna was pressured to have at least 6 sons to restore their clan.

"How about you Luna?" Alma asked.

"I found her a great man to marry, but for now she will train with me. She'll now start helping the town judge when it comes to enforcing the laws." Alejandro said seriously before biting on an Arepa con queso.

Luna's shoulders slumped too, she and Isabela just can't take a break from their elders. They are like puppets for them to be played around with and controlled to follow their own liking. They do not have any destinies outside what their elders want. Their lunch just remained silent after their confrontation. The air of terror and fear can be felt by everyone, especially Luna, whose movements are guarded by her hawk eye Grandfather.


Luna sat down at the edge of the woods in the nearby river, her short hair obstructing the view of her face from Mirabel as they throw rocks on the river that Luisa just redirected last week. The sounds they only create are their sighs and the rocks landing on the river. The silence was broken when Mirabel started sobbing.

Luna hugged her, patting her friend's back as the kid continues crying. Aside from the confrontation a while ago, Mirabel got into a fight with Isabela and as usual, Abuela Alma sided with Isabela. Mirabel bawled her eyes out as she hugged Luna tighter and tighter.

"I'll never be good enough, They... They won't love me the same way they love Isabela and Luisa. What did I do to deserve this?" Mirabel said as her sobs drowned her own voice. Luna rested Mirabel on her shoulder, stroking her head on her free hand and then patting her on her back.

"That's not true Mira. Your parents love you. Your sisters love you." Luna calmly said as she now caressed Mirabel's cheeks, wiping Mirabel's tears away.

"Bullshit." Mirabel whispered.

"Tsk.tsk. no bad words allowed her Mira." Luna said as she shook her head disapprovingly. "Luisa and Isabela love you, I know they have a very hard time showing it to you. Especially Isabela."

"Isabela HATES me. I'm the thorn in her perfect family. I'm not special enough." Mirabel muttered.

"Mira, you can sew, play the accordion, dance perfectly, sing better than me, do embroidery, and even learned my family's language! You are special and do not let other people tell you otherwise!" Luna said in a serious tone as Mirabel wiped her own tears.

"I'm about to believe you but I remembered that you all know those skills and you taught them all to me. You can speak 5 languages, Luna, you can play the violin and piano, your sewing and embroidery skills are on par with mine because you are my teacher. You can dance the waltz! And you're very pretty! Isabela is perfect because of her gift but you don't have a gift to be perfect." Mirabel said as she pouted.

"You are perfectly unique in your own way Mira, just like how I am unique in my own way too." Luna said in her soft tone as she held Mirabel's cheeks.

"Fine... Fine. Let's go home, Abuela will get angry at me again." Mirabel said as she grumbled. The two walked away while the sun starts setting.

Unbeknownsr to the two young women, a man wearing a green Ruana sat just behind the big tree behind them. Bruno smiled to himself as he sat behind a big tree, a few feet away from the two girls. Luna really loves his family, she's treated like the eldest grandchild. The way she talked so softly and caring towards his Niece made him really happy. Someone can finally understand the suffering of his Niece.

"Everything will be fine Mirabel... You have Luna." He whispered.

He watched the young De Bourbon grew up and be a beautiful compassionate young lady despite the way his grandfather raised her. Bruno's head throbbed. He remembered how he vowed to himself that he will never let that vision happen. He stood up and went to the river to clean his clothes and take a bath. He took his bucket of dirty clothes and started washing it on the river.

"Where's my mom's neklace?" A female voice nervously said just right behind him said.

Bruno grabbed his bucket, and wore it to hide his face. Two small slits let him see outside the bucket. He panicks and tries to hide from the person but all he did is trip and smash his head on the ground.

"Are you okay mister?" The voice asked.

Bruno immediately sat up, holding his bucket in place as the girl tried to remove it.

"I'm fine I'm fine." Bruno said with a shaky voice.

"Oh... Uhm, okay. Please be careful, sir have you seen a ruby necklace? It has a Lion engraving on it" The amber eyed girl asked.

Bruno squinted, trying to look at the small slits. His heart pounded so fast. It's Luna. Her innocent amber eyes looked at him with worry.

"Uhm, no no. None." Bruno said.

Luna looked sad. "Uhm, thanks. Please tell someone on the town center if you found it. I'm Luna De Bourbon." Luna said as she laid out her hand.

"Br--- Jorge Lopez." Bruno said, using an alias. He shook Luna's hand.

And under that bucket is a man as red as tomato, his first human interaction in 9 years is the woman he is trying to avoid, her soft hands and warm smile taking his breath away. This is the first human interaction he ever had, her soft hands and vanilla scent engulfed his nose.

Bruno stood there awkwardly as he continued his tight grip on Luna's hand for 5 seconds before he suddenly pulled away.

"Uhm... I, I..." Bruno stuttered, worried about what he should answer.

"Oh, I have to go! Good evening Jorge. Please tell me if you find it." Luna said as she run away, her figure fading from the distance.

Bruno removed the bucket from his head, his heart pounding fast. His dark brown cheeks blushed. He clutched his chest. He huffed as he felt his heart going haywire, flashing back the vision he had years ago. He frowned, pain and sadness flashing on his face before he calmed himself down.

"Stop feeling this Bruno. You're meant to break that vision." He sighed.

He stared at the sun as it sets, it was so beautiful. But nothing beats the beauty of the moon.



The fictional De Bourbons here are still grounded on some historical reality. The house of Bourbon has Spanish and French branches. The Bourbon clan that Luna is from are descendants of Infante Carlos Count of Molina, the youngest son of Philip V of Spain. The count only had a daughter, she became the Matriarch of the Bourbon-Wittelsbach after she married a minor prince from Bavaria. Their line became the elite soldiers and generals for various kings, they are somewhat regarded as a modern Mercenary clan. Alejandro, Luna's grandfather is the 12th son of another minor noble from Bourbon-Wittelsbach, they opt to use their much more powerful family's last name instead, hence using De Bourbon. Alejandro's matrilineal line is from the Wittelsbachs who intermarried with De Bourbons, making them somewhat inbreed. His mother and father are second cousins.

Pedro on the other hand is of Braganca descent, which is also a Spanish-Portuguese noble family. Hence the hate they got during the wars that happened 50years prior to the story. Being a matrilineal great-grandson of Miguel I of Portugal and a son of a Spanish monarchist made him the target of revolutionists. He is of a higher peerage than Alejandro, hence him being the latter's protective knight.

Sofia Corazon Zaragoza or better known by her real name as Sofia Vyachezlaevna Konstantinovna is from a far noble clan, her father is the youngest son of a Grand Duke. After marrying a measly Colombian Farmer's daughter he abandoned his titles just to be with Sofia's mother. She is Nicholas I of Russia's great-granddaughter.

The pedigree of their town consists of various monarchists and rich clans which made them a hotspot of revolutionists and guerilla fighters.