


The fallen wasn't liking this at all, he allowed his baby and the new guy to sit on the same breakfast table for their lessons, he kept them in Marco's place with the hound falling asleep at her feet.

He got his baby some papers and a pencil for taking notes if she needs to, Daniel asked him to leave the room for privacy. Luca was ready to make him lose a tooth or maybe two, privacy my ass, he wants to know what kind of lies he's telling his baby. Ella laughed and called her daddy silly before asking him to leave nicely, the fallen left with one last warning glare at the angel once out of the room Daniel turned to the over-excited angel.

/"How old are you Ella,/" Daniel asks wanting to know.

/"Nineteen/" Ella mumbles, she also three when in her little space but she'll do her best not to show Daniel that side of hers.

/"And you?/" she asks him curiously, her daddy refused to tell her his real age, he just said twenty-four, he looks like it but she doubts he's only that much.

/"I'm six hundred years old/" Daniel replies proud of himself, Ella's mouth fell open with shock, wow, he's so old, like a dinosaur.

/"Weally, you old/" she says slipping a little before covering her mouth to hide it. Daniel smiles at her before he begins to explain today's lesson, he's just going to talk to her about heaven.

/"Angel who grew up in heaven take around a hundred years for their body to reach its adult form,/" he explains to her and she nods, she grew up here and she's got an adult human body.

/"We are immortal Ella, an angel is only considered an adult after they hit two hundred/" he explains, she's just a baby in his eyes.

All Ella was thinking about is how old her daddy really is, he's an adult for sure, and he's much older than Daniel so how old does that make him.

/"Can I see your wings?/" Ella asks excitedly all of the sudden, she loves hers and daddy's wings.

/"That's impolite Ella/" Daniel scold her, she felt tears going up to her eyes, only her daddy scold her and sometimes Marco but not him.

/"Don't cry Ella, it's impolite to ask to see someone wings okay/" Daniel says feeling bad, the girl was practically in tears. He moved on with his lesson explaining to her about how the heaven works, about the aristocrat, the hierarchy system.

By the end of their two hours lesson notes been taken, she mostly liked the part about the gardens and animals, anything else wasn't that much interesting. Ella was yawning, It was almost time for her nap but she doesn't want to say she needs a nap in front of her new teacher, she's an adult, not a baby.

/"Ella/" came Luca's voice saving Ella from any more information, things in heaven are really complicated, if she went there she'll just stay in the gardens.

Luca lifted the baby angel off the chair and into his arms, her eyes were closing shut from all the information she just learned, she was exhausted.

Her finger found its way to her mouth making Luca tsk at her before changing the thumb into a paci of hers. Daniel who was watching the whole thing was eyes wide open, Ella the girl who was acting like a grown-up five minutes ago was now napping while sucking on a pacifier.

The fallen angel carried his baby to her bedroom upstairs letting her nap in their bed, she won't be up for another hour or so. He went back to Marco's apartment to see the angel his mouth is still hanging open with ow.

/"How old is she?/" Daniel asks once the fallen walked back inside.

/"She's nineteen in human age/" Luca replies.

/"But she's not.../" Daniel says knowing she's not nineteen.

/"Her angel side is only three, she'll act like both sides/" The fallen explains with an underlying threat, if he hurt his little baby he's dead.

Daniel was thinking about it, it does make sense, in angel age she's just a child. She acts her age, the angel didn't feel safe staying around a demon, fallen, and a hell hound.

He left through the window letting his wings out and taking off toward the sky, he needs to find something to do while not teaching the baby angel, he'll spend time with her as much as possible but he also needs a breather.

Daniel took off through the city discovering everything, he never came to earth before and he doesn't see the charm of it yet. He kept his wings out assuring no human can see him while flying around the city, he saw few other angels, a few fallen, demons roaming the earth.

Still no charm of the so-called earth of its people, Daniel then decided to get down to his feet and walk around the people, he brought his wings back in and made them disappear while he moved around. He walked between the humans, some smelled bad, some nice, some talked to themselves while walking and others busy on their phone. What got his attention finally was a big billboard saying /"Heaven's Angel/", intrigued by the name Daniel decides to walk in, wanting to see what this dimension thinks of angels.