
A Faded Series

[Two Souls, One Destiny] A never ending battle against fate. A fight to death, a fight for love. ⚜⚜⚜ A dance of shadows and light. A tale of sacrifice and redemption. ⚜⚜⚜ Will this story forever remain faded?

Prince_Yuki · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Silent Comfort

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months turned into years. Adrian had finally achieved his childhood dream of establishing his own talent agency. And surprisingly, both Luke and Daichi became a part of his team, and the three of them worked together as if nothing had ever happened between them.

As time passed, Adrian could feel the plant within his chest growing, causing him immense pain and yet, he showed no signs of telling anyone. Not one has known of his suffering, not a single soul.

He waited.

He wanted to wait for him.

He waited for his return.

Only to realize, he never would.

Luke and Daichi rose to fame and became known as a "power couple" in the public eye. Their faces graced the covers of countless newspapers, magazines, and billboards. Adrian tried his best to ignore the whispers of engagements and weddings, but deep down, he couldn't escape the painful reality.

And then, on one joyous and momentous day, Luke proposed to Daichi, surrounded by their loved ones and adoring fans. It should have been a day filled with happiness and celebration. However, it was also the day when the first fully bloomed flower burst from Adrian's bloody throat, a torment he carried within him secretly.

[scene change]


[scene change]

Adrian found peace on the rooftop of his agency, where a small observatory was created. That rooftop had always been his sanctuary, his safe haven, and as the end drew near, he found himself seeking refuge there more and more.

"So you were here all along...?" It was Ethan Kingston, his trusted friend and someone he considers as an older brother figure, who discovered him there. Silently, Ethan sat beside Adrian, their shoulders touching.

No words were exchanged, but instead, Ethan reached into his pocket and handed a handful of red and blue petals to Adrian. Adrian accepted it without question as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"How long?" Ethan's voice was filled with concern. His younger brother was suffering, and he was not there to help him?

 Adrian could only manage to say, "Since three years ago."

"And you endured that long...?" With Adrian's nod, Ethan asked once more, "Are you planning on having surgery?" his frustration evident in his clenched jaw and fist.

Like an idiot, he smiled and said, "Nope~"

"He doesn't deserve you." Ethan squeezed Adrian's hand, "Your love for him, everything about you, he doesn't deserve it."

But Adrian, ever humble, simply hummed softly, "It's not his fault I'm unlovable." He wanted to say more, wanted to reply but as soon as he saw Adrian's eyes, he chose to remain silent. Adrian's reply didn't satisfy him, and that unspoken anger shimmered in his eyes. For Adrian, I'll remain silent. For now.

Adrian shifted his weight, resting his head on Ethan's shoulder, "I wish I wasn't made of shattered dreams."

"You're not, because-" Ethan took hold of Adrian's hands, and looked at the stars as he whispered. "-you're one amazing dream."

[scene change]


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Weeks later, Luke found himself standing in Adrian's doorway, his arms filled with snacks and foods. And a beautiful Persian cat could be seen sleeping on Adrian's couch, catching Luke's attention. "Since when do you have a cat?" Luke questioned, walking down the hall and placing the bags on the counter.

Adrian tilted his head to look at the feline and offered a gentle smile, "Since yesterday."

"Why do you have a cat?"

"I found him abandoned near the agency and brought him home."

"With your schedule-" Luke snorted as he sat on the couch, petting the cat and waking it from its sleep, "-Did you really think that you will have enough time for a pet?"

Adrian maintained his composure while replying, "His name is Leo, and I can always make time." As he continued his work in the kitchen, he added, "Besides he needed a home, and I've been feeling lonely."

"You're lonely?" The reaction of Adrian's loneliness tugged at Luke's heart. It made sense in a way - Adrian hadn't dated anyone since high school, not even after their own breakup. Adrian always claimed he didn't have time for such relationships and didn't want to burden anyone with his mundane life.

"Ian, you have us-" However, it struck Luke that Adrian hadn't invited anyone except Ethan to this gathering, their first party at Adrian's house, "-you have me, you can always call me when you're feeling lonely."

It feels so unsettling. Adrian may usually be shy, but he is very outgoing when you get to know him. Adrian wasn't meant to be alone, he was meant to be happy.

Adrian replied casually, "Yeah, but all of you are busy with more important things."

Luke tensed at the implication and countered, "You're important." A silence fell between them, and Leo, as if sensing the tension, left Luke's side and sought comfort in Adrian's arms. Adrian sighed, his smile returning as he knelt down to reassure the feline that everything was alright.

"It's just nice to have someone who listens to everything, you know? Even if he may not understand me." Adrian spoke softly, "And Leo gives great cuddles."

"Perhaps-" Luke sighed and look down, "I should get one. Daichi hasn't been a great listener lately." Adrian chuckled, his laughter echoing throughout the room. I miss that smile. That laughter. I really miss it.

"Luke-" Adrian faced Luke directly, "-you have me, Luke."

Surprised, Luke lifted his head, "What?"

"You have me-" Adrian repeated, standing from his seat and approaching Luke, "You'll always have me."

"And you have me too." Luke said, "I'm here, ready to listen. You don't need this damn cat when you have me." And yet, deep down, Luke feels that there is something wrong. It was very unsettling, and he hates it.

Adrian chuckles as he sees Leo, who seems to understand Luke's comment, hissed in response. And as Luke saw his eyes, he knew, something was wrong.

He wanted Adrian to speak up, to tell him what troubled him. But, he could never ask him. He opens his mouth, yet, no words come out. Tell me. Luke pleaded. Please, tell me what's wrong.

Yet, the words remained unsaid. Fuck, this is frustrating. Why can't you just be honest for once and tell me what's wrong. I hate this.

[scene change]


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"Waiting for someone who will never return is indeed painful."

"Mhm. Forgetting about the past and letting go is difficult." Adrian could be seen through a lake as multiple beings watched him, "Being honest and asking for help is quite tough."

"But, not knowing what to do is the worst kind of suffering."

"How sorrowful..."

"Kyaaa-" another figure exclaim, "It's happening again."

"Can't we help them?"

"There is nothing we can do, my dear."

"A heart that has known love can endure the deepest sorrow, yet still find the courage to offer kindness and friendship to those who need it most. Love is the reason why God created sighs, tears, sleep, smile, sadness, and shivering hands because not everything that is within our heart can be said."

Prince_Yukicreators' thoughts