
You're Kind Of Impossible To Resist

Maisie was looking into the components of the curse and trying to deconstruct them so she could devise a countercurse. She was convinced that both a shifter and a witch needed to cast it and had already conscripted Damien for the job since she wasn't sure if it would work if the cursed people did it. 

Simon could only hope it was effective. That she figured out how to make it happen before the deadline so he didn't have to see Delia die for the twenty-second time. 

The rest of the trip went smoothly enough after that. He didn't let on that he had overheard anything and they were able to enjoy their time with Delia's family. He thought it went very well, actually. 

"You have Hannah's stamp of approval," Delia said with a laugh when they were in the airport to head back home. 

Simon smiled at her. "That's a relief. Wouldn't want your family to dislike me."