
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

14. Bonding experience

Looking down at his arms, it was still the same beautiful abyss black colored scales, except now when you stared close and long enough at them, you could see every scale shone with a mesmerizing beauty as if they were scales made by mana itself.

And when Osiris flexed the muscles within his body, he could feel the power he wielded had magnified to a degree that left him astonished.

He felt as though he could easily defeat himself when he was in the peak first order before the operation.

Even though the lion had barely put up a fight when first fought it, now he felt as though he could have taken it down with the first swipe of his claws that had previously only left a grievous wound.

When Osiris finally finished his introspection, he realized that the pain was very much worth it, since his body had almost doubled in power.

And it seemed that his power wasn't the only thing that doubled, as his size had doubled as well, measuring 30 ft long and 20 ft tall.

Now he felt the need to head even deeper into the forest and attempt a battle against third order beasts, however that would have to wait as the sun was beginning to sit behind the horizon, casting deep shadows within the forest.

Osiris decided to head back for the day and pick up where he left tomorrow, since he didn't want to leave the sibling waiting for too long.

Taking off to the skies once again, Osiris quickly flew in the direction of treehaven village with even quicker speed and got there within the span of a little more than ten minutes, almost half the time it took him to venture into it.

Along the way, Osiris picked up a peak first order tiger by swooping down and nabbing it out of a tree it was sleeping in just like an eagle would hunt, leaving the tiger bewildered for a moment before Osiris broke its neck quickly and painlessly.

When he got near the outskirts of the forest half a mile away from treehaven village, he landed in a clearing and transformed back into his humanoid form this time however, he was fully clothed as his clothes were somehow magically back on his body.

Though for a split second in the morning when he first transformed his body into his dragon form, he could sense his clothes disappear and enter a different space within himself unconsciously.

He had no idea how it worked, but he could instinctually feel that he would understand what it was once he reached the fourth order.

For now though, he simply brushed it off and pulled the tiger over his shoulder, heading into the village with a casual pace, careful not to overuse his strength and not leave craters with every step he took.

Walking past the entrance of the village, Osiris saw something he didn't get the chance to see before, as the village folk lit all sorts of lanterns and torches on their houses and other areas, lighting up the village in a warm light on a cold evening night.

Quickly passing through the village, he made it to the north side of the village and knocked on the front door of the siblings house.

"I'll get it".

Hearing Eris's cheerful voice on the other side of the door, an unconscious smile spread along Osiris's lips as he heard the patter of her footsteps before she opened the door.

Her eyes lit up with joy when she saw Osiris standing in the doorway.

"Welcome home!".

She enthusiastically said before quickly wrapping her arms around his back in a deep hug, though only for a moment as she quickly realized her rashness and current audience.

Pulling away as quickly as she came, she hid her face with her hands as a deep blush bloomed on it and she ran back to the kitchen.

Both Adam and Aria were in the living room, each whitnessing the scene with differing reactions.

Adam being an amused one while he shook his head, and Aria with a jealous glint in her eyes on an otherwise calm face.

Osiris however took it all in and just chuckled at what happened before asking Adam.

"Is there anywhere I could use to skin and butcher this tiger for tonight's meal?".

Adam, upon hearing the question finally noticed the large tiger on Osiris's shoulder and proceeded to whistle approvingly while nodding.

"We sure do, there's a table in the backyard we use for all the butchering, though we mainly use it for smaller animals, it should be barely large enough for that tiger".

"If you go down the hallway there should be a door to the left right before the bathroom behind a curtain, through there is the laundry room that leads to the backdoor".

Osiris then nodded back as he went down the hallway and sure enough, there was a curtain hanging on the left which previously Osiris thought nothing of.

However, sure enough when he pulled it to the side he saw a decent sized laundry room with a makeshift wooden contraption used for washing clothes, and further down past it was a back door with a window on it that led a porch area with an overhang roof and a butchering table covered with spots of dried blood from past meals.

Heading outside, Osiris placed the tiger to the side before cleaning off the table with a wet rag he found draped over a bucket of water.

Once the table was cleaned, he placed the tiger on it before finding a large butcher's knife along with a skinning knife, which he cleaned as well before beginning to slowly slice along the animal's hide skillfully like a seasoned master.

Osiris had absorbed as much knowledge about butchering as he could while he was flying over the forest searching for prey in anticipation for this moment when he would need to use them.

While he was skinning the tiger, he suddenly heard the back door open and close, and as he looked up to see what happened, he saw Aria slowly walking towards him at a measured pace before standing to his right and observing what he was doing.

"So you know how to butcher animals too?".

She asked calmly, however despite her calm tone, Osiris noticed the curiosity brimming within her eyes as she stared at what he was doing.

"Indeed I do, would you like for me to teach you?".

Hearing his reply, Aria nodded her head in a way that Osiris found cute before he gestured her to come closer while he handed her the skinning knife.

Once she stood in front of the tiger, Osiris got behind Aria and gently took her by the hands before skillfully leading and teaching her the process of skinning an animal.

"You're gonna want to make fluid clean strokes when cutting the hide, otherwise it loses the value of the hide and quality of the meat if you were to accidentally cut into it".

As he was teaching her, Osiris saw how serious and deep into the learning process she was, so he decided to be a little playful with her and do something unexpected.

Making sure she wasn't on an important part of the animal and the knife was at an angle that she wouldn't accidentally harm herself if she got spooked.

Osiris suddenly crouched down and sensually bit Aria on her right earlobe, suddenly causing her to flinch and drop the knife while she let out a surprised moan, after which she quickly covered her mouth with her hand and burst out with a heavy blush.

Looking at Osiris with an aggrieved look, he couldn't help but let out a deep chuckle while apologizing.

"Hahaha, sorry but you looked just too cute with that serious expression on your face that i couldn't help but play a little prank".

Hearing his words, and him calling her cute, she couldn't help but blush a bit more before picking up the knife and washing it off, resuming where she left off with Osiris's hands around hers assisting.

Unlike before though, her expression was not as serious and Osiris even noticed a small smile formed at the corner of her lips barely perceptible but still there.

another day another chapter for the loyal fans, gn bbg i see ya later

yung_Ericsefcreators' thoughts