
A Fake In a World of Saviors [On Hold]

(I'll put a better synopsis when I get a better idea of where this story's going. Don't expect consistency) What would you get if a faker gains the abilities of another faker? Would he still be a fake, or would he then become the genuine article? Well, who knows, because hell, I don't. (I know, a scuffed synopsis, but yeah... Well anyways, here's another fic idea I wanted to try.)

noobstar14213 · Komik
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3 Chs

1) Prologue 1 (EMIYA's Side)

Alright, here's another fic I just thought of and wanted to write. Writing this because I got a little writer's block on my other fic.

Welp anyways, here's the BS of a chapter.

Word Count: 1185


<General POV>

Massive black gears spinning in the distance in the middle of a desolate desert. It was a kingdom of ruins with thousands, possibly an infinite number, of swords buried in the ground like headstones in a wasteland, yet were all well preserved. It was a steel mill-like environment, full of weaponry, fires, and giant gears.

In this barren desert, on a hill surrounded by weapons, sat a white-haired man. Wearing his signature red plain mystic code with his form-fitting black armor, he sat holding a dazed expression. This man was Emiya Shirou. A man who signed a contract with the world itself, to achieve his dream of being a "Hero of Justice," and began the start of a hellish journey as a counter guardian.

Fighting through the many conflicts, battlefields, and wars, Emiya became a slave to the world, Alaya. Alaya instructs Emiya to respond and prevent, killing more often than not, any and all threats to mankind. This contract continued on, even after his eventual death.

The process of being summoned to prevent any threats and disappearing after the job was done eventually showed Emiya what a true "Hero of Justice" really was. A fairy tale ideal that would never really be achieved. An ideal that drove a man who wanted to do good into nothing more than a broken slave doing the world's bidding. An ideal that only, ever truly exists in fairy tales.


Reminiscing my recent memories of the fifth grail war was somewhat pleasing. The last conversation with Rin was an interesting interaction, to say the least. From her reply, it seems that she would at least try and stop him from continuing the "hero of justice' ideal. Not only that, she was even concerned for me. Knowing that I was a counter guardian, the thought of being saved was amusing seeing how the only way was to be released by Alaya, but it was still nice to receive those words, even knowing I still couldn't.

Thinking back with a wry smile, I couldn't help but think of the promise I made, even knowing that it would be broken the instant I return.

For now, since I returned, I'll have to wait until I'm given a new mission to complete.


After an indescribable amount of time passed, a blue orb appeared. The orb was Alaya, seeing she's(?) here, I assume I'm going to be sent to my next mission.

"Guardian Emiya, it is nice to see you have returned." Alaya greeted me with her usual monotone voice.

A/N: I know that in Fate Alaya is the collective unconsciousness of mankind that wants to survive, but I wanted to make her able to talk in this to make this easier to transition to the next chapter. Y'know, other than MC wakes up later not knowing how he got there. Anyways, continuing with the chapter.

"Yeah, I'm back in this place again. So, where to next, assuming another isn't already there yet?"

"Before that, I will like to congratulate you on completing your own personal task."

Hearing that, I couldn't help but be a little alerted about what she'll say next, so I stayed quiet waiting for her to continue.

"You were able to prevent that Shirou Emiya from pursuing his ideals thus preventing him from ever interacting with me."

"What do you mean that Shirou Emiya? Isn't he me?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Yes and no. Yes, you are both Shirou Emiya, but not of the same world. You are of a parallel timeline where you accepted my contract, while the other was misaligned from it."

Getting my answer, I couldn't help but laugh, "So what I'm hearing is that, in my timeline, I was always destined to be a counter guardian and it didn't matter if I tried to change that?"

"Simply put, yes."

Hearing that, I couldn't help but release a self-deprecating laugh. Seeing how I didn't disappear when I returned, I already knew I failed, but now knowing that I couldn't change it anyways just made me feel worst.

After a few minutes of digesting that information, I looked back and nodded to continue. Seeing that, Alaya continued on. "Now, onto your next task. Your new task is to be happy."

"Huh?" I couldn't help but ask back.

"Your new task is to be happy."

"That's not what I'm asking!? What do you mean be happy!? How, after being your dog for who knows how long!?"

"Contrary to what you may believe, guardian Emiya, I am not cruel. Don't you remember, the contract that was signed had an expiration date?"

Upon hearing that, I couldn't help but feel a bit stupid. At the time, I didn't bother listening to anything else other than the offer to help others endlessly.

Calming down a bit, I asked Alaya, "Now that the contract has ended, now what? What's going to happen, or where would I be going now?"

"As stated previously, your new task is to be happy. What I am implying to you should think of where you would want to go. Are you happy being a counter guardian? Will you be happy to stay here, inside your reality marble? Will you be happy if you just simply pass on? What I am trying to say is, do what will make you happy."

Upon hearing those words, I couldn't help but tear up. It's been so long since the last time someone wished me that. Looking back to the recent events, Rin was the only one since becoming a counter guardian. Even then, she just wished me to find my own happiness.

After a few minutes of calming down and another more to decide what I wanted to do, I finally thought of it. Getting my answer, I look at Alaya resolutely and said my answer.

"After all I've done in the name of being a "Hero of Justice," I think I should finally rest. I've destroyed too many civilizations, committed many assassinations, and even failed to protect others while doing all these tasks. So once again, Alaya, I think I should rest. I've done enough."

"I see. I understand. I will rid the contract and let your soul pass on."

"Thank you."

"Yes, now you rest in peace and forever happy."

Hearing those final words, I blacked out, now passing over.


<MC's POV>


Waking up, I couldn't help but shove my blankets, causing them to knock over some items on my dresser. Not even a few seconds passed, and my head started to spin.

"Auugg!!" Holding my head in pain, a set of memories comes barging in, causing me to fall back onto my bed. After what felt like hours, the pain finally calmed down. Now without a headache, I digested the memories that I got and couldn't help but sigh after processing them.

"Fuck. Another one."


A/N: So, I decided to write another fanfic. Two reasons.

1) I just felt like it, simple enough of a reason, right?

2) Like I said at the top, I'm having trouble with coming up with ideas for the other fic, so I'm writing this one to take my mind off it. I'll most likely just keep switching on which one I'll upload.

I know that Emiya's personality is off, but there's a good reason for that. The place where the MC reincarnated to doesn't need his whole person, just some memories and his skill set.

Though if you are curious about where the MC was reincarnated to... (this is where the slight spoiler is going to be, if that really mattered. Seeing how it'll be revealed in the next chapter.) The MC will be reincarnated into, World Break: Aria of Curse for a Holy Swordsman (or Seiken Tsukai no World Break, if you want the Japanese title)

With that, I'm out.

Thoughts on the prologue? I know, pretty bad, but I'm just using it as a throwaway chapter to get into the actual story. ...Now that I think about it, it kinda sounds like what a prologue should be...

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed what you read.

noobstar14213creators' thoughts