
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

29. Training prep pt 2

Listening to what he said, Aria and Eris both perked up and looked at Osiris with excitement bubbling in their eyes.


Eris spoke first, before Osiris responded with a smile and a nod, making Eris literally jump with joy before kissing Osiris on the lips and exclaiming.

"Yay! Lets gooo!".

And though Aria didn't show it like Eris did, he could tell from the look in her eye that she was excited as well, moving in for a kiss before saying with a loving smile, which only seemed to appear when Osiris was around.

"Thank you husband".

As they moved apart, Osiris finally looked at Adam, who seemed very pumped up as well.

"Are we going to need to buy camping equipment in the village?".

"I don't know how fast you can run, but from the fact that you can go deep into the forest and make it before sundown, I know we won't be able to keep up with you".

And hearing what Adam said, Osiris broke out into a chuckle.

"Oh we won't need any camping equipment, i can definitely get all of us back before sundown".

Osiris said with a smirk, however this seemed to leave Adam confused as he said.

"Then how exactly are we going to all get there and back in time, we don't exactly have a carriage with horses, or roads leading into the forest at that?".

Seeing his confusion, as well as Eris and Arias curious gazes, Osiris simply responded with a.

"Follow me".

Before turning towards a nearby clearing that was a little far away.

Noticing his cryptic words, their only option was to follow him in curious silence.

When they got to the clearing, Osiris turned around and started walking backwards with a slightly serious expression.

"Stay right here, and don't get scared by what you see"

When he got into the middle of the large clearing, a sudden burst of white light flashed and blinded the trio for a moment, covering their eyes with their hands and looking away.

But when they turned back, they saw what they could only describe as a massive black lizard with wings, adorned with terrifyingly sharp teeth and large obsidian horns.

Its mere presence as it loomed above made them feel insignificant and tiny, as though its mere presence let them know they were in the presence of something unfathomable.

Its gaze as though it could see through their very existence, their every thought and feeling being seen through.

Adam, Aria and Eris weren't just scared, they were petrified, completely forgetting Osiris earlier words as their minds went blank and the only thing they could do was stand, trembling with fear.

Osiris, seeing their reaction, quickly retracted his aura which he had unconsciously released upon returning to his original form.

"My apologies, some of my aura leaked out unconsciously".

Osiris apologized, resulting in the siblings' state of fear and panic being broken by the sound of his deep guttural draconic voice.

Aria, the most stable of the three, spoke with a tremble in her questioning voice.

"O‐osiris, i-is that y-you?".

To which Osiris did not respond with words, but action, as he brought his large head, which was almost as big as Arias entire body, down towards her.

His head, careful not to hurt her, gently nuzzled into her body in a sweet gesture, before moving back a little ways away and staring at her with the same loving gaze he always had when he was with his wives.

Feeling the care of his touch, and staring into those blazing eyes of her husband that always looked at her with affection, Aria immediately and intrinsically knew that the terrifying creature before her was indeed her husband.

But that sense of terror quickly turned into amazement and adoration, mixed with a hint of curiosity which was completely out of her character.

"Wow, you look amazing my love".

"What in the world are you, to be able to turn into such a huge creature?".

Osiris, hearing her words and seeing the sparkle in her eyes, couldn't stop himself from laughing at his usual calm and collected wife's sudden character change.

"Hahaha, thank you for the compliment".

"And technically this is my original form and my human appearance is my second form".

He replied with a toothy smile, and when Eris listened to their conversation and understood what was going on, finally chimed in with her own laughter.

"Hehehe, so this is husband's true form".

She spoke while sprinting up to Osiris's lowered head and latching onto it with a wide hug, which Osiris did not refuse as Eris began rubbing along his hard scales.

Aria even joined in on the fun, going up to the other side of his head and feeling along his hard but warm scales.

Adam, watching this scene, didn't find it appropriate to go up and touch him, feeling that the only reason Osiris allows it is because Aria and Eris are his wives, and that anyone else would most likely get turned to mist before even setting a finger on him.

Though he did have some questions of his own, as he spoke.

"So you said you were a dragon, is this what all people of your race look like?".

Osiris, pulling his attention away from his wives, responged.

"For the most part yes, though the people of my species come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colors".

"For instance there is the eastern dragon clan within the dragon race that does not have wings, but a long slender body with four shorter arms".

"Along with all the elemental dragon clans that come in every color you can think of, like red, blue, green, gold, silver, and so on".

"My people come in many different ways, but most similarities we all share in common are our horns, scales, and head".

And upon hearing Osiris's description left Adam amazed at the vast plethora of clans in the dragon race.

Aria, having calmed down from her initial surprise, voiced a question of her own.

"If there are so many varieties of dragon, then how come we, or anybody, have never seen any other dragon before?".

"Not even so much as a rumor or sighting of one?".

To which Osiris calmly responded.

"That is because none of the other dragons in this galaxy have yet to hatch, for I am the first of my people to awake".

"Galaxy?, what's that?".

Eris interjected, followed by Arias nod, leaving both of them staring at Osiris in curiosity, including Adam as well, listening in on their discussion.

However Osiris felt it wasn't the right moment to be having this conversation, stating.

"I will teach you three everything you need to know when the time comes, for now, all you need to know is that you guys are too weak to understand what I would tell you and it is simply way too early for you to be thinking about it".

Hearing his reply somewhat disappointed them, especially when he told them that they were too weak, however knowing that their husband would tell them when the time came made them feel a little better.

Suddenly, Osiris stood up and backed a bit away, before lowering one of his massive wings into something like a ramp.

"How about you two climb up onto my back so we can fly deeper into the forest".

And when Eris and Aria heard fly, their hearts sped up excitedly in anticipation at the prospect of flying within the skies.

After they had climbed up, Adam had walked over to Osiris's wing as well, about to climb aboard when Osiris retracted his wing.

Looking up at him with confusion, Osiris clarified with a serious tone.

"Apologies Adam, but riding on a dragon's back is a sacred and taboo thing within our race".

"No dragon let's someone on their back unless it's their wife or husband, or someone they deem worthy".

"And personally I only deem my wives worthy, nobody else, not even you".

Seeing the deathly seriousness in his face and hearing his tone, Adam could tell this was something that Osiris was willing to die for, and Adam would respect his wishes.

"Then how will I tag along with yall?".

Adam asked, to which Osiris simply grabbed him with one of his giant claws, responding.

"I will carry you".

goddanm, that guitar riff on like a stone from audioslave brings out a mans soul dude i tell u what.

and is it just me or does the singer from pearl jam sound the same as creed, idk maybe that was just the way it was back then.

also my freaky ass made it all the way to chapter 80 of my dress up darling manga in one day and i gotta say, that sh*ts fire

anyway, yall need to start to drop them power stones on ya man, or someones gonna wake up with no copper wire in their walls and a box fan with one leg missing

gn bbg, i see ya tmrow *wink*

yung_Ericsefcreators' thoughts