
A Dragons Heart

boymom29 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Trouble in paradise

Morning came quickly, I woke up sore. All the sleep in the world wouldn't soothe my aching muscles, I guess jumping from a cliff did a lot more damage than I thought. Micah was up already, cooking breakfast he seemed agitated.

"Good morning." He said not looking up from the fire before him.

"G..Good morning. " I looked at him quizzically,

"Micah? Is something bothering you?"

"Nope nothing! Let's go get your...friend." He said as he threw water on the fire and stormed out of the cave.

I chased after him confused, had I done something wrong?

"Micah!!" I yelled, running to catch up to him. I put my hand on his arm and forced him to face me

"What?!" He yelled at me turning red in the face, causing me to shrink back. I had never seen him so mad before.

"What's going on with you? We've been separated for who knows how long, why are you acting this way? Have I done something to anger you??"

"I don't know, let's go ask your boyfriend shall we??"

"Micah!" I gasped, tears springing to my eyes.

"How could you say such a thing??"

"Well what am I suppose to think?! You jumped off a fucking cliff for this man!"

"No, I jumped to save my life! Do you honestly think the king would've spared me if I told him anything??" He was silenced as I ranted at him,

"Micah, I love you! Why would I ruin what we have? David helped me I owe it to him to show him the same courtesy. Once hes safe I'll never want to see him again!" I took his hands into mine,

"I wish I knew how to make you see, you're the only man I could ever love. "

Giving him a kiss on the cheek I picked up the dragon and started on my way up there winding path that would lead me to the forest. Glancing behind me I saw that Micah was seated on a boulder, perhaps he needed more time to himself. A tear fell down my cheek, I had thought our bond was strong enough to last through anything. But lately I wasn't too sure. What would happen if we couldn't repair our relationship? Would he leave? Would I?