
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

44. True training pt 2


Osiris suddenly called out after instructing Eris on what to do.

Turning to look his beautiful white-haired wife in the eyes, he spoke out in a commanding tone.

"Bring me that wooden spear lying against that tree over there and stand in front of me".

He said, pointing towards a wooden spear that he had carved himself.

His dragon inheritance knowledge quite literally covered every bit of knowledge one might need in their life, from basic crafting and woodworking to advanced forging and metalwork.

Osiris had spent the entire early morning crafting all the practice dummies and targets by hand, slowly getting more proficient as he did.

It must be said that Osiris wasn't perfect, and just because he knew everything about how to execute an advanced combat technique for instance, he wouldn't be able to perfectly execute it due to the fact that knowing something and actually doing it were two completely different things.

Though with his innate talent and whatnot, it would not take him long before he gets the hang of whatever he is practicing.

Jogging over and grabbing the weapon before rushing back and handing it over, Aria stood about 6ft away from Osiris as he got accustomed to the spears' feel, which was just essentially a long wooden stick with a point at the end.

However even with it being just a wooden stick used for practice, Osiris had put his own artistic flair onto it when he made it, covering it with enigmatic runes shapes that were inspired from artwork typically found on elvish weapons. 

Osiris was always learning new and interesting things everyday from his inheritance, whether it was just history or various common knowledge that he studied in his free time, usually in between battles.

Or like this morning when he was learning the various crafting styles from different races like the dwarves or even dragons.

He had simply thought the elvish crafting style was interesting and decided to imitate it when he was crafting the spear, which in his opinion, turned out well.

Twirling and spinning the spear in circles effortlessly as though he was some ancient grandmaster, Osiris quickly got a hang of the spears weight and size.

Getting into a defensive posture, he instructed Aria.

"I want you to come at me with everything you have, use any attack or strategy you have learned to break through my defense".

And looking at her worried look when he told her to attack him, Osiris smiled as he added in a softer tone.

"Don't worry my love, I can handle everything". 

Looking at his confidence and remembering how strong her husband truly was, Aria threw any distracting thoughts out of her mind as she became resolute.

She did not say anything before launching a swift combo attack that started off with a swing from the left.

As Osiris kept his eyes on Arias body and movements, he didn't even look at her spear as he effortlessly blocked her swing.

Seeing her attack be so easily blocked, it somewhat surprised her at how effortless it was for him since he didn't even look away from her, however she understood that she was still somewhat underestimating and treating Osiris as though he was a human expert like her parents.

But that was completely wrong, as she reminded herself that her husband was a true to the word monster, and made any warrior she had witnessed before put to shame.

Fixing her mindset, she carried on with a barrage of stabs and swings, coming from every angle and using every bit of strength she could muster.

After around 10 minutes of constant attacks, Aria's appearance was beginning to become haggard as she was covered in sweat and breathed heavily.

Even with the increased strength that came with the first order, 10 minutes of constant battle using every bit of her strength quickly tired her out.

Forcing one last jab with her spear aimed at Osiris's head, which Osiris easily parried, Arias legs gave out and she sat on the floor.

"I told you this training will not be easy"

Osiris spoke in a calm tone.

"However you did very well for someone who has been mostly learning by themselves for the past couple of weeks, and only working with the couple of tips I gave along the way".

Hearing Osiris's compliment made Aria happy on the inside, joyful at his acknowledgement of her hard work.

Waiting for her to stand up after a couple minutes to catch her breath, Osiris began instructing Aria on what she needed to improve.

"Overall you have a very good grasp of the basics,  however your posture and footwork need to be adjusted in certain areas".

"Also you need to work on your pacing of battle, since it would be very bad if you always use all of your strength in the beginning and quickly burn out all of your stamina".

"I know you probably thought it was alright since this is only practice, but still, you must take this seriously as if this was a real battle".

"Moreover put more thought into your beginning attack, it should always be used with caution as it is the move that tests your opponents strength and sets the pace for the resulting battle".

"Also you need to look out for.... ".

He continued on, mirroring what he did for Eris as he pointed out all her flaws and mistakes made during the battle.

"All that being said though".

He said at the end of his speech, before walking over and picking up one of the last two journals laying on the ground.

"Both you and Eris have greatly impressed me on how much you have accomplished on your own with only a few tips".

He said while handing the leather journal over to her while she looked at it with an expectant gaze after seeing Eris receive one.

Already guessing what was inside, she didn't even bother flipping through it before jumping up into Osiris's arms and kissing him on the lips to express her joy and love for him.

Breaking away after a couple moments, she calmly said with a smile on her luscious lips.

"Thank you so much, my love".

To which Osiris smiled and held her tighter within his arms.

"Anything for my beautiful wives".

He said in a loving tone and matching her affectionate gaze.

i went back and added some stuff to the end of the last chapter about the journal and stuff since i forgot to add it in yesterday for thoes who keep up with my updates and might have missed what i added.


gn bbg, i see ya ltr

yung_Ericsefcreators' thoughts