


The fallen was hurt but not too badly, the Lord has used some kind of dark magic to hurt him, the wound wasn't healing, Daniel wasn't looking any better either. His wound was much deeper, it wasn't healing, he was a creature of heaven, the dark wound could be fatal to him. Marco was tending to the wound to his best knowledge, he's trying to clean the blackness out, they need a creature of heaven to heal him but there was none of them to help him here.

/"Boss, we gonna need some help here/" Marco says, he didn't know what to do anymore, the angel is dying, he need help.

/"He needs heaven's help/" The fallen answer, seeing how bad the situation is, he's dying, he can't let that happen.

/"What do you want me to do? Throw him up to the sky until he reaches the heaven?/" Marco says, although it was funny they couldn't do that, they need to get to heaven down to him.