
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

32. Training Prep pt 5

Finishing off the griffin with that one final thrust, Osiris pulled the spear out, slashing it out in a wide arc to his right to remove the blood that had coated the tip, and set the but of it down onto the ground to rest.

Looking up from the griffins lifeless eyes that seemed to beg for a mercy that Osiris didn't have, he met the stunned faces of the siblings.

Their expressions a mix of awe, reverence and a hint of terror as they stared at Osiris's bloodied figure, who's which was not his own.

Curious at their expressions, Osiris questioned in a calm tone.

"What is it, why are you staring at me like that".

To which seemed to bring them back to reality as they blinked repeatedly, remembering the battle they had just witnessed.

The first to reply was Aria, as she began walking over to where Osiris stood with even strides.

"We were just simply amazed at your strength and technique my husband, we have never witnessed such a battle in our lives, even when our parents took us to watch them hunt".

"Then what was that hint of fear I saw in your eyes".

He questioned as Aria got closer, laying her hand on his chest and saying.

"Hmm it was just a sudden thought that if we put ourselves into the griffins place, how swiftly and brutally would we be killed by an overpowered monster like you".

To which Eris and Adam both nodded with serious expressions, after following Aria over to Osiris a couple feet behind.

"But when I think about how this overpowered monster is now my husband, it brings me joy to no end".

Aria suddenly continued while breaking out into a beautiful smile that took Osiris's heart away, causing him to smile as well.

"You're so beautiful, my wife".

He said before grabbing her by the waist and pulling her in, leaning down into a seething kiss.

Arias' arms instinctively wrapped around his neck and pulled them both deeper into the kiss, not caring about the two spectators at all.

While Adam simply turned around with an amused smile, walking a bit away to look at the flora and fauna of the beautiful forest while the lovebirds have their moment.

Eris, on the other hand, was staring at her sister jealously, mad that she had taken the chance to steal a kiss from him first.

The kiss got more intense by the moment, starting with a normal makeout shifted into an erotic scene, when Aria pushed her tongue into Osiris's mouth and began wrestling with his own.

Knowing that they only had so many hours left today, Osiris reluctantly had to break the kiss with Aria after a couple minutes.

Arias face was flushed entirely, with rugged breaths and a hazy look in her eyes, seeing that look made Osiris go crazy, but he held it in and reluctantly spoke.

"I still have to help out the other two today, my love".

She nodded her head slightly

"We will pick up where we left off tonight my love".

She whispered in his ear seductively, and even bit his ear in provocation.

Osiris taking that as a challenge, stared at Aria with a lustful look that sent shivers down her spine.

Turning his gaze to see Eris's jealous look, Osiris couldn't help but smile at her cute reaction, loving her possessiveness over him.

He held out his arms and spoke.

"Come here my love".

To which she lit up with a bright smile, quickly sprinting over and jumping into his embrace, and landing with her arms around his neck.

Feeling the softness of his wifes large chest against his clothes, Osiris caught her with his left arm, wrapping it around her thin waist, and brought his right hand up to her chin, tilting it up so that they made eye contact and leaned into her soft lips.

Quickly skipping the normal bits and getting straight into tongue on tongue action, as they wrestled in eachothers mouth, getting lost in their taste and loving affection.

Going on for a couple minutes like he did with Aria, Osiris also broke the hot kiss with Eris as well, slowly lowering her onto her own feet.

Her complexion was the same as Arias, breathless and flushed, and though reluctant as well, she also understood that they shouldn't waste too much time.

Giving one last peck on the cheek, Eris made her way over next to Aria, who had now recovered from her massy state.

Noticing that they had finished with their business, Adam made his way over to the lovebirds and spoke.

"I think I heard something over there while looking at the trees".

He said as he pointed west, the opposite way from where they had landed was in the east.

Acknowledging him, Osiris quickly turned into his dragon form and ate the large griffin in less than 5 bites.

Seeing him eat the griffin all by himself, Eris couldn't help but become curious and say.

"How come you only bring peak first order beasts home for dinner and never anything stronger, seeing as how you can easily kill something like that".

To which Osiris calmly informed.

"The reason i dont bring something stronger or let you eat a piece of this griffin is because they simply have too much mana within their meat".

"Simply put, your bodies are too weak to handle this much mana all at once and could lead to mana poisoning, or worse if I had let you eat something like this mid third-order griffin, your bodies might just simply explode from excess mana".

And hearing him talking about exploding so calmly like it was nothing sent shivers down their spine, before they all rapidly nodded their heads, showing that all understood and would not risk their lives anytime soon.

Seeing their reactions made Osiris chuckle a bit before they all started in the direction Adam had pointed to, and soon came upon an unknown beast.

anotha day anotha nickle, if ya know what im saying.

ive discovered a cool little sub-genre called midwest emo which i thought sounded pretty good to be honest even if i cant understand the words sometimes.

idk ig imma start treating this part as my own little blog or sum ig.

my own little piece of the world which only the people who enjoy my book listen to :)

anyway its 5am and i needed to go to sleep like 4 hours ago so imma catch you guys on the flip side.

gn bbg, i see ya tmrow

also drop a power stone and recommend my book to ur friends if u want to, i dont really care if you share it or not since im not making any money off of this and gonna be keeping this novel free but i like seeing the number of veiws go up :)

yung_Ericsefcreators' thoughts