
A Dossier of The Fantastical

I Hunted the Creeps who go bump in the night. Hopefully you Reading will keep you from winding up a drained husk, a thrall, a bloody meat patch on the ground, or one of the things themselves that go bump in the night.

Wargodof04 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Dossier Introduction

If your reading this Well of course I'm Already Dead. My Assistant Anne has posted this because we saw fit to aid a new Generation to survive the Night. So if we were to fall holding the line against the terrors the night her cruel self holds that all would not be lost. I Guess since I'm dead you can know who I am — Well was. My Name it's

Donathon Stephanos and I've been hunting these beings for about 700 years. Oh I forgot to mention I am a vampire some would call me a betrayer of the night, but that matters not in the end. Now let's get down to it.