
A Frozen Dawn

Murnia has always suffered cold, barren winters, but none as harsh as this. Dark blood stained snow as the wars raged on between kingdoms. That is, until a third party arrives, offering help. The queen of this mysterious and powerful kingdom of Lyndonori has always won. Sure, death may lie in her wake but so does peace and new beginnings. Every path she's crossed has achieved great things. But for a price. Now Celestria and her kingdom of Ardon must decide whether to go to hell and back with the ruthless queen to maybe survive, or die horrible deaths to the winter.

sammie_1124 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs


Okay so I know I sorta just left randomly, motivation has been hard to get lately plus I've had some technical difficulties that made it hard to write but I will try to write more whenever I have time. Thank you for your patience.