
A Fish That Can Evolve

A common man suddenly woke up in one of the cultivation worlds where normal people can be killed at any time but that is not all, but he discovers that he is not a human being either, but rather a fish that has a system that will take you to the pinnacle of all races (If you see any error, do not hesitate to comment, I am using the Google translator, so with your help I will be able to correct the novel to offer a better reading experience)

The_Immortal_King · Komik
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47 Chs


[Reconstruction has started now, it will be finished in 5 minutes please be patient]

(Okay, now it's time to read this book) I said to myself as I looked with momentary contemplation at the book in my hand but without much thought I decided to open the book while looking at Xin Yi who was doing his best to look what he was doing squinting

(What's happening Xin Yi?) I asked while looking at her "looking at me wrong" at the time I opened the book since I couldn't see my actions in detail since it was night and my "skin" color was also quite dark so I could only see slightly my movement

Xin Yi: "It's nothing, it's just that I can't see things correctly" she said while squinting trying to clearly see what she was doing, it's not that she didn't trust me it's just that she was curious and wanted see what I was going to do

(... system, momentarily unlocks my ability to heal for this week) I said to myself while mentally sighing since I did not expect that she actually suffered from poor eyesight since I myself also had poor eyesight and although I had Lenses back then were still uncomfortable to wear and I think it would be even more so for a world where they probably do not exist.

[Understood host, stamp of "Everything can be cured" has been withdrawn, its use this week has been used]

(Xin Yi, stay still for a moment) I said as I put my hand right over his eyes and concentrated a bit of mana on my palm making it quickly enter his skull passing immediately all over his body and to my surprise I found traces of poison

And apparently the few remnants of poison would lead her life to a rather tragic one since not only did it atrophy her meridians rendering her incapacitated for almost all orthodox cultivation methods but also gradually weakened her body making even if they found a pure cultivation method physical it was impossible for him to start cultivating it but that is not all since even his senses and bloodline were slightly suppressed

This is not to say that Seiryū's bloodline was useless or anything like that but it spoke of his power since his sleeping bloodline was able to combat a potentially deadly poison with some ease since the poison without the presence of the line of blood would have caused his senses to swoop and in less than 1 week he would completely lose his 5 senses and in less than 1 month his body would have withered and lost all its vitality without a way to get it back and get the poison out of his body since the venom was totally scattered in his blood and unless you took all his blood there was no way to eliminate the venom but even then there was a risk that there were still traces of venom in his bone marrow which would cause his new blood to be even more poisoned by lack of resistance

But there was another problem and that was that like me his blood was now poisoned, although to be exact it was his bloodline that was poisoned, it was not to the point of no return but it was to the point that his bloodline now poisonous properties making it the first poisonous "Seiryū" in existence and while I was thinking about this I finished healing Xin Yi entirely, from his blindness to his meridians and the remnants of poison that he used to give his bloodline poisonous properties and as an antidote to weaker poisons

(Well, Xin Yi, now you can open your eyes, now you should feel better, if you feel weird it is better to say it now or you will have to wait 1 full week for me to solve it) I said as I removed my hand from his forehead doing that she unconsciously opened her eyes showing a pair of fully golden eyes with a slight hint of green that appeared the closer you got to her pupil, maybe just maybe she may have awakened her bloodline by mistake

Xin Yi: "Yes !, let me see ... My stomach feels hot… I am pregnant !! " she said happily as she jumped from side to side and suddenly she launched herself at me and started hugging me not caring that the book she was holding fell to the ground

(… .No !!, you are not pregnant, look at this is all I did… to start because the first thing you thought about was that you were pregnant if I only touched your forehead) I said quickly before everything started to get out of hand while I quickly implanted all the knowledge and details of the medical treatment that I gave him, causing him to deflate like a balloon

Xin Yi: "... is that my mother told me that when I was pregnant I felt heat in my stomach ... so I thought ... And in 6 days I will be 15 years old so I can get married… "she said shamefully while trying to avoid all eye contact with me but to tell the truth she did not know how babies were made either although she understood the gender difference and her parents I had only told him that when he found his predestined person he would have a son

And coincidentally her bloodline woke up completely making her feel a unique connection to Albafica feeling totally comfortable around her attaching that which made her feel warm in her stomach after she opened her eyes the only possibility was that she was pregnant

(… I wonder if I should give him the "talk"… at the moment I wish my mental resistance was not sealed) I said to myself while contemplating the best way to give him the talk about the bees and the flowers since it was something that I never expected to do especially because I did not remember having children or mentally preparing for this

[Remodeling has been successfully completed]

(Hell, I'll just give him the information mentally while sleeping) I said to myself as I floated the book that had fallen to the ground from the shock Xin Yi had given me, but at that moment I realized that the first page was in plain sight and showed the words in dark red letters…