
A duty to uphold

Sakura a man who died and got put in a different world where magic , guns ,different races and even dragons exist and all he has is a sly tongue and great looks, and his objective is to survive all of these thing though easier said than done .

H_Macman · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

A simple journey's end .

(*Duchess Scarlet's POV*)

After Sakura goes into a deep sleep I gently lay him down and begin to think about what he said .

Sakura :"Your not alone".

Or the fact that he said .

Sakura :"We're all human".

The fact is that he said truth after truth and being unable to answer him proves just how right he is about me . Responsibility , a duty to uphold all of these things and even something a simple as emotions he talked all about it excellently and he even voiced his own opinions and interpretations of my life inside my own estate and that's true ,I have no friends , my family are like the devil and no one to cry on when I need to .

Sakura :"Humans need company".

I don't have one .

Sakura :"Vent out your emotions".

But how .

Sakura :"I would hit my pillow in frustration that's what I do to calm down, and you have a way don't you"?

No , I don't have a way to relieve myself at all .

Sakura :"if they can't find someone or something the bottle these emotions up and as time passes by stress and fatigue consume the person and it's a matter of time before the person snaps and goes insane".

I feel like I've already snapped long ago .

Scarlet :"Haaa".

I sigh while leaning backwards into my seat and look at Sakura blissfully sleeping away like a child . And my hand moves involuntarily to pet his fluffy head ,I continually rub his soft and fluffy hair rustling it all the while having a big dumb smile on my face . I retract my hand and the kids brows flutter beautifully .

Sakura :"Uggn....uwa..uwa".

His face threatens to cry as soon as I moved my hand away and I sigh deeply and smile saying .

Scarlet :"What a greedy kid".

I move my hand in again but the carriage suddenly stops and the guard outside driving the carriage knocks three times which usually means there's trouble brewing .

Scarlet :"He hits his pillow and I kill people ,people truly have strange ways to relive stress".

I hear some trouble outside ,while my guards can take care of it since I'm feeling pent up after what that commoner said I open the door and walk out to see KY knights and a group of bandits making a ruckus .

Sir peter :"What are you doing obstructing the path of a Nobel"!

He's my right hand man named peter .

Bandit #1 :"Oi ,no passin' thru 'ere without payin"!

The bandits head is shoved down by another as he looks at me whistling .

Bandit #2 :"*Whistle* what a beut' we'll let ya pass if we get a night with ya".

The group of five men laugh but suddenly I hear footsteps behind me ,'Shut did one sneak past me'! . I turn around but it's one of my knights with a gun aimed at them .

Scarlet :"get back".

Sir peter :"Madam you are still recovering leave it to us".

He walks but I move my hand Infront of his chest and say .

Scarlet :"Don't worry my wounds have already healed".

Knight #1 :"Captain"!

Sir peter turns around and another knight from the carriage behind us appeared .

Knight #1 :"Sir these bandits all have aura ,so don't even think about trying to fight against them".

Aura a feat of strength that a person can achieve to gain unparalleled strength and it comes in elements and with these elements one can use them in any way shape and form . Since my aura is fire I'm immune to fire and any other source of heat damage but I'm vulnerable to ice but there's a catch people can have two elements at once or even more but the more they have elements the weaker their overall elements become as such people who have two are more flexible but weaker than their respective elements .And I'm that exception since I have two you'd expect that I'd be weak with using fire and ice but not only do I retain my original strength I also excell at these elements .

Sir peter :"Madam leave this to us we can definitely do th-".

I cut him off and snapping my fingers a bandit infront of us designated into ash .

Bandit #2 :"Waah billy just got gotten"!

The bandits look in bewilderment and soon one freezes incased inside a piller of ice .

Bandit #4 :"AAAGGH "!!?

With two down I form an ice spear about a meter long and about as thin as a pen and I throw it with all my might .The third bandit didn't have time to blink before the ice spear went through his entire skull and out the other end impaling a tree .

Bandit #5 :"Wanker shut up bef...".

The bandit was stunned by the fact that his colleague was killed and didn't have time to react as fire flexible as a whip yet strong as steel cut through him in a second and since these guys weren't armoured at all it was like a hot knife to butter .

Bandit #1 :"M.... monster....AAAAAAHHHHH"!!!

The last one runs away stumbling and tries to flee into the forest but in a flash I immediately chase him down and with my fingers I pierce his throat and he struggles against me but with ease I lift him up and throw him into the trees . And with that over and done with I walk to the carriage covered in blood and I sit inside like nothing happened ,leaving my knight and sir peter to process what just happened .

Knight #1 :"Sir permission to speak".

Sir peter :"Granted".

Knight #1 :"Are we even needed"?

They both look at each other in doubt ,it really felt bad to see the one your escorting beat aura users that easily which is a feat that 1.47% of people can achieve.

Sir peter :"I don't even know ,my guess is that someone has to drive either way back to post".

Knight #1 :"Ey ey ey sir".

He salutes and he walks away to the carriage behind scarlet's . Nobels especially dukes or princess or princesses have multiple carriages and cars , that is to show of their wealth and prestige .

Scarlet :"You two hurry up".

Knight #1 :"Y...yes mam".

He looks at me saying in a deadpan expression and the knight behind him shivering and all knew he had a pissed scared expression behind his closed metal helm ,sir peter walks up to the carriage and asks .

Sir peter :"Have you gotten stronger"?

Scarlet :"No".

He scratches his head and says .

Sir peter :"Is that so".

Scarlet :"If there's nothing left to be said then let's continue on".

I walk back inside the carriage and sit opposite to the small child covered in dirt and think about all the movements I've done were all felt refreshed could it be his healing method or his blood either why I'll need to look up this child's background .

Sakura :"Aghnn....AAAAHHH"!!!?

He jolts up panting heavily and covered in cold sweat like he just had a bad dream ,he looks at me and sees blood .

Sakura :"I....is this ketchup"?

.....Maybe he isn't as smart as he seems to be .

Sakura :"You know what just don't say it I already know".

He sighs deeply and sits on the floor of the carriage ,like a good little boy .

Scarlet :"What are you doing"?

He looks up at me and says cutely .

Sakura :"I'm just searching for anything to wipe your hand with".

How considering but there have been much more filthy things that have sat here .He takes out a handkerchief and comes closer to my face to which I put a finger over his nose and say .

Scarlet :"What are you doing"?

Sakura :"Jeez calm down I'm only cleaning your bloodied face ,and don't do that again or I might bite your fingers".

His teeth aren't that sharp anyways and he'd look cute if he tried to bite me like a kitten I could take advantage of that .

Scarlet :"Fine then".

He presses his handkerchief on my face and undescribable warmth embraces my face as he attentively scrubs off any blood that is on my face like a mother caring for it's child .

(She couldn't say that any father would have a face as....well pretty as his ,so instead she used mother)

I snap out of my trance as he finally finishes up and breathes a sigh of relief .

Sakura :"And we're all done , wow that thing looks red".

It's still strange when I came inside he was covered in cold sweat like he had a nightmare , I focus on the child Infront of me as he's laughing away with a bloodied handkerchief in his hand .

Scarlet :"By the way".

Sakura turns his head to me as he sits down in his seat .

Scarlet :"I saw you shivering when you were sleeping ,could you explain that to me".

He looks at me for a few seconds and simply says .

Sakura :"No".

Scarlet :"What"?

Sakura :"I said no ,I mean who even are you ,like I know your a duchess and your name is Scarlet but what else".

I....I'm stumped , I always got what I wanted since the people fear me whenever I'm in their general vicinity as them but this child just refused me .

Scarlet :"Hahaha, it seems like you though I was asking but let me say it again why....were....you....shivering".

He sits quiet and looks out the window ignoring my threats to him and he suddenly says .

Sakura :"It's complicated to say the least but I've been used to go through alot of things and I had to make due with what I had and sometimes that involved me in....let's say arguments with the people I work with wether it was as a Merc or general work I always got the short end of the stick and since then you could say I've adapted to this kind of lifestyle ,like how I shiver when there's a fight near me and such".

(He's talking about his previous life not this one)

A life hard enough it changes your body physically and mentally and left scars long enough to tire someone out mentally enough so that he doesn't even know the consequences of words or actions .

(She's referring to when he said he'll bite her fingers or when he talks to her casually ,which is a big case since she's known as a pretty vicious murderer and high in rank even among nobels)

Scarlet :"What kind of jobs did you do"?

Sakura :"Ones that I would never want to do again ,and it's not like I had much of a choice either".

He really didn't want to say what he worked as huh I guess to each their own in privacy ,I think of something to lighten the darkened mood .

Scarlet :"Often times There would be bodies of dead assassins in this carriage".

He looks at me in confusion and I continue to say .

Scarlet :"And often times I lost an arm".

His eyes widened and he wipes his forehead saying .

Sakura :"Must be convenient to have a healer right"?

I nod in agreement and continue with excitement .

Scarlet :"It is reported that this carriage has had the most deaths in the last 10 years".

He bluntly says .

Sakura :"Is that something to be proud of"?

Not understanding what he means I ask .

Scarlet :"Why are you asking"?

He sighs and still sitting on the floor he says .

Sakura :"I mean people often boast about how skilled they are with the sword or assassinations but for me it's always been about cooking or painting".

I mean I've always been good about anything with killing and even with deception ,but I've never been even thought about cooking or painting .

Scarlet :"And your reasoning for these two things"?

He was looking around in thought cutely but he snaps back once I talked to him saying .

Sakura :"It doesn't have to be these two things but it doesn't hurt to be good at cooking or painting especially painting".

I wonder why does he focus so much on painting .

Sakura :"Can you tell me why people paint"?

He looks at me in the eyes and his golden eyes shimmer like a burning star and his cheeks are covered with blood and for some reason it annoys me .

Scarlet :"Hmmm ,an interesting question".

I take out a handkerchief and lean forward to him and he leans back in response .

Sakura :"What are you doing"?

Scarlet :"Don't move".

Using my mana I stop him in place .

Sakura :"N...damnit no fair".

He wiggles around to trying to move in vain and pouts at me and to be honest it made me want to bully him even more .

Scarlet :"Just cleaning your face".

I move my hand closer to his cheek and he bites my hand but it didn't hurt ,it was like a cat trying to play by biting me .

Sakura :"I can do it myself".

I restrict his movement even more to the point he can't even turn his neck and wipe his cheeks which for felt way too soft to my touch so much so that I feared that I would peel his skin off if I wiped to hard .As such I've been delicate to wiping his face and after I'm done wiping his face the handkerchief lost it's white and neat appearance and it was covered with dirt and I throw it beside me for research purposes .

Sakura :"I feel violated".

He crosses his arms over his chest and teary eyed he looked pitiful and it made me want to bully him even more but I contain myself .

Sakura :"Either way ,when are we gonna reach the academy"?

An interesting question the carriage suddenly stops again and now where at the main city gates .

Scarlet :"We're here kid".

I open the door and step outside and Sakura soon follows me and the look on his face says it all the city is the capital and the name is called "fury's den" and here there lies all the Nobel houses and where the throne lies and where the queen scouts out new potential subjects to take under her wing .

Sakura :"This place is awesome"!

From what I can see it's his first time ever seeing anything so grand .Since this is the capital where the queen temporarily resides it's been made into a grand display for all to see where the buildings are decorated with gold and the walls are painted white to show a sign of wealth and prestige .

Sakura :"Alright I guess this is were we part ways".

What!?.....I turn around and he's already waving and leaving...I can't have that .

(*Sakura POV*)

I wave her good bye for the hospitality as I run away to my district ,but I notice I'm not gaining any distance from the carriage I look behind to see Scarlet Looking at me shaking ,I look down to see what's wrong and notice that I'm not even touching the ground .

Sakura :"What?!!....HEY PUT ME DOWN"!!?

I move and wiggle in vain over this obvious sign of abusing power .

Sakura :"Damnit nabbit god damnit"!!

She walks over in a calm fashion as the onlookers are bewildered by her beauty and dazzling red hair .

Sakura :"This is abuse of power you d....devil"!!

She walks over to me and the difference in our height is clear even when I'm floating I can almost meet her eye to eye ,she says in a cold and indifferent tone .

Scarlet :"Here you dropped this".

I look down to see my plushy and it's pretty embarrassing to accuse her when she trying to help me .

Sakura :"O..oh ,sorry for the misunderstanding".

I hurriedly grab it from prying eyes and she lets me down .

Scarlet :"None taken".

I bow to her and soon I leave to the best of my abilities as I head to the academy.

(The capital is split between districts there the military district , agricultural district , the academy district and housing district with a couple more but these don't compare to the three main districts).

I head to the office department and I head inside to get my papers .

(Commoners need identity cards to go to the academy and nobels are exempt from that process except fallen nobels)

I look around the busy office as multiple people come in and out to get their papers and I find an officer who's finally free .

Sakura :"H.. hello there".

The man sighs while looking at the papers and he finally makes eye contact with me and I swear I could see him blushing .

Officer :"H... hello what can I help you with"?

Sakura :"I'm here for the academy".

Officer :"A...ah yes just a second".

He fumbles his papers and finally pulls out the papers for the new students .

Officer :"Name please".

Sakura :"It's Sakura".

A few moments of silence and the man raises his head and says .

Officer :"And last name".

Sakura :".......I don't have one".

A few moments of silence and he sighs saying .

Officer :"Alright Take this for now and since your case is special I'll have to take it up with the head of the department ,but for the mean time enjoy your stay here".

He waves me goodbye as I leave sighing over my predicament .

Sakura :"Now then to head over to the academy ,where was it again"?

I scratch my head as I hear .

Unknown voice :"WATCH OUT"!!!

I look over in the direction of the sound and soon hear after it a carriage rushing over and it's right over my face .

Sakura :"SHIT"!!!?

With all my power of this wimpy body I manage to roll out of the way and smash into my shoulder as a result and soon the carriage stops .

Sakura :"Ah...Ouch".

I try to move my shoulder but it's hurting alot . I stand up and the crowd is bustling over the accident and soon a girl with the academies uniform at same age as mine rushes over .

Female student :"Oh my god are you okay"!?

She gets way to close to my face ,and I have to say not bad she's good....in all the right places .

Female student :"Can you hear me"!!!


I shout in surprisment and sigh deeply .

Sakura :"I'm fine just get away".

I put my hand over her shoulder and push her away as I stand up and soon a the Nobel inside the carriage comes out .