
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

35. Training prep end


The sound of the sword being pulled out of the snake's large skull being the only noise in the otherwise dead silent forest.

It was as though no being was willing to make a noise in fear of being the next victim of Osiris's brutal butchering spree.


Osiris, swinging the blade out and clearing it of the excess blood, then sheathed it within the scabbard on his waist.

Turning around, Osiris calmly walked over to the three siblings who were standing in a daze, staring at the corpse of the snake as though they were still processing the battle that they had just witnessed.

This went on for about 5 minutes, just simply standing there contemplating, while Osiris stood by silently, allowing them to comprehend and learn in silence.

Eventually though they came out of their revere, and Osiris casually handed back Adams sword while asking.

"So how was it, did you manage to comprehend anything of value?".

To which Adam replied in a serious tone, his hand resting on his chin as he articulated his thoughts.

"I believe so, watching the way you wielded the blade in a certain manner as well as your timing and the strength you put behind every strike gave me inspiration for the creation of my own technique".

Osiris smiled at his answer and spoke calmly.

"Good, it's important that you don't strive to copy me but integrate everything you comprehend into your own style, for only true warriors blaze their own trail".

After they finished their discussion, Eris jumped into Osiris's arms energetically while speaking.

"You're so amazing my love, the way you move and attack is simply breathtaking, I can't help but get lost in your movements".

Joining her sister, Aria also got into his embrace and spoke, her tone much calmer than the energetic Eris.

"Indeed husband, you are truly beautiful when you fight".

Grinning at his wives compliments, he couldn't take it anymore and said.

"Thank you my loves".

Before giving each of them a deep kiss on the lips, conveying his love and appreciation for them through the intimate acts.

Once again, Adam was left to wander away to the nearby forest while the three had their moment.

About 10 minutes later, he returned to see his sisters and Osiris talking to each other with the same loving eyes and smiles they always got when they were with each other.

One thing he noticed however was that Aria and Eris seemed to be blushing, the way they looked at Osiris seemed to convey that they urgently wanted something and along with their uneven breathing, Adam could guess what it was.

He wryly smiled while walking over to them, once he got near, Eris quickly spoke.

"Adam, great your back".

"I was just about to go get you before we headed home".

Looking up at the sky, Adam noticed that it was already beginning to turn hues of red and orange as the sun began to set.

Before they left, Osiris had one last thing to say.

"I hope each of you managed to learn something today, and don't worry too much about comprehending your own path yet".

"I want to get to the peak of the third order before training you three officially since it will take a lot of time before I would be able to break through to the fourth order".

"So you have about 2 weeks to a month at most to prepare your minds and bodies for training".

All three nodded in acceptance, before Osiris turned to his dragon form and ate the snake's large body, afterwards he let Eris and Aria onto his back.

Grabbing Adam into his right claw and making sure his wives were secure, Osiris took off into the sky.

The landscape bathed in the setting rays of the sun's light left a cascade of vivid beautiful colors, beams of light passed through the sparse clouds giving the effect as though the light was connecting the land and skies together.

Looking up at the myriad of red, pink and orange colors that seemed to replace the fading baby blue backdrop of the sky was a breathtaking sight to behold indeed.


Was the only words the siblings could mutter as they witnessed the canvas of beauty, never before seeing it so close and clear from this high up.

None of them spoke, burning the memory into their minds in a way to never forget these peaceful times.

It was indescribable in a way, but they could feel in their hearts that something was coming, something that would change all of origin as they know it.

Reaching home, the three had dinner using meat from a peak first order deer that Osiris had caught a couple days ago.

Finishing their meal, Adam made his way into his own room, tired from the long day he had.

Getting up from the table and heading into the kitchen, Osiris got in the middle of the two sisters as they were both in front of the sink washing dishes.

Grabbing both of them by the ass, he kneaded them with a firm grip as he whispered into their ears with a husky tone.

"I'm going to go take a shower, i want both of you ready and waiting when i get out".

Before smacking them both on the ass at the same time and getting two small moans and stares from his wives.

Their gazes held love hearts in their eyes while he returned them with a predatory grin.

Walking away and heading into the bathroom, he casually got out of his dirty clothes and took a shower, removing all the dirt and grime collected while in the midst of combat.

Getting out and putting on nothing but a pair of black wool pants that clung to his lower half, outlining the contours of his muscular thighs and shredded calves, and no shirt.

Opening the door to his room, the sight that greeted him made a fire blaze within him that drove him absolutely crazy.

pretty early chapter and a cliffhanger for thoes who keep up with daily updates ;)

did nothing new except read "deities starting from goblins" all day which was whatever since its a translation and you know how that usually goes :(

but other than the quality of the translation the story is pretty decent.


gn bbg, i see ya tmrow

yung_Ericsefcreators' thoughts