
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

43. True training pt 1

The next day.

Somewhere deep within the first ring of dusk forest, surrounded by dense trees and thick foliage mixed with some beautiful flowers and the chirping of distant songbirds as they sang their sweet melodies.

Adam, Aria, Eris and Osiris were standing within a clearing of about 200 ft in radius, the three standing in a row with their weapons in hand, while Osiris stood in front of them with a serious look, as though he was a drill instructor of a military.

Osiris's calm but serious voice suddenly spoke out, as he stared into the eyes of the three siblings.

"I probably don't need to say this, but i will say it anyway".

"You three must take my training very seriously, because I am not doing this out of need but out of care".

"I will always be strong enough to take care of anything that may come my way, that I am confident in, however since the looks in your eyes tell me that you do not wish to be protected all your lives, I will respect your decisions".

He paused, waiting for them to nod their heads to indicate they understood, before continuing.

"I will train you to be prepared for any combat scenario, so that you may survive in this world where only the strong truly have freedom".

"This training will not be easy, for no matter how much I love you two, my precious wives, I will not even allow the two of you to slack off one bit".

He said with a stern tone, however the love that burned uncontrollably within his flame tinted eyes betrayed him somewhat, leaving Eris and Aria with goosebumps of happiness  at his intense gaze.

Before Osiris turned to Adam with a truly serious gaze, not a hint of apathy within.

"Especially you Adam, because I won't sugar coat it". 

"Unless you show me that you truly have the drive and talent that I think you have within you, the only real reason I am training you is because you are the brother of my wives".

And although as harsh as it sounded, Adam did not take what Osiris said in offense, because he understood that what Osiris said was true.

From everything that Osiris had shown him till now, be it his power in combat or his all around knowledge about anything.

Adam knew that Osiris did not need him or anyone else for anything, and was fully capable of doing whatever he wished.

But life had given Adam this opportunity after Osiris saved them that day and fell in love with his sisters, giving him the opportunity to learn from a being who seemed to know everything and to take his life into his own hands, learning from Osiris and becoming something other than a remote village boy that knew how to barely use a sword.

Staring into Adam's eyes after he said those words, Osiris enjoyed the resolve that stared back.

Nodding his head, Osiris took a couple steps back before beginning his instructions.

"As you have noticed, around us are various tools and such we will be using to train and test each of your skills".

He spoke while pointing towards the various contraptions, such as a couple of wooden bullseye targets fashioned out of log segments which Osiris helped to create, along with a couple wooden human-shaped dummies used for sword practice.

"First things first, i want to assess how much of the basics you three understand before we begin with any techniques". 

"A warrior's foundation is the absolute most important part before becoming a true warrior". 

Osiris couldn't help but notice Eris's enthusiasm somewhat lessened after hearing what he said, but he did not confort her as what he said was the truth.

"Eris, we will begin with you".

"Go stand over there and show me what you have learned in the couple of weeks of self practice".

Osiris said while pointing at a mark on the ground within the clearing about 50 feet away from the bullseye targets.

"Yes Master".

Eris spoke in a jovial tone, happy to show off to her husband how much she had improved.

The reason she called Osiris master though, was because that is what he had instructed them to call him while he was teaching them.

Since in this situation, they were his students, and since they were his students for the time being he will treat them as such and they will treat him as their master.

Walking onto the mark, Eris pulled out her bow which was slung around her torso, before drawing an arrow from the leather quiver that was situated along her waist.

Drawing it to maximum tension with her enhanced strength, she aimed down the sight before releasing the arrow with an exhale of breath.

Flying through the air at a rapid pace, the arrow stuck just two inches to the right of the bullseye.

Watching Eris, taking note of all her body movements and posture, as well as any errors she had made while drawing and releasing, Osiris instructed Eris to continue firing 5 more shots.

Looking at the 6 arrows of varying proximity to the bullseye dotted along the board, Osiris contemplated in deep thought for a while.

Eris on the other hand just stood bye in silence as she waited for his instruction.

Looking into her eyes, Osiris gave her all the criticism and notes he had mentally taken.

"Your foot placement is slightly incorrect from the way I had told you from before, you mist plant your feet more sturdy to bring out more power in your draws".

"Your posture is somewhat hunched due to a habit of slouching all your life, you must puff your chest out more and fire with confidence". 

"You also lean in....."

Osiris went on and on, noting all the mistakes in full detail and ways to correct and improve them. 

And hearing all the constructive criticism, Eirs did not feel discouraged, and was even excited by the fact that she was finally getting the chance to improve and learn things that she could not on her own.

"Here, this is a manual i have written on all the basics of archery that you would need to know in order to have a solid foundation".

Osiris suddenly said while picking up a leathor journal that was laying nearby on the ground, before dusting it off and handing it over to Eris.

Taking it and flipping through the pages, immense joy surged within Eris's heart as she lunged at Osiris and pulled him into a deep kiss.

"Thank you my love".

She said after breaking the kiss, her love shining within her eyes.

"Your welcome, though i wouldn't get too excited over this since i will be giving you many more and much grander gifts in the future".

He said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, i will cherish everything you give me".

She spoke with an loving tone, before giving Osiris one last peck on the lips before running off to study.

sry bout the hiatus.

had to take a couple days to relax and get some actual rest.

i had realized that i was beginning to treat this not as a hobby that i enjoyed doing but a duty that i must complete everyday, and in the long run, that was not good as i really do enjoy writing this novel.

however when i force myself to create a chapter every night where i dont even feel like writing, its not fun anymore and would likely end up with me burning out.

but im good, im def not gonna drop or anything, and if i did i would let yall know.

anyway, ill try to drop a chapter every night but dont count on it.

gn bbg, i see ya ltr

yung_Ericsefcreators' thoughts