
A Dragons Heart

boymom29 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


The days went by slowly, I talked to David every chance I got. He started sneaking me extra scraps for the hatchling. Its scales became more vibrant everyday as the dragon regained its strength, soon it was hunting the rats that lived in my cell. I became excited and couldn't wait to tell David the news on how strong the little dragon was getting, I eagerly awaited him to bring my meal.

Hearing the stomp of boots coming toward my cell I couldn't contain my excitement any longer.

"David! I..." Only it wasn't David, I stood face to face with the snarl from a scar faced king.

"Expecting someone my dear?" His voice laced with hatred

"N..no." I lied,

"Where's the man that usually brings my food?"

"Hmm? Oh that trash. He's in the torture chamber."


"Because my dear," A hand shot through the bars clenching around my throat.

"He's been sharing far too much with the prisoners and feeding my food, MY FOOD TO THAT DISGUSTING CREATURE!" He was shouting his response at me, spit landing on my face I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

Releasing me from his grasp I fell to the floor gasping for breath, he let out a maniacal laugh and strode away leaving me sobbing on the ground.

I felt a gentle nudge on my elbow, glancing down I looked into the sorrowful eyes of the dragon.

"It wasn't for nothing." I assured the dragon holding up a rusted key I had managed to swipe during his attack. The dragons eyes lit up, it bounced around the room growling with delight.

"Shhh! Someone will hear you. Tonight we'll leave. " I patted the dragon before hiding the key in my bosom. I needed to come up with a plan to get all three of us out of here.