
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

4.Taking flight

Osiris layed on the forest floor, silently curled up around himself as he willed the mana he just absorbed after eating all of the wolves to wash over his skin and muscles and slowly refined them under his constant effort.

An interesting fact that Osiris took notice of was that according to the inheritance, any normal being going through the any orders within the body refinement realm would have impurities pushed out through their pores from whatever part of they where refining at that time.

However it seemed as though Osiris didn't have any impurities within his skin or muscles at all, as if his entire being was made perfected from birth and that was not normal even for a race such as dragons, who may have a lot less impurities from birth compared to some other races, there where still a few nonetheless.

Which made Osiris wonder who his parents were, or maybe something happened to him before he hatched to give him such a perfect constitution.

It should be noted that the knowledge of his parents or any information about the outside of this universe in this sub-dimension seemed to have been locked away from his mind, though Osiris came to a conclusion that it should be because this was meant to be some sort of trial and everyone within should focus on their own survival.

As the final bit of mana seeped into his skin and muscles, Osiris finally opened his eyes as he let out a breath of turbit air through his nostrils.

"Haaa, i was only a little bit away from entering the mid stage of the first order, though my strength and speed have grown a lot more as a result".

"I can't smell or sense any aura in any nearby location, I guess it's finally time for my first flight and see what's beyond these trees".

He said as he got in the middle of the small clearing the wolves previously inhabited and spread his wings wide, a primal urge to take to the skies suddenly spread through his veins as he flapped his muscular wings, sending surrounding debris and dirt flying into a storm as he felt his feet leave the ground and took off into the skies.

Flight came naturally to him, as easy as breathing, not having any trouble maneuvering past the branches of trees and finally breaking through the canopy to see a breathtaking sight.

A vast forest laid out under him stretching on for hundreds of miles, birds flying in flocks from one direction to another and Osiris even managed to spot a few beasts every once in a while through the gaps in the canopy.

To the north lay a canvas of mountains that seemed to go on for as far as he could see, with one mountain in particular that seemed to dwarf the rest as it even went on beyond the clouds, not allowing Osiris to even see the peak.

To the east lay a wide grassland that stretched out into the horizon, spotting many horse looking creatures galloping through the meadows and some large patches of beautiful flowers blooming within.

To the south on the horizon he spotted a humongous dark blue ocean that seemed to contain all sorts of untold horrors and vicious sea beasts, as well as dark clouds that seemed to eternally hover over it.

And to the west he spotted a desert, who's sand left nothing alive within, only leaving the yellowish white expanse to remain, however there seemed to be a couple outcroppings of material dotted scarcely through the landscape.

What interested Osiris the most though was what he spotted on the periphery of the forest to the east where it met the grass plains.

There he would spot buildings in a small area of land packed together in a village sort of fashion, smoke rising from the chimneys of a couple houses.

Osiris spotted a couple silhouettes moving here or there but was unable to spot what race of creature inhabited said village even with his superior eyesight.

That only made him more curious at what race of sentient beings he would run into since being born, and if he would be able to have a conversation with one of them.

He immediately flew in their direction with untold speed and grace, closing in onto the village within minutes, however once he got close enough he managed to discern the inhabitants of this seemingly remote village.

What he saw was a plethora of races all intermingling with each other, humans, elves, dwarves, and even many blends of demi-humans such as cat, dog, wolf, bear and even fox people.

He had the sudden thought to just fly in and land in the town square, the common sense part of the inheritance let him know however, that was probably the quickest way to draw a panic and get attacked.

And though he felt he would have no problem slaughtering this entire village, that was not what he wanted as he felt the need to converse with the inhabitants of this planet and get the lay of the land as his inheritance only told him about cultivation and common knowledge, and not the specifics of this universe and planets as it has only just been created for 1,000 years according to his internal clock and had no knowledge on the names or political hemisphere that laid within each of them.

Yes he may not have been conscious about his surroundings while within the egg, however the moment his egg was dropped into this world his internal clock had begun, always allowing him to know how much time has passed.

Back to Osiris, he soon spotted a clearing in the forest somewhat near the village, and he flew over and dropped below the canopy and landed on the ground.

He then willed within himself and felt his entire body change, and with a flash of light, what stood in the place of a once 15 ft tall dragon was now a drop dead handsome 7ft tall naked man.

His hair a void black main that dropped down to the middle of his shoulder blades, his tall body muscular and fit like a bodybuilder who has been training all his life for an award, though not too bulky, and without an inch of fat on him.

The truly discernible characteristics however were the two obsidian black horns that jutted from his head, the black scaly tail that swayed behind him, as well as the black scales that ran along his shoulders and the base of his neck.

What was the most discernible and breathtaking characteristic of him though were still his eyes, the same slit irises and flaming pupils as when he was in his dragon form.

Osiris will be mainly staying in his dragon form for most of the story as ive read many dragon novels where they stay in their demi-form most of the time and the dragon form barely gets any of the spotlight, however Osiris will be staying in his dragon form most of the time unless he is having an interaction with someone who requires it.

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