
A full leveled big brother strolls through the newbie village

Eleven years ago, Sylver passed the final barrier set by "Hera (wife of Zeus)" and successfully escaped from the Pure White Realm. But his time was frozen forever at the moment of his departure - the day of his seventeenth birthday.   Eleven years later, he returned to that nightmare in an illegal way and became the "prisoner" of Gregorio, a new player.   After that day, the monsters of the Pure White Realm finally recalled the fear of being dominated by the devil.   Gregorio at first did not have the slightest affection for this imp-like young man, but as he was entrusted with life and death over and over again, he gradually realized that--no, he seems to be a good person.   Not good, he seems ...... to be a big brother!   The labyrinth encounters the horrible executioner who is ten meters tall and holds a scythe in his hand.   Crowd: ah ah ah ah ah quick escape ah!   Sylver moves his wrists, "Say hi to your dad for me, tell him I didn't mean to beat you up, I just wanted to help him discipline the bears."   The night sailing abyss stumbles upon a wandering Lost Whale.   Crowd: be careful! Anyone touched by it will be reduced to nothingness and forgotten by all!   Sylver: It's fine to go straight there, it and I are brothers, so when we have time one day, we'll meet up for afternoon tea together, and I'll let you guys get to know each other.   Gregorio: ........................   Did he make a pact with some incredible being?   Gregorio who realizes later on that Sylver knows almost all the bosses: apathy.jpg.   Riding the endless train through intersecting time and space, the white-faced clown at the end of the railroad smiles and hands over an invitation:   "Welcome to the pure white realm! A nightmare for the world and a paradise for gamblers, this place can fulfill any wish you have, as long as you have enough chips!   "If you leave before the end of the game, we will charge a certain amount as a damage fee, for example - your life!"   "Now then, please show us your chips."   Just like eleven years ago, Sylver didn't hesitate to stake his feelings.   ..............

Daoist14CG44 · Fantasi
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15 Chs


 The white vest pushed a pile of demolished construction materials and drilled out of the hole, putting the stones and concrete aside and asking with an innocent face, "What are you guys talking about?"

  Aron immediately revealed a bright smile, "Nothing, I'm praising you for being awesome, go ahead."

  White Horse Armor didn't care and continued to go and clean up the stuff in the well-dug cave. After about ten minutes, the busy figure finally stopped.

  "It's finally done, hoo..." it lifted its dusty paw to wipe the sweat from its forehead, pointing at the hole that would allow the two to pass through without any problems, "Let's go, leave this ghost place."

  With that, it took the lead and dug in, and with the others in the cell still showing no signs of waking up, Gregorio grabbed his backpack and shotgun and, along with Aron, followed behind the white vest.

  The rat's improvised passageway is very rough, the surface is uneven and there is a lot of gravel that has not been cleared out, which he and Aron can only use their elbows to prop up the ground a little bit to climb forward, elbows rubbing raw pain. Aron because of the race problem is even stronger than Gregorio's physique, climbs to a certain corner, his crotch stuck, and for a moment can not move.

  "Hey, I can't move!" Aron screamed and struggled towards the front, the rat who had all but run away heard him and doubled back, looking sadly at Aron stuck inside, saying, "Your ass is so big."

  "My butt ... your butt is the big one! I'm just wider boned!" Aron couldn't break free with all his might. Gregorio in the back saw this and pushed against his ass with both hands, and the two of them shouted a one-two-three and pushed at the same time -

  Aron slammed forward under the force of both internal and external forces and almost fell on his ass.

  Finally, he was out!

  Aron was practically in tears, all the excitement and gratitude converging into a deep, "Thanks, bro."

  "It's okay." Gregorio withdrew his hand and spoke in his usual calm tone, "Come on."

  The two climbed for three or four minutes before finally exiting the cave and reaching their destination, the storeroom. The storeroom is huge, filled with all sorts of miscellaneous items, the cave entrance is under a long table, and the two men and one mouse found a relatively empty corner to sit down, all covered in dirt.

  Gregorio asked it, "You're so strong, why don't you just go to the kitchen and get something to eat?"

  White horse armor two paws touch each other in front of the chest, sad: "Pied Piper's magic power is too strong, he in the whole castle has laid a net like a ban, I can only go in and out of the dungeon and storage room two places, but also at any time and any place to worry about being found out ... Hey, my companions! All of my companions have been sealed in the moat outside, and I don't know when I'll be able to get them out."

  Gregorio: "And do you know how to get out of here?"

  "Pied Piper has to use his flute if he wants to cast magic, just steal his flute and-" the white pony armor said and suddenly stopped talking, its round ears perked up and listened warily, after a few seconds its eyes widened and it panicked as it ran towards the entrance of the cave A few seconds later its eyes widened and it ran towards the entrance of the cave in a panic, "Oh no! Someone's coming, I've got to go, good luck!"

  The black figure in the white vest disappeared in an instant, and at that moment Gregorio and Aron heard the sound of the lock on the larder door being unlocked, and the two rushed to find their places to hide, holding their breath.

  Aron hid behind the abandoned wine barrels, his back pressed against the wall, the lizard dressed in servant's clothing walked past him, muttering, "Evening primrose skeleton patterned tablecloth, twenty meters long, isn't this something that was put away the year before last, it's been such a long time, where am I going to find it."

  The lizard walks past the large closet that has been gnawed by a mouse that has gnawed a corner of its teeth, and has just turned his back to rummage through the seven or eight stacks of tablecloths that are more than a meter high in front of him, when the closet door opens silently, and Gregorio, who is hiding inside, holds up the celadon vase high, and smashes it fiercely on the back of its head!


  The poor servant was knocked unconscious without even a grunt, and his heavy body collapsed, crushing the several piles of tablecloths to the ground without making a sound.

  Gregorio put the vase down and dragged the bleeding lizard into the closet, fished out the key he had on him, and closed the door, Aron came over and handed him a random lock, which Gregorio simply locked so that the waking lizard couldn't run out and tell the others what had happened.

  The series of actions was so smooth that even Gregorio himself was surprised as he looked at his hands and clenched his fists in silence.

  Sylver, who had been secretly watching everything, had to admit that his "master", who had stumbled upon him by chance, had quite a lot of potential, cool, calm, simple, and would deliberately reduce his sense of presence ... These qualities were all indispensable to becoming a top pilgrim. As long as he was properly trained, he would be a good helper for him.

  "Go first!" Gregorio placed a set of keys that could unlock the rooms of the old castle on his body and left the storeroom silently with Aron.

  Meanwhile, the kitchen.

  Marvin groaned in pain and slowly opened his eyes.

  The sharp pain in his head was making him question his life, and he raised his hand to cover the painful area and twisted his head to look around.

  ... Where was this?

  Hadn't he just been studying the road signs with his old brother Aron, how did he change places all of a sudden? Where were they people?

  I think I heard someone playing a flute.

  Although he was full of doubts, Marvin didn't make a sound and observed his surroundings in silence. To his left was a huge oven with a crackling wood fire - no wonder he felt hot on his left side. The door to his right leaned open, from which the aroma of baking bread wafted, and the cupboards were lined with several gleaming metal utensils, more rare than silver, but aluminum.

  He, on the other hand, was lying on top of the cooking table, accompanied by a flat wok, a water boiler, and a row of butcher knives of different sizes.

  The cooking table?

  Marvin was instantly sobered as to why he was lying on the kitchen counter! Was this the rhythm of being slaughtered?

  The thought had him in a complete panic when someone came into the kitchen, to say it was a person was a bit of an understatement, the dark green lizard serving as the kitchen handyman carried a bucket of boiling water and placed it laboriously near the cooking counter, straightened up and wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned around and was about to strip Marvin of his clothes.

  Marvin instantly realized what he was about to go through - boiling water to remove hair before cooking, the most traditional way of removing hair from an animal!

  He was going to be eaten!

  What to do!

  His eyes squeezed shut as he felt the hands, which were not human in shape, moving over his body, and tensed so much that his heart was about to pop out of his chest. Marvin was wearing a tactical suit that he had specially bought at the Pure White World store before entering the box, the kind with lots of pockets, it wasn't very good at removing his fur, and after half a day's worth of picking it off with no luck the Lizard Handyman turned to go get some scissors.

  The heat of the boiling water in the bucket seemed to pelt him right in the face, and the searing temperature told Marvin - that as long as he was thrown into this bucket, he would be scalded to tenth-degree disability in an instant.

  It would be better to just kill him with a knife!

  In the face of unavoidable death, even the most cowardly person would have the potential to turn into a mad dog, let alone an already bloodthirsty teenager like Marvin. The lizard handyman bowed with his back to him and rummaged for the scissors, while Marvin took this opportunity to grab the narrowest boning knife at hand with one hand, rolled over, and jumped off the cooking table with a ferocious gleam in his eyes, and slashed at the lizard's neck with all of his might before it even realized what was happening!

  If he didn't kill it, it would be himself who would die!

  The sluggish sensation of the knife cutting through skin, veins, and flesh traveled clearly to Marvin's hand. The knife was far sharper than he could have imagined, and blood spurted wildly out of the opening, spreading across the surface of the blade and nourishing Marvin with a fishy, rolling stench.

  The poor lizard lost its life without even a scream, its heavy body slowly collapsing, and Marvin hurriedly reached out to help it before it smashed into the utensils on the table and disturbed the other creatures.

  The boning knife was stuck between two of the handyman's cervical vertebrae, and when Marvin tried and failed to pull it out, he raised a hand to wipe the blood from his face and shivered as he reached for another chopping knife, specialized in meat.

  This is not a human being, I didn't kill anyone, just like killing a chicken or a fish, only chopping up a lizard that can talk and act like a human being, I didn't kill anyone ...Marvin's other hand is holding the wrist of the right hand that holds the knife in a death grip, and he keeps consoling himself in this way, and he finally feels the shaking is not so strong.

  Now is a special situation, this is no longer the peaceful world that he is familiar with, crisis is everywhere, and fear is everywhere, so to kill a lizard for their safety, there is nothing to feel scared and guilty about.

  ... But the warmth of the blood spreading over his fingertips and the fishy smell at the end of his nose was so real.

  He had killed someone!

  NO! It wasn't a human being!

  There was the crunching sound of dishes clinking together in the cooking room separated by a half wall, and it seemed like someone was in there. Marvin hesitated, stopped the pointless mental struggle, took a deep breath, gathered his courage, stepped over the shallow puddle of blood pooling on the floor, approached the cooking room, and probed to take a look.

  The lizard with the chef's hat on top was making the sauce, while in front of it lay the middle-aged woman from the group, her top already stripped off, the place where her liver had been marked with a red pen, waiting to be disemboweled with precision.

  In addition to eating him, the lizards wanted to eat the aunt! Eat her liver!

  Marvin, who had eaten his fair share of fine foie gras, understood the chef's nefarious plan in an instant, and as he watched the sauce coming together, with the blood spattered on him by the handyman still dripping silently, the teenager clutched the chopper tightly and gritted his teeth.

  In the next instant, he lurched out from behind the wall and stabbed the knife into the chef's lizard head from behind!

  A single strike killed him!

  His knife directly destroyed the chef's central nervous system, and his technique could be described as crisp and clear, it was astonishing that a boy who had never been trained in the field could be so accurate and ruthless.

  The tip of the knife brought out a bit of white brain matter, and Marvin held the chef's dead body against the corner, took two steps back on his hind legs, and breathed heavily as he carried the blood-dripping knife.

  Then he bowed and threw up with a "wow" sound.

  After killing two lizards in a row and not disturbing other creatures, Marvin vomited out everything in his stomach, rinsed his mouth with a jar of water, washed his hands and face full of blood, took off his jacket, and covered the middle-aged woman, and muttered, "Auntie, I didn't mean to look at you."

  The woman on the stage still showed no signs of waking up.

  Marvin shook her and shouted softly in the woman's ear, "Hey! Auntie! Get up and eat!"

  There was no movement.

  He couldn't just leave the person here and go by himself, could he, in case some other lizards came by afterward, wouldn't Auntie be in trouble?

  At a loss for words, Marvin thought of the severe pain in his head when he woke up, and with the mindset of trying it out, he took the tin can at hand, and ruthlessly, controlling the force, came at the woman's head-


  The spell was broken under the external force, the middle-aged woman immediately opened her eyes and cried out, seeing Marvin with blood on his face in front of her, she was confused for a moment, covering her head with severe pain and just wanted to lose her temper, but realized that the surroundings were completely unfamiliar, and turned to ask, "Eh? Where is this place?"

  "It seems to be a kitchen, I don't know how I ended up here, when I woke up this thing was about to kill and eat both of us as ingredients, so I just had to get ahead of myself," Marvin explained succinctly as he pointed to the chef lizard in the corner.

  The woman had been through two boxes as well, and after a moment of panic, she quickly calmed down, her blouse thrown somewhere, put on Marvin's jacket, and in a fit of post-hijacking celebration, genuinely said, "Thank you, young man."

  "It's okay, let's get out of here, I guess it won't be long before someone else comes by to check it out." Marvin walked briskly out of the kitchen with the woman, both of them also passing off another knife. Marvin casually asked:

  "Auntie, do you have a fatty liver?"